Bakura laughed, holding tightly onto Ryou's hand as they walked together through the park by Ryou's apartment building. Light flurries of snow were tumbling from the sky, swirling around them as if they were trapped inside a snow globe. Ryou laughed cheerfully as he pushed a lock of his white hair out of his face that had been teased by the wind. Bakura gazed down at him and found that he was laughing along with the other man. When was the last time he had laughed at anything that wasn't a crude joke or a sniveling, worthless target? With Ryou, though, he found that he was just plain happy; there was no other word to describe it.
"So, Ryou," Bakura began quietly, not wanting to disturb the other's laughter but needing to ask a question that had been bothering him ever since they had left the little café hours ago, "When you said you had a vision in a church earlier, what was it you saw?"
Ryou stopped laughing, but he didn't look unhappy. Just thoughtful. "There were bright colors," he said, rubbing his thumb against Bakura's palm absently as he spoke, "And I was looking for something, I think. I remember feeling anxious. I think I was running around in some kind of cloud forest. Please don't laugh at me!" he said suddenly, sounding desperate. Ryou abruptly stopped walking, and Bakura stood and faced him as he worried his bottom lip with his teeth. "I know it sounds dumb."
"I told you that I was flying," Bakura stated simply, hooking an arm around Ryou's shoulders and bringing him in so that the smaller man's head was against his chest. It was an awkward sort of half-hug half-casual gesture, but then again, Bakura wasn't exactly an expert cuddler. "How could anything you say sound any dumber than that?"
Ryou looked up at him and seemed like he was going to argue, so Bakura silenced him with a kiss. It was abrupt and more passionate than he had intended it to be. He found that he couldn't be as aloof and cavalier around Ryou as he was around other people. Just like the spontaneous hug, he found himself craving the feeling of Ryou against him in any and every way possible. There was a hunger growing quickly inside of him, an aching desire to surround himself completely with Ryou. It was almost maddening, standing next to him, breathing in his intoxicating scent, hearing words tumble from his lips like music, and being completely unable to stop his body's immediate response. Ryou himself seemed to be perfect in every single way; everything about him made Bakura want him in ways he'd never wanted anyone before in his entire two years of experience and life. It was the way he swayed slightly as he walked, as if he was just too cheerful and bright to even appear serious in his movements. It was also the way he stared unabashedly at Bakura when he thought the other wasn't looking, raking his body from head to toe with his eyes with curiosity, fascination, wonder, and delight. It was for sure the way that he kissed in a way that was both wildly passionate and yet still sort of clumsy and shy. Ryou was everything that he himself was not; he was reserved, polite, delicate, considerate, and he sure as hell didn't kill people for a living. Bakura had let it slip before that he belonged to Millennium, but due to the lack of reaction, he was quite sure that Ryou only had a very vague idea of what being in a gang entailed. He should be terrified, angry, horrified, and disgusted at the very least.
Yet, when Bakura spoke to him and listened to him, he found that he was more at peace than he had ever been in his entire life, and he could tell that Ryou felt exactly the same way. And when Ryou pressed his parted lips to Bakura's with innocence and desire both melted into one feeling, letting his tongue dart out hesitantly to slide against Bakura's, every thought in his head slipped away until his mind was chanting "Ryou, Ryou, Ryou" over and over again like a mantra. He was gone, but he'd be damned if he couldn't take the sweet boy with him. He slid his hands into Ryou's beautiful, silky hair and pulled his head back until he was leaning all the way over Ryou to keep their mouths connected. The smaller man gasped quietly before making a small noise of protest when the kiss was broken, but when Bakura started trailing kisses down his exposed neck, he gasped quietly with barely contained pleasure.
"Bakura," he breathed, barely whispering. That little sound made Bakura's stomach tighten with desire, and before he could stop himself he had bitten a little harder than was intentional. Ryou's sharp cry of pain brought him back to reality briefly, and he was just about to apologize when Ryou pulled him back in for a hard kiss, clicking their teeth together but not caring as his tongue dove past Bakura's lips to urgently trace lines on the roof of his mouth.
So, maybe he liked it a little rough. That was certainly not a problem. No, not a problem at all.
