Okay, this is my first story and I'm so nervous I'm shaking and weak-kneed. I was writing this for my friend and she's making me put it on here. I don't own any of the Degrassi stuff (I'm supposed to say that, right?) Ack, I dunno. Just read it and review pleeease. oh! And watch this video my friend made! It's on youtube and it's called Sweetheart, you're sadly mistaken Eli/Clare/KC fanfic trailer.
Chapter 1: First Kiss.
"How can you listen to that crap, Red?" groans a voice that is all too familiar. I look up from my laptop to see bright blue eyes and a lopsided grin. Eli's leaning on my table, looking oddly out of place. His dark/gothic outfit stands out against the yellow walls of my kitchen. As if to add to the irony of his attire, a cross hangs behind his head. Christian rap bellows between us.
"Oh, and what you listen to is so much better?" I retort. When we drive to Degrassi in Morty, his hearse, my ears are butchered by people screaming curses and wailing about how worthless their lives are. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. I squint at my laptop, re-reading the words that I have written.
"Here," I sigh, turning the pc to Eli. "Is this good?" I nervously chew on my lip as those blue eyes scan the page. My language arts teacher is still ragging at me about how my writing holds no emotion. I'm trying, but I think it turns out sappy and whiny.
Eli shrugs a dark covered shoulder, pointing a midnight waltz colored nail at the screen. "Too impersonal," He states, leaning back in the chair.
My red curled bangs fly up as a blow out an aggravated breath. "This sucks." I huff, crossing my arms like a two year old.
"Pretty much," a smirk tugs at the corner of his lip.
I stick out my tongue. "Thanks for your support. I forgot you were the one who wrote the bible."
The sarcastic look deepens on his pale face, seeping into his eyes. Leaning back too far, Eli lets out a curse as his chair slips out from under him. He desperately tries to make a grab at something to no avail. I go over to where the goth boy now lays and giggle.
"Score one for karma." I tease, leaning down in front of him.
"Doesn't that mean karma has to come for you next?" He asks, arching an eyebrow. Before I can respond, he pulls me to him, connecting our lips.
Instantly, I melt. Our lips mold together perfectly. Eli's kisses always make my heart flutter like the wings of a humming bird. My mind takes a little holiday, which is always needed. He cups my cheeks, pulling me closer. The kiss turns into one of desperation and passion.
This time though, my mind is working. Hard. It brings me back to when I shared my first kiss with KC. I remember him running away in the middle of his first game in basket ball because he kept messing up. I followed him because we were good friends. I watched as he threw things all over the tiled floor. My heart filled with sorrow, not fear.
"GET OUT!" He roared.
I shook my head, voice coming out softly. "KC…"
"I said LEAVE!" He barked. We went back and forth for a while before his adrenaline stopped pumping. He looked at me, brown eyes full of sadness. "I can't believe I messed up my big chance." He said miserably.
I sat next to him, patting his knee. "You'll get other chances. KC, you've got talent."
His eyes reminded me of a shelter dog. Full of love but also deep sadness. KC looked from me to my hand before raising his own to my cheek. He kissed me then. A soft kiss. A great kiss. My first kiss.
We were great for a while, KC and I. Until this girl, Jenna, came along and used her silky blond hair, big blue eyes, and chest to lure KC away from me. The day of our three month anniversary, and the day KC won the Most Improved Player award, he cheated on me with Jenna.
I was sad and betrayed at first. I mean, I really did like KC. But then Eli almost ran me over with his hearse, which is ironic, if you think about it. The way I felt about him after first sight was like he DID hit me with his car. A car jam packed with emotions. I wasn't even mad that he ruined my glasses.
My mind goes numb again as Eli's tongue traces the outside of my lip. Something inside of me stirs. My mouth opens as an immediate response. There's nothing that could ruin this moment, I think as soon as my parents come home.
I start, pulling away from him. His hand smoothly detangles itself from my hair. Eli's grinning as wide as the Cheshire cat. I run my hands through my hair, doing damage control. "They're gonna be in here any second." I whisper, eyes widening with nerves.
Eli shrugs, keeping his cool. Swiftly, he pulls my chair down. It lands on the floor with a loud thud. "OW!" He yelps. The chair was at least a foot away from him.
"Eli! Are you okay?" I race to put the chair up and return to my boyfriend's side. Concern is plastered on my face and I manage to kneel at his side just as my parent's walk in. Sometimes he's too clever.