I watched her as she stared out the big windows. She was sitting in her black chair, she had her legs pulled up to her, and her arms circled tightly around her legs. She was quiet, thinking. Her black hair was being held by a clip, her bruises were showing, and she had ice on her eye. She wouldn't talk about the mission she had just been on. I still haven't told her about the whole Alex-Jaden-Catalog mission. With trying to stop Division, freeing Alex, keeping me safe with the jammers, I didn't want her worrying over me. I walked over to her with the new ice pack. She took it; her fingers shook as she did. When her hands touched myne, they were freezing. I took my jacket off and threw it over her shoulders. She smiled.
"Remember the mission where I had to stand in for Percy at a gala, and you were the arm candy?" she laughed at the memory.
"I got mad at you because you were being mean." she smiled.
"I was being professional." I said as I picked her up and took her chair and put her on my lap.
"I wanted emotional." she said leaning her forehead on myne. I carefully took the ice pack out of her hands, as her hands made their way to the back of my neck and myne wounded in her hair.
"Is this emotional?" I asked her, she smirked.
"Shut up and kiss me, Michael." so I did. I picked her up and her legs tightened around my waist. One of my hands found her waist to support her weight, though she is very light. Sooner than later we ended up on her bed. She was unbuttoning my shirt and I was working on her shirt. We toppled over and soon we were in bliss. My mind kept going back to that mission.

"Michael!" I heard from my kitchen. I was getting ready because we were going out on a mission.
"What?" I called back as I buttoned my pants. She would be getting ready with Amanda, except for the fact that Amanda and Percy were tied up with the CIA and was not able to go like planned. So I was placed in the mission. Amanda had brought over Nikita's things and my suit and Percy had then told me what was happening. This was our first kill job-mission together. Well, except for Victor Hon, but that didn't really count because I was not with her, with her. Standing besides her taking out the guys one by one.
She appeared in my doorway and the sight of her shook me from my thoughts. Her dark hair curly, I mean curly, I had actually never seen it curly. Her dress was beautiful, it was -describe dress and shoes-
"I'm stuck." she said as she twirled around on her heel facing her back to me, her zipper was halfway done. I chuckled as I walked over. I pulled the zipper back down and the pulled up.
"What do you think of the switch?" she asks as she lifted her hair and finished the zipping.
"I think. . . . That I need to finish getting ready." I said as I went back to the clothes on my bed.
"Oh, yeah, same here." She said a bit of hurt seeped through her words, and I felt guilt.
"Nikita." I said, but too late, she was already back in the living room. She was trouble, I knew she would be. She was already pivoting me to her mind. She was becoming my weakness. I haven't felt this since Elizabeth, but it was different then it was with Elizabeth. This feeling was stronger, tougher. I could feel the pull of Nikita, her drawing me in. I had known her for months now. She was about to do a kill job, her graduation assignment. She was there, on the cusp of being an agent.
I ran my hand over my face; I needed to get a grip, because she was in the other room. I quickly finished getting ready and laced up my shoes jamming my feet in and tying them, ready to go. I walked out of my room and into the living room/ kitchen. She was doing . . . dishes?
"What are you doing?" I asked her. She jumped and the dish fell out of her hand, and shattered when it hit the floor.
"Damn it!" she yelled. Then looked at me, her eyes were sparkling but not in the good way. "You don't sneak up on me." she said her voiced raised. She walked away from the broken plate, grabbing her purse and keys. She stormed to the door with me trailing her. She opened the door and stormed to elevator. People who were in the hall looked at us. When the elevator opened in her pace was elegant, her body relaxed, a change I didn't notice while checking out the faces of those watching us, and she hit the ground floor button and stood there.
"Nikita?" I said stepping toward her. She took a step away. I stopped and stayed quiet and the levels passed us. When we hit our floor, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We walk out of the complex and over to my car. As I reached for my keys. Nikita was already in the front seat, car was started. I sighed in defeat; it felt like we were dating! I climbed in to the passenger side.
"I get it you know? You don't want anything because of your wife, and I get it. I want to help you get the bastard who killed them, but don't treat me like there is nothing between us. I feel it, I don't know if you do. But from here on out, Michael, you can't switch the emotions, you have to pick one." She said I looked at her; she was so relaxed that it was hard to believe that her words were so tense. I stared at her. She was driving with one hand, but it wasn't clenched up at all. There was absolutely no sign to show how she was feeling.
"I don't know what to do. Nikita, I wish we could be like other people, walk down the streets holding hands, go to movies, make out in my apartment. But we can't, we are Division agents, we can't have distractions, we can get cancelled for this. I care about you, which is why I protect you. I don't know what happened, but I have never been this close to a recruit and I want to be by you when you on missions or sit in your room and watch crazy movies. But I will protect you first, and that means doing everything to never get you cancelled." I said, I watched her face but she stayed where you couldn't read her face. Her hand found and finally she smirked.
"Never knew Michael could be so deep and profound." she mocked me. I chuckled and smirked.
"I have my moments. Now let's get you graduated." I said as I leaned back into the headrest.

I woke up before her, it was an hour or two before I have to go to work. I ran my fingers through her hair, after a while she stirred.
"You need to get ready." she said though her voice was full of sleep.
"I love you." I said, her eyes focused and her face softened. Her hand caressed my cheek and a soft smile appeared.
"I love you, too." she said as she pulled me down. It was just a peck but it was sweet. As she pulled away her voice became passive. "When you go to work today, you will be down five agents." I quirked my eyebrow at her. "When I left to destroy the drug cartel, they were paying Percy's funds, the mission the agents were was to get a worker who was selling drugs to others and stealing the money. The agents contacted Division and Percy sent 2 more agents. I destroyed the Cartel and the agents." she explained.
"Good work." I said with a smiled, I put a kiss on her fore head and got ready for work.


So, who has read any of my other stories?

XoXo- PoetWITHOUTaCause