Bakura pulled away from him again, looking around for somewhere, anywhere more private to go. Ryou seemed to be having the same exact thoughts, because he grabbed onto the collar of Bakura's trench coat and brought his attention back in line. "Yuugi's working night shift tonight," he murmured, voice thick with want. As if Bakura needed to be turned on any more than he already was, Ryou further made his point by blushing furiously and adding, "If you want go somewhere more private, I mean."
What happened after that point right up until Ryou slid his clothes off was a complete blur. One moment, they were standing in the park, both indecently aroused beyond words, and the next thing Bakura knew, he was tumbling to the floor along with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, touching him and biting him everywhere his hands and mouth could reach. His hands trailed up and down Ryou's pale, perfect body while his mouth worked its way between those long legs, making the man under him tremble and moan wantonly. Thin, shaking fingers reached up to peel Bakura's skintight tank top from his torso, revealing hard, chiseled abs that spoke of hours upon hours of sweat and work. Those little fingers skimmed quickly up to fist in Bakura's hair when the man controlling them became too far gone to do much else than cry out as he gave in to the intense pleasure Bakura was giving him. As he climaxed, his head slammed back, hitting the floor with a dull noise that Bakura only barely heard over the heated, lusty shout of his own name.
Bakura rocked back on his heels, drinking in Ryou's disheveled appearance. His hair was tangled and matted with sweat, bent and twisted at odd angles from being laid on. His once unmarred porcelain skin was decorated with red marks and flushed all over with passion, rose colored paint on a pristine white canvas. Those crimson eyes that had captured him in that first moment were hidden behind eyelids lined with long, white lashes that fluttered as Ryou recovered from his apparently mind-bending orgasm. Then, that striking red color appeared, focused hazily on his own through a cloud of satisfaction and affection. It was the warmest, most loving look Bakura had ever seen in his entire life.
The boy was beyond perfect.
"Bakura," he whispered, reaching a hand up slowly to rest against Bakura's left pectoral, right over his heart. Ryou's hand was warm and soft, and the way his whole body seemed to hum with sex was driving Bakura insane. Yet, he remained perfectly still, riveted by the look of pure, unrestrained love Ryou was giving him.
Then, Ryou did something unexpected. He drew himself up so that they were chest to chest and hung on to Bakura's shoulders as he leaned in slowly, languidly as if he were a cat stretching out in the sun, and put his lips to Bakura's ear. "I need more of you."
Bakura thought he might climax right there on the spot, but he reigned himself in somehow. He had to be sure Ryou knew what he was suggesting. This was the innocent creature that had been laughing and holding his hand in the park not so long ago, after all. Of course, that mouth so close to his ear seemed anything but innocent as hot breath ghosted across his skin and made his nerves tingle with want, but he had to be sure. Funny, he never knew he had a conscience. "How much of me?" he asked, hanging on to Ryou's every shallow breath with desperate anticipation. The next words to fall past his lips could either break him down or push him over the edge so easily that it honestly frightened him.
"All of you."
In a flash, Bakura was on him, using his weight to press them both back down to the floor where he captured his tiny wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head. Fear momentarily registered in those expressive, red eyes, and Bakura hesitated. It was gone in an instant however, as Ryou gave him a pleading look, cheeks and nose flushed with embarrassment. "Don't stop," he pleaded quietly, arching his body up into Bakura's to coax him back into action. Stars exploded behind Bakura's eyelids as the friction caused by Ryou's movement sent electric shocks all through his body. He growled low in his throat and grabbed Ryou's hips, grinding their pelvises together roughly. If Ryou wanted all of him, then he was going to get all of him.
Ryou looked up at him, embarrassment shining in his eyes again. "Um, do you have a," he paused, struggling to fight his blush that was darkening. Bakura could clearly see his thoughts on his face. "Do you have a condom?" he finally asked, biting his lip and looking adorably, bashfully hopeful.
Bakura reached into the back pocket of his pants, pulling out a little foil package. Good thing Atem is so strict with everything, he mused as he ripped it open with his teeth, I'll make sure to thank him for giving me this later. Well worth the momentary humiliation. He handed the opened condom to Ryou, who slid it onto Bakura with trembling hands. Bakura gritted his teeth as he suppressed a shudder of pleasure.
