Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT. Although I wish I did.

It was a normal day for the turtles. No evil thing was out to destroy them, so they were all enjoying some much needed down time. Leo was training with Master Splinter, Don was working on some invention, Raph was working on his shell cycle and Mikey was sitting in front of the T.V. bored out of his mind. He needed some excitement, or at least something to amuse him for a little bit.

He noticed something moving out of the corner of his eye. He looked and saw a good-sized spider and immediately thought of Raph. All right something to do! He picked up the spider, ran into Raph's room, dropped the spider on Raph's pillow and ran out. Although he realized he didn't need to run since his family was too focused on whatever they were doing to notice him. He walked over to where Donnie was.

"Hey Donnie. Whatcha doin'?" he said

"Working on some updates for the shell sub," said Don, slightly annoyed that he was disturbed.


"You're bored aren't you?"


"Go pull a prank on Raph or something."

"I already did he just has to go in his room."

Don chuckled "Really? What did you do?"

"I put a spider on his pillow."

"He is so gonna kill you."

"I know it's worth it. Please don't tell him."

"I won't. I'm just glad it's not me." Mikey walked away laughing to himself. He knew who he was going to prank next.

He then saw Raph walk out of the mechanics room and into his bedroom. Mikey quickly went over to the couch and sat down, waiting for the excitement to start.

"YAHHH!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran to Raph's room, except for Don.

"My son what is it?" said Splinter.

"Someone please kill it!" said Raph who was standing near the door.

"Kill what?" said Leo as he walked over to Raph's hammock, and then started laughing. Mikey stood a few feet away from Raph's door, biting his lip to try to keep himself from laughing. Raph glanced over at Mikey and noticed the small smirk on his face.

"Mikey I'm gonna kill you!" he yelled as he ran after his little brother who had already ran out the lair.

Splinter shook his head and walked over to see what Leo was laughing at. When he saw the spider he just sighed and walked back into the main room. Leo then picked up the spider and got rid of it. He then walked back to where Splinter was to continue his training. Don just sat at his desk laughing quietly to himself.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Please review!