Hello Everybody! This is my third story, titled "Oh Fish Scales!" It's for a new web show out there called Monster High, which I've recently come to like. However, just because I like it doesn't mean I own it. Unfortunately, the only thing I own is my OC Sirena. I'll put her personality in my profile if you want to learn about her.

Chapter 1

It was another grey, stormy day. Just the way most of the students at Monster High liked it. The first bell hadn't rang yet, so the pupils were all hanging out in the hallways. These pupils weren't normal teens though. They were all the sons and daughters of great, horrific monsters.

One of these daughters was Frankie, the daughter of Frankenstein himself. She was talking to her best friends Clawdeen Wolf, a fierce werewolf, and Draculaura, a vegan vampire. "Did either of you get the Trigonometry homework done? I swear I got so lost I almost considered asking Cleo for help!" Clawdeen snarled, wringing her brown hands. "And you know how much I hate that girl!"

"You should have come over to my house!" Draculaura squealed in her high-pitched voice. "Ghoulia and I finished it really quickly, and then we went to the restaurant downtown. They serve feartastic fruit trays!"

"Ughhh." Ghoulia moaned, coming up behind them. She was carrying a thick pile of books in her bluish grey skinned arms.

Draculara giggled. "Yeah, I guess those French fries were good too. You ate them so fast I thought you had super speed for a second!"

Everybody burst into laughter just as Lagoona Blue ran full speed to them. "Frankie! Clawdeen! Draculara!" Her face bore a brilliant smile, her lips coated in pink lipstick.

"Hey Lagoona. You look as bright as a starfish!" Frankie greeted her warmly. "What's up?"

"I've got fintastic news!" Lagoona answered with her bright watery smile. Her eerie green eyes glowed with delight, and she leaped up with excitement. "My best fiend Sirena has transferred to Monster High! She'll be here at lunch!"

"Wow! That is good news!" Frankie declared with excitement. "What's she like?"

"I met her at the beach years ago." Lagoona informed everybody. "She loves the water just like me, but her favorite thing to do is sing. So I told her that when she arrives we can talk to the head mistress about maybe starting a choir class, or singing lessons after school for other interested people."

"What's her name?" Draculaura asked, her pointed pixie ears perked up with interest. "Sirena. It's a name that comes from the word, 'sirene' I think." Lagoona continued to move around with excitement in her platform flip-flops. As she spun and moved, her long, curly blonde and blue hair flew behind her.

"Sirene." Clawdeen wrinkled her tiny nose in thought. "Isn't that French for something?"

"Well, well, well. Sounds like someone's been studying their Dead Languages." teased Draculaura, reaching up to fix one of her black and pink pigtails. Her eyes, which were a light cross between violet and pink, shimmered mischievously. Clawdeen scoffed. "Well if I don't study, I'll fail, and then I'll have to retake the course next year! Besides, I like French."

"Only because it's the main language of a European country, and Europe is very popular for their expensive fashion!" Draculaura giggled.

Clawdeen smiled. "Yeah, I guess that's true." Suddenly her eyes lit up like she remembered something. "Hey Lagoona, about your friend. Is she pretty?"

"Are you kidding?" Lagoona asked incredulously. "She's drop-dead gorgeous. Maybe even more beautiful than Cleo de Nile."

"Ugh." Ghoulia moaned, her face looking as concerned as she could make it. Frankie nodded. "Ghoulia's right Lagoona. You'd better not let Cleo hear that."

"Better not let Cleo hear what?" Suddenly a beautiful mummy swooped in from out of nowhere, and leaned herself against the lockers. She faced the group of monsters, her face with an expression that told everyone that she meant business. This was Cleo de Nile, the beautiful queen bee of Monster High.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that Lagoona's one of Lagoona's friends is more beautiful than you." Clawdeen spoke casually, then her mouth dropped open. She put a paw over her mouth. "Oops." She spoke with an innocence that everyone could tell was fake.

Cleo's mouth dropped open. She stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. "What?" She raised her eyebrows at Lagoona demanding an explanation. "Has what's left of your brain been fried? Or maybe drowned inside your head? I'm an Egyptian princess. I've got looks, style, and attitude. There is no one better than me."

"You're a mummy Cleo. You're what's left of an Egyptian princess." Clawdeen smirked, making Cleo stamp her foot in frustration. A bandage that was coming undone on her leg moved as she did so. Clawdeen faked a sympathetic pout. "Aw, is the little Egyptian princess jealous?"

Cleo scoffed and flipped her long hair, which was naturally streaked brown and blonde, and fell not quite to her knees. "As if I would be jealous of another monster. Speaking of which, what kind of monster is this friend?"

"I actually don't know mate." Lagoona confessed. "When we met she never said what she was. I guess we'll find out at lunch when she comes."

Just then the bell rang and everyone scurried to grab their books and head to first class. "How about at lunch we all wait outside the school for her?" suggested Frankie. Everybody nodded. "Good idea Frankie." Draculaura agreed. "We'll meet at the front steps. Even you can come if you want Cleo."

"Please." Cleo snorted. "Do you honestly think I'd miss out on seeing this 'gorgeous' monster? I'll be there."

Then everybody closed their lockers, and scattered to their first class. But all throughout the morning, each monster had her mind on the upcoming arrival. Frankie thought, "Wow, this is so exciting! I'm not going to be the new girl anymore. I wonder if I'll like that." Clawdeen wondered, "I wonder if Sirena's got a good eye for fashion?" Draculaura couldn't stop smiling as she thought about Lagoona's mysterious friend. "She likes to sing. Does that mean she's artistic like me? Will she think I'm weird because I'm a vampire that doesn't like blood?" Ghoulia sighed sadly as she thought about the new girl. "I hope she likes me, even though I'm a bit of a nerd." And Cleo stared at herself in a handheld mirror while she pondered. "Could that new girl really be prettier than me?"

Needless to say, none of the girls got much work done that morning.

Finally it was lunch time. Excitedly, everyone scurried to the front door of Monster High, not wanting to be late and miss it.

By the time Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, and Ghoulia got there, Lagoona was already there. She pointed down the road with a very pale blue finger. "She'll be coming from that direction. It can't be long now."

Just as she finished speaking, a long black limousine drove up to the steps. Everyone gasped. The driver got out and went around to the side facing the school. He opened the back door, and everyone saw two bare webbed feet step down onto the ground. Then they walked around the door, and everybody froze in astonishment.

Standing in front of them, was the new girl.