Okay, so I decided that I would carry this on a little, but let's take it one chapter at a time- I make no promises to update continually or regularly. Although I do appreciate the lovely reviews and support I have recieved so far! So thank you!
Skulduggery lay next to Valkyrie's sleeping form, she was curled up next to him, and he dared not make any movement because he didn't want to wake her. A slight creak of the bed could jolt her from the embrace of sleep, which he knew, she barely sought solace in.
He lay curled on his side, his eyes roaming her form- the expanse of her muscled but slender back, her toned arms, rear and legs, the glossy sheet of dark hair, cascading over her pale shoulders and neck, settling at her slim waist. He smiled lightly to himself.
Valkyrie reminded Skulduggery in a way of his wife. It was cruel in a way, that he should be reminded so constantly of her in Valkyrie, but in the same way, it felt like a blessing- a second chance.
He longed to hold her in that moment, to reach out and pull her close to him, but he wouldn't. He willed himself not to touch her, not to disturb her sleep, her peaceful sleep.
This night, there had been no nightmares so far, and for her sake, he hoped none would come.
He would always fend them off if they did come, but he hoped that tonight he wouldn't need to, that she would be allowed one night of calm sleep.
More than he could ever hope for. All he could hope for was meditation at best.
He sighed, how cruel it was to be denied the luxuries of human form it was to him sometimes. It stopped him from sharing experiences properly with her.
He listened to her deep breaths. And as he listened, he took them in, letting the sound of rushing air from her lips wash over him like a calming wave, he sighed and took one longing look at her peaceful form, before closing his eyes and drifting into a soothing state of meditiation.
Short I know, but hopefully short but sweet!
Thanks for reading xx