"So why does your pride make you run and hide?" –Wait for You, Elliott Yamin
I needed to try Malice…just one time…Let me know if it's any good! More to come :D
Happy Reading, lil' buddies!
Marvelous Mirana
"Blame it on too much Upelkuchen." Those words will haunt her memory forever after. It was a reminder of the one happy time they had together. But, alas, she was gone now. Never returning. McTwisp said the rabbit hole was no longer there; gone, disappeared. It was just cool, hard, dirt ground. And even worse, there was no way to reverse Time and ask her to stay. No, it was too late for anything now.
"Oh. Come with me." Quite the answer. Could she have not come up with anything better? Anything that at least hinted how she felt about the young lady that had once stood in front of her, ten feet tall, wearing her sister's curtains? Couldn't she have stopped staring at her for just one moment?
They made their way to the kitchen, hand in hand. She prepared herself to enter the kitchen. Letting go of Alice's hand, she ducked gracefully as the ladle of soup hit the door behind her.
"Is the March Hare here?" She continued walking towards the table with Alice trailing behind her, lingering at the door.
"Aye! Ye're late fer yer soup ye ere buzzum!" he replied. The Queen was ready to scold the rabbit when Alice made a terrible mistake. She criticized the Hare's cooking. You never criticize the Hare's food.
"Could use some salt," she hinted. And, as if choreographed, Thackary threw a salt shaker her way, and she dodged it. The glass shaker hit the wall, salt spraying every where. No matter, it'll get cleaned up. Alice went and knelt in front of the table Her Majesty was standing behind. On it were jars full of different odds and ends. She assumed them to be ingredients.
"Ahhhh, pishalver. No let me think…" her hand flitted over every object on the table until she found what she needed. "A pinch of worm fat," she emphasized. "Urine of the horsefly," she said happily. Alice cringed and crinkled her nose at the thought of the ingredient. "Buttered fingers!" she exclaimed excitedly. She smelled it, and a growl sounded deep in her throat. Alice thought of the sounds she could be making in- Stop thinking such thoughts, Alice she scolded herself.
"My sista preferred to study…Dominion of the Living Things." She leaned over and studied some more ingredients she had not yet noticed, and then began grounding a powder. "Tell me. How does she seem to you?" How do I seem to you? was what she was really asking. She and her sister were extremely close in many ways; you just didn't see them because what Mirana hurt was herself, not others.
"Perfectly horrid," answered the young lady. Mirana tried not to be phased by this, but her shock did slip through a bit.
"And her," she gestured to her head, "head?" This had always been a touchy subject for the family. Alice, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off Mirana's hands. Or any other part of her for that matter.
"Bulbous." This made Mirana smile.
"I think she may have some kind of growth in there, something pressing on her brain. Three coins from a dead-mans pocket. Two teaspoons of wishful thinking." She added them with the tip of a knife. She wouldn't tell, but she had a sort of feminine thing for knives.
"You can't imagine the things that go on in there." This caught the Queen by surprise. She froze immediately as her mind was filled with images no one wanted to see. Things her sister did, but instead of Iracebeth, Mirana was in her place.
"Oh yes I can." She said this in a rather deadly tone, causing Alice to widen her eyes. "But," she began, covering up her former statement, and picking up a harmless spoon on the way, "when the Champion steps forth to slay the Jabberwocky," her voice got a higher-pitch with excitement, "the people will rise against her." She raised her arms as she said this, as if to prove her point. She gingerly spit into the concoction before her, finishing off the Pishalver. "That should do it," she said, wiping off her lips. Alice was thinking about those lips at the moment. Her Majesty picked up the little kettle and poured the nasty liquid into a spoon. "Blow," she instructed, and Alice did so. She downed the terrible tasting potion. She shrank, her dress not going with her. She was tempted to not hold onto the dress and just let it fall. Mirana was tempted to rip the blasted thing off her and kiss the young girl.
"Look what happened when you thought such things," she muttered to herself, stopping the memory in its tracks.
"Pardon?" She looked up and saw Tarrant, her hatter, standing in front of her. He was a dear friend- her first kiss believe it or not. He still harbored feelings for her, but Mirana only barely returned them. If she was forced to find a King- not the Queen she wanted- she would choose Tarrant over the richest man in all of Underland, whom ever that may be.
"Nothing, dear. I believe I heard one of the Ladies in Waiting saying she wished a hat…perhaps you should go speak to her?" His eyes lit up and he left the throne room. How he loved his hats. She sat back down on her throne- the same as on the day Alice returned the Vorpal- and indulged on all the memories of her Champion.
"Feeling better?"
"Much, thank you."
"There's someone here who wishes to see you," she said, leading the girl out of the room. Someone wishes to see you…besides me.