Percy's POV

"Do you 'member that dream I had in called it Anniebeth in Wonderlan?" Annabeth asked. I nodded. "Well 'member how I told you that Grover was mumbling 'So many in one school'?" I nodded again. "He must've known too!"

"How many people knew?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

After Annabeth and I danced in our jail cell, Grover, Thalia, and Nico came to the rescue.

We told them the entire story and all they could say was wow.

"Why didn't you tell us man?" Nico griped.

"Well-I-I wasn't an official protecter yet...and I was scared." Grover whimpered.

"Any other secrets you haven't told us?" Thalia asked. Grover kicked off his shoes and pulled up his pants. Goat hoves and fur...yeah.

"WOAH!" we all exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Grover said.

Percy's POV-3 days later-School

Today we had a sub in math. Mrs. Dodds. Grover made sure that all the demigods were in the same classes at all times. Me, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, the Stoll Brothers, Katie, Silena, Charlie, Piper, Juniper, Chris, and Clarisse. Grover told us about Camp Half Blood but he didn't want to take us just yet.

Later that day we had study hall together...with Mrs. Dodds. Great. Not. "Now children,"


"Okay. Now brats, we're going to talk about some Greek mythology." Annabeth looked at me causiously but I ignored it.

"This is study hall. All we do is work." Annabeth corrected.

"Not today!" Mrs. Dodds griped. "Now. Who can name some Greek monsters?" Everybody raised their hands except for Annabeth and Grover. "You."

"Minotaur!" Thalia answered.


"Hellhounds." Nico said.

"Okay. You."

"Medusa." Chris answered.

"She's not a monster! She's cursed! Now I'm looking for one specific answer."

"Pegasi!" Travis exclaimed.

"Those aren't monsters! I'm looking for..." Her skin started ripping, turning into something that looked like leather. She grew wings, talons, and sharp teeth. "Fury!" She dove into the middle of the classroom and everyone ran to get out of the room.

"GO! GO! GO!" Grover yelled. We all dashed out into the hallway, with Mrs. Dodds close behind. "RUN!" We all ran. Annabeth slipped and fell down. I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her back. I pulled her into my arms and ran into the next hallway with everyone else.

"Thanks." Annabeth mouthed. She kissed me.

"Hey you two!" Nico whispered. "This isn't the time for making out!" We could hear the footsteps of .

"Into that closet." Annabeth said. We all ran into the closet, unseen. "We have to go to camp."

"What?" Grover asked. "We have to wait."

"If we wait any longer, we'll all be dead!"

"I don't kn-"


"Okay Annabeth. Okay."

"How do we get out?"

"I don't know. But we'll have to take one of the buses so we can all stay together." Grover stuck his head out of the door and he quickly came back in. "She just went into the next hallway."

"Let's move." Annabeth comanded. We all ran out of the school and onto bus three. "Okay. Percy?"




"Silena? Nico? Thalia?"






"Travis and Connor?"


"Ugh! Katie, Juniper, and Chris?"

"We're all here."

"Piper and Clarisse?"

"Here! Let's get moving!"

"Okay Grover." Annabeth said sitting down. "Let's go!"

~Authors Notes~