They moved together, slowly at first. Each thrust and stroke sent waves of sensation through Bakura's body, making the edges of his vision blur until he could only see Ryou's face, glowing and beautiful. He could only hear his partner's melodic voice crying out and moaning in time with the rhythm they built together. All he could feel was the almost magical touch of Ryou's grip on his biceps, their wet skin brushing together to create a delicious, maddening friction. The memory of the taste of Ryou's mouth lingered in his. The smell of sex tainted everything. Bakura's every sense was acutely focused on the man beneath him, and his mind was so far gone that he couldn't think about anything but him. Suddenly, he felt something inside him break, and he threw his head back with a muffled gasp.
Bakura was aware of a few things at once. One, he couldn't see a thing. Two, his hands were bound tightly behind his back. And three, it was eerily quiet. It was the kind of quiet you experience when you turn off all of the appliances and electronics in your house. The absence of sound actually makes your ears hurt because it is such a foreign thing to them. The quiet was extremely unsettling. He was aware of someone standing very close to him at his side, and he knew that it was Ryou even though he couldn't see. He also knew without looking that Ryou was absolutely terrified but refused to show it. Bakura felt a small swell of pride for his stubborn partner.
"Friends, I bid you welcome on this glorious morning to an event of great tragedy and sorrow," boomed a great voice.
The noise startled Bakura, and he fought the urge to snarl. All of a sudden, he was impossibly angry. Beside him, Ryou whimpered almost inaudibly; Bakura was almost unsure that he had heard the noise at all.
"Today, we are here to witness the trial and condemnation of the sinners, Bakura and Ryou."
Bakura heard the speaker click his fingers, and then something slid away from his face. Everyone assembled in the crowd gasped. His eyelids slammed shut against the sudden onslaught of blindingly white light, but he forced them open again to take in his surroundings. He and Ryou were standing in front of a sea of people, all with snowy white hair and icy blue eyes. What was most remarkable, however, was that they all sported large, white wings that glittered with an ethereal light and sparkle.
It was also impossible to miss the fact that they all looked unbelievably pissed off. Feh.
"These two have committed an unforgivable, unthinkable sin. They have lain with each other!" accused the overly dramatic speaker, who Bakura now could see was holding a ridiculously large book.
He glared at the idiot with the book but otherwise held perfectly still and held his composure. Beside him, he could see Ryou cringe. He didn't know it was possible, but Bakura was suddenly even angrier at the stupid book guy.
"We will now hear what our Father has to say."
The being that took the dumb guy's place at the front of the crowd was beyond describing. Bakura looked up at him and instantly knew who exactly he was dealing with. God.
"Thank you, Nimbucus. Bakura, Ryou. My precious children. You, of course, know why you're here and why this has to be done. All I have to ask of you is whether or not you regret your actions. If you are repentant, there may be hope for you yet."
Bakura met his stare and was suddenly filled with a sense of purpose. Like hell he was going to repent. He knew what he had been getting himself into when this had all began. What he was doing was the most important thing he had ever done in his entire life, but he supposed that, for pretense's sake, the Lord had to ask the question anyway.
"Absolutely not," he declared, unable to keep a little bit of anger out of his voice, "I love Ryou, and no punishment you could deal me would ever make me regret loving him." He was aware that he wasn't exactly addressing the real question God had asked him, but he figured that it would be better this way. He let his hard, determined expression do the talking for him.
"The same goes for me, my Lord," came Ryou's soft, calm voice. Even though he was still trembling with dread at what was to come, he also knew that there was a greater purpose to all of this. After all, the worst had really yet to come. "I could never regret my love for Bakura."
God nodded at each of them in turn. "Then, as much as it pains me, you certainly are aware of the consequences."
Ryou screamed in agony as his wings tore themselves from his back with a nauseating ripping sound. Bakura fought through his own pain and grabbed Ryou under his arms in order to keep him from falling. Mercy, but the pain was intense. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. A low groan escaped his lips, but that was all he would allow himself. He squeezed his eyelids shut tightly, straining to support Ryou and bear the torture of the searing lacerations in his back.
"From this day forth, you are hereby banished from the great Kingdom of Heaven." Through the fog in his mind, Bakura managed to be mildly irritated that book guy was back again. Why couldn't he just keep his damn mouth shut? "May it so please God to have mercy on your poor, misguided souls so that Lucifer might not further ensnare your hearts."
Bakura felt himself being forcefully shoved backwards. He held onto Ryou tightly as they fell.