Thanks to Katty008, Conan's best deduction, 66ButterflyOfDarkness99, and NexaKudo for reviewing.
Chapter Six: Bite
Akako was muttering a spell under her breathe. It was a simple spell, something she had long since mastered. A spell to point to the boy who did what she required the best way. When one had a horde of boys at her beck and call, it made it easier if she could just determine who could do what she wanted.
Not a flashy spell, it was easy enough to do. Now she just had to find who had the sensory tracker.
Akako always had a good grasp of her emotions. When one could not cry, one made sure to control themselves. So she managed to keep enough composure no one gave her a second look, especially when she was clamping down on her 'charm.' However, she was shaken. Zombies and related to the comet. Kuroba loved his jokes, but he wasn't cruel and it would not come with a confession of who he was. No, whatever was happening, it was real unless he had totally lost his mind. However, the news itself hadn't shaken her.
It was the fact she didn't know.
She didn't know this was coming. She always looked, EVERYTIME there was a comet flying by, she looked to see if there was anything coming with them. Or something she wanted to do that it provided. They had said there was nothing to come. It could have been because it wasn't magic...
But Kaitou Kid had been a part of this. She was certain of it. Which meant it was magic. Really, anyone who paid attention knew Kaitou Kid was looking for something and with a various array of gems that had legends around them, it was likely something magic that wouldn't allow for a means to narrow the search.
And if it was magic, the demons SHOULD have known. Even if it was something they wanted to happen, they would have given her warning to not get involved. Even if she didn't know 'what,' she would have known something was to happen. So why? When the source was more than likely a magical stone that had to do with the comet, why didn't she know?
Magic and demons was all free reign, but there was one domain she couldn't predict.
A punishment from the gods?
"Hey, you," Akako said, putting her panic on the back burner as she put on her charm to full force, putting on a graceful smile as she tapped the shoulder on a tan boy.
He looked over, looking a bit surprised. "...yes?"
"Can you come with me?" Akako asked sweetly.
He blinked. "All right."
Well, that was easy. Usually there was a bit more floundering, even with her charm because of the 'there's a hot girl talking to me what do I do?' reaction. Oh well, that made things easier.
She grabbed his arm and dragged him with her.
"Did you just come from England?" The boy asked.
Akako glanced back. "Yes. How did you know?"
"I thought I saw you on the plane," he said. "With that blonde boy. Hakuba?"
"A detective fan?" Akako asked, being polite.
"Detective...? No, I've seen him for the Judo part of past tournaments," he said. "He's a detective?"
"Heh, a very good one," Akako said. To know him from a tournament, but not to know he was a detective. Hopefully it was a good sign that he was strong.
"Oh. Maybe he knows the ones Sonoko knows," he commented.
"Suzuki Sonoko?" Akako asked.
The boy nodded.
She almost wanted to laugh. Was on first name basis with the Suzuki's daughter and yet doesn't know Hakuba is a detective. Either he was oblivious or dense. Either way, as long as she could use him...
"What's your name? I'm Koizumi Akako," Akako said.
"Makoto Kyougoku," Makoto said.
"The Prince of Kicks?" Hakuba said, having approached them when he had spotted Akako.
Makoto nodded.
"The one dating Suzuki Sonoko?"
Another nod.
Hakuba stared for a few moments before looking at Akako. "Is this some joke?"
Akako, frankly, was surprised herself. She got the boyfriend from the family Kid stole from regularly? That was pretty ironic. "No. Did you get a message?" She asked.
"...yes?" Hakuba said, looking wary.
"He's going to help us," Akako said. Boyfriend or not, she'd been sending enough charms at him that he should just ignore tha-
"But I'm supposed to meet Sonoko when I arrive in Tokyo," Makoto said. "She timed the end of her cruise with my arrival."
Akako looked at him. "Just forget about her. Aren't I bett-"
"No," Makoto said flatly, looking annoyed.
Akako was taken aback. How...? First Kaito resists her flat out. It was always a chore to get Hakuba to fall for it. And now someone ELSE was resisting her too? She was supposed to be able to charm any man. Why did she keep finding those who weren't affected?
Akako gritted her teeth. "Listen, if you really do want to see her again, staying with us is your best chance beca-"
And suddenly there was a piercing scream echoing from the restrooms.
"H-help! brother! S-some psycho is trying to eat my brother!" A boy shouted, his arm bleeding profusely from what looked like a bite in his flesh. There was a horrified silence as everyone stared.
