Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its amazing characters!

Therapy Session

"You jerk!"

~"I told you I was sorry! It's not like I planned to run into Kakashi-sensei!"

A punch. A kick.

"Are you kidding me? That's no better an excuse than the last four times!"

Another kick. A kunai flying by his ear, barely missing.

"Oh geez, sorry about that, it kinda flew out of my hand," Mimiru said, her face pulled into an awkward shocked but apologetic look. The kunai embedded into the tree behind a very pale-looking Naruto. He got worried each time she cooked just because she came close to knives. She was a weapons-specialist, after all. Maybe not the best, but she could hold her own…. Especially when she was frustrated or angry.

Shuffling. A headlock.

"Do you HAVE to do this every time?" Naruto sighed as he struggled to get out of the headlock his girlfriend had him pinned in. But, even though Mimiru was too proud to admit it openly, she knew Naruto was much stronger than she was and that he would somehow manage to break from her hold.

"What? You want me to rather go watch Titanic and eat chocolate ice-cream?" she asked, a bit shocked yet amused at the same time.

"Not really," Naruto said deadpanned. He grinned though as he manoeuvred out of her headlock, managing to throw her over his shoulder. Only problem is, instead of letting go like a normal person, she decided to hang on for dear life. Right now, Naruto was bent over, still holding onto her shoulder. She had landed on her feet, but was forced into a backbend. He sent her a shocked look.

"What? If I go down you go down with me," she said, as if it were the most basic principle in the world. They were in a stalemate, and they both knew it.

After a few seconds Naruto sighed, trying to adjust his position yet being unable to do so. It didn't take long for Mimiru to start squirming though, "O-okay, I'm finished," she reluctantly resigned. With his arms shaking from the effort of keeping them both steady, he edged to the side and pulled her up with a sudden sense of ease that made her frown.

Her pink eyes met his blue ones as they both straightened up. She suddenly grinned and shot forwards into a hug, "Alright then! I feel better now! Let's get going" she said, throwing him a thumbs-up and a wink. She always felt better after a fight, as if it was some sort of pseudo-therapy for her and allowed her to get rid of frustration.

But, he was fine with that. He could relate, after all. He held out his hand for her and she quickly grabbed hold of it, a sincere grin on her face and adoration in her eyes, "So, how was your day?".

Thanks for reading ^-^