Hello guys!

This is my first story that I'm posting here and on YOUTUBE! I'm taking requests but they have to follow some qualifications on my profile page and tell me about it!

This is also the first story with NO OC'S in it (for me), so be easy on criticism.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN POKEMON AT ALL! (well. . . JK!)


Dawn's POV

The Dawn that you know is some preppy cheerleader who wear's "pretty" dresses on that Pokemon show. She cares about her hair. I'm not that girl. (YES I DO SMILE! =D SEE!)

I'm a skater. I like to wear skinny jeans and scarves. (I only wear dresses/skirts when required)

Yes, I ride skateboards, but I also use an electric scooter and ice skate(Yea I have some girl in me). That's not the point.

I have a friend Kenny. Every time he calls me 'Dee Dee', I want to punch him in the face. He confessed that he was in love with me two years ago. I'm not really in to that love crap. Kenny got over it in about a week. Plus he lives in my home, so that would be weird.

Anyway, we are moving across town (yes with Kenny) because we got accepted to an awesome school (says my mom. I hate it when she's right). Dorms have a great view of the beach (Did I mention that I surf?). Many hot girls (says Kenny e_e). Great classes (You guessed it, mom).

I first thought that I would hate the place. Now I love it.

I'm starting to spoil it, huh? Whatever just keep reading.


"DEE DEE C'MON!" yelled Kenny. "WE HAVE TO GO!"


I finally found my skateboard, so we headed off to East Sunnyshore Academy or ESA for short. Like we always do, Kenny and I try to beat each other at tricks.

He does a Nose Grab.

I do a 360 flip.

I just keeps going until we got there. I was still in a handstand when we got there, and then. . .


I crashed into someone. She was a red head in a side ponytail. Since she was carrying a skateboard, I bet I could relate to her.

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't see you."

"No worries," said the girl. "I'm Misty. By the way, nice handstand."

"Thanks", I said. "I'm Dawn."

"DEE DEE YOU ALRIGHT?" yelled Kenny.

"I'm fine Barbie's little boy" I said with a smirk. "Anyway, this is Misty."

"Hey," said Misty.

"I'm Kenny," obviously Kenny said that. We all walked to the office to get our dorms.

Kenny's POV

I got room 109, which is with guys named, Ash and Drew. Dee Dee got room 220, which is apparently the room with Misty. It's a good thing Dee Dee's mom lives not too far from here so we can pick up our stuff.

"Dawn," said Misty. "I'll introduce you to our other roommate when you get back with your stuff."

"Okay," said Dawn.


"I forgot that your school had dorms," said Dee Dee's mom. "You could have told me, so I could drive you."

"Sorry," said Dee Dee. "Kenny got all excited."

"Hey!" I said. "You were the only one that knew about the dorms."

"Really?" asked Dee Dee. "You had pictures of their dorms all over your room back in Twinleaf."

"I like interior design!" I retorted.


"Call me tonight sweetie," said Dee Dee's mom. I swear I could laugh. Why? Well she said it in a "sing-song" voice. Dee Dee pretended she didn't say anything, and she (Dee Dee's mom) left.

Dawn POV

I am not gonna call her. I mean I love my mom, but she lives just about two blocks from here. So there's no point on calling her. Kenny went to his dorm and I went to mine.


"Need some help?" asked a light brunette. She was wearing a red We The Kings concert T-shirt(I LOVE WE THE KINGS!), jean capris, a red bandana, and some black converse.

"Yeah thanks," I replied. She got hold of one of my bags and we walked around the dormitory.

"By the way, my name's May."

"Cool," I responded. "I'm Dawn." We talked all the way to my dorm, which apparently is her room too. Huh, I room with Misty and May. I'm already having a good year.

"How do you like the room?" asked May. There were posters with my favorite bands on the wall, two awesomely designed skateboards, a bunk bed, and a single bed. I'm living in my dream room!

"Dude, you like Paramore?" I asked.