And then two blood covered men came stumbling out of the bathroom, one immediately attacking the bleeding man and another lurching for the crowd. It was only a second then before the crowd, as they have a tendency to do, started to panic and from there, all hell broke loose as people started to scream.
Except for three people. Hakuba because the idea of someone actually eating someone like that made him freeze up. While killing was one thing, this was another. Akako because she was aware this was going to happen eventually. And Makoto because he knew the worst thing to do in a situation like this was to panic, especially when one was likely to fight.
Akako grabbed her blue case, saying some word neither of the boys understood and opened it, grabbing the other cases on the cart and throwing them in, being swallowed up somehow, save one of the red cases. She closed it and shoved it towards Hakuba. "Carry," she ordered. He took it numbly, mind still trying to process what happened.
She opened the second red case and pulled out a scythe that really shouldn't have been able to fit in there. Then she closed the case and shoved it at Hakuba too.
"Makoto, do you believe in zombies?"
"Is that what they are?" Makoto asked.
"Yes," Akako said. "And I'm a witch. And if you want to see Sonoko, I'm the best chance you have for getting out and you being around increase those chances."
Makoto paused for about three seconds before he nodded. "I will come with you."
He really was pretty straight forward, wasn't he? "Then let's go," Akako said, grabbing the front of Hakuba's shirt and pulling him forward until he got the message to MOVE and they began their run for the exit.
"That should be everything you need to sign," Eri said, standing up and shaking the hand of her client.
"Thank you so much, Kisaki-san," the client, Yashimoto, said, looking relieved. "We can finally put this divorce to rest."
"You're more than welcome," Eri said, opening the office door for him. "I'll walk you out. Midori, I'm taking my lunch break."
"Yes, Kisaki-sensei," Midori said, offering her a wave as they left the office and headed for the elevator.
"By the way, what happened to your hand?" Eri asked as they stepped into the elevator.
"Huh? Oh, right," Yashimoto said, holding up the bandaged hand. "I got bit by some mad hobo this morning before I got onto my flight. Luckily it was my off hand," he said.
"That sounds horrible," Eri said, frowning.
"Well, yeah, getting bit was pretty bad. I got away though and I told a security guard about him as soon as I could. Looked like he might have suffered from a head wound," Yashimoto said, stepping out of the elevator as they arrived on the first floor.
"Hopefully he'll get the help he needs. Make sure that it doesn't get infected," Eri advised.
Yashimoto chuckled. "Yes, yes, don't worry," he said.
"I have to stop by the bank, so I'll be leaving you now, Yashimoto-san," Eri said as they stepped out of the front door.
He nodded. "Thanks again," he said and moved to cross the street while Eri headed down the sidewalk.
She didn't get far when she heard the screech of tires and the dull thud of an impact. She turned, her eyes widening. "Yashimoto-san!" She shouted, hurrying over to the scene as a young couple got out of their car, panic on their faces.
"Oh god, I didn't...!"
"He came from nowhere!"
"Is he dead?"
"What if he's dead?"
"Oh god, oh god, no!"
"Quiet!" Eri ordered, hurrying over to Yashimoto's body, kneeling down immediately to check for a pulse, more people on the sidewalk coming to see what was happening. "No pulse! Maybe I can..."
"Ma'am, I'm a nurse," a woman said, stepping forward. "I'll see what I can do. Someone call an ambulance!"
Immediately several cell phones were pulled out. Good, help would come. Eri felt the nurse to do what she could for Yashimoto, but the couple were still panicked.
She offered them to come into her office. If it was an accident, she'd help them with the incident. (Though she'd be sure to check the office security tape. She'd seen one too many murders to write it off completely.) However, they did seem genuinely upset and while what happened to Yashimoto was sad, there was nothing else she could do for him. At least she could calm them down.
She left a message with the front desk to keep track of the situation and send the police to her office when they came to investigate what happened.
The doors of the elevator closed when the nurse let out a surprise yelp in the street when Yashimoto began to sit up of his own accord.
As you will have noticed, there's a bit of a change in chapter lay out. From now on, I'm going to be doing most of the past stuff with occasional flashes to the 'present.' For now, we'll get to see the drama build to how it becomes in six months. I'll be also trying to establish what happened to all of the cast of Detective Conan, so this is a part of that. I don't want to write the 'end' before I finish the beginning.