"Misty and I never miss a concert," said May. "That also implies to We the Kings, Simple Plan, Stereo Skyline, Greenday, and blink-182."

"I love those bands!" I yelled. Just then Misty entered the room.

"Aww," said Misty. "Young love." (Obviously she didn't mean it or I would hit her in the face with my pillow.)

"Hey Misty," said May.

"Hey Dawn," started Misty. "You're lucky that you came here today."

"How?" I asked.

"They just opened Joey's Diner down at the commons," said Misty.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I asked. Misty nodded and I ran to the commons.

Misty's POV

Man that girl is crazy. As she ran to Joey's Diner, May and I walked, following the skid marks in the hall.

Kenny's POV

I'm at my dorm, talking with Ash and Drew. I think Dawn's running to that new Joey's Diner.

"Hey Kenny," said Drew. "We're gonna go to Joey's Diner. You wanna come?"

"Sure," I responded.

"Oh before we go," started Ash. "We need to warn you about someone."

"Who?" I asked.

"Paul," said Ash.

"Yeah," said Drew. "He never talks."

"And when he does," started Ash. "Someone ends up in the hospital."

"What if I talk to him?" I asked. Ash and Drew sighed.

"That's what we've been explaining to you," said Drew.

"Anyway, let's go!" said Ash.


Dawn's POV


"Holy cow patties?" asked Misty. She obviously doesn't get why I say that.

"It's a long story that will bore you to death," I responded.

"Hey the guys just texted me saying they're coming with their new roommate," said May.

"I just got a text from Kenny saying that he's coming with his two other roommates," I responded.

"I guess Ash and Drew are Kenny's roommates, Dawn," said Misty.


5 minutes later


"Just wait!" said Misty. "The boys' dorm is kind of far from here."

"Whatever," I lazily responded. "I'll just meet you guys inside, kay?" I walked inside just to bump into a guy with purple hair. He doesn't seem to be the type to talk as much. "Sorry." WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? I'm losing my facade. The guy just stared at me for a brief second. I started to feel hot, nervous, and a little violated for some reason, AND IT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN LOOK ON HIS FACE. Then he just left. HE LEFT! I don't get it! I said something to him and he didn't freaking say anything back! I mean he just stared at me! That guy must be nuts. HOLY CRAP! I JUST FREAKING WASTED A PARAGRAPH ON A GUY WHO I DON'T EVEN KNOW!

Kenny's POV

Who knew Joey's Diner would be three miles from our dorm. I should have brought my skateboard with me, but we're already here. It doesn't matter anymore.

"Hey Misty where's your new roommate?" asked Ash.

"She already went inside," said Misty.

"Figures she would be in there now," I responded. "I guess we gotta go in." We all went inside to find Dawn at a table fitted for all six of us. Misty introduced me to May. She seems pretty cool, but I felt a pretty bad vibe coming from Drew.

"Where did you guys live before?" asked May.

"We lived in Twinleaf Town.," said Dawn.

"Hey isn't Veilstone City close by too?" asked Ash.

"Kind of," I replied. "I mean it's close compared to Pallet Town in Kanto."

"Hey! Don't be dissing on Pallet Town!" said Ash.

"Why did you want to know about Veilstone City?" asked Dawn.

"That's where the most dangerous and popular guy in this school used to live," said Drew.

"What does he look like?" asked Dawn.

"The guy never smiles," said Misty.

"And he practically hates everybody," said May. Dawn sighed.

"That's good to know but I asked on what does he look like."

"Oh," said Misty. "It's really to tell. I mean he's the only guy on campus that has purple hair." Dawn seemed to be thinking to herself. This can't be good.

Dawn's POV

So, this guy's popular. Time for operation P.D.S. (Popular's Deepest Secrets).





End of chapter 1! Sorry for a short chapter. If you're wondering if Zoey's going to be in this story, SHE IS! But not yet.

I'd like to hear some of your ideas on what to do with my stories.

