Disclaimer: I don`t own DBZ..bleh bleh bleh

Author`s Note: Ok guys,this is new new story. It`s T/M (due to plea`s of you loyal readers) and it`s set in medieval times. It is also A/U and some of the people may be OOC. You all know I can`t upload during the week,but I`ll prolly write a few chapters to this and my other fic (opposites attract) during the week. So review and check out my other story if you haven`t already :) Tell me whatcha think about this! Thanks so much! Enjoy the chapter!

She had been given to the royal family when she was about eight as a gift to the king. It wasn`t that her parents didn`t love her,but they were desperately poor.

If she had stayed with them,the family would have starved to death.

When the king had first laid his eyes on her,he couldn`t help but think about how weak she must be. She was no more than a tiny,scrawny girl with dirt on her cheeks.

He had accepted her as a gift,intending to use her as a laundry servant or a kitchen aid.

Now,nine years later,she had developed a strong back and strong muscles. Her face was no longer covered in filth and she took pride in her health.

Over the years,Vegeta had taken a liking to her,as had most of the rest of the castle. He no longer called her 'girl' but he addressed her as 'Mare'. But not to imply that she was like a horse. More so because she didn`t mind and it was close enough to Marron.

Marron and Vegeta`s children got along quite well. Much better than the royal children and any other servants in the castle.

Whether that was because she had earned their respect or because she was just an amazing person was anybody`s guess.

Lately many knights had come to call for Marron`s hand in marriage. Vegeta,however,had sent them away, almost treating her as if she were one of his own. He wanted the best that should hap to come after her. Not just anyone who thought she would please him in bed.

Vegeta knew her and he knew she was better then that.

Bulma,the kingdom`s queen had been pushing for her son to get married and produce grandchildren for her and the kingdom.

Vegeta didn`t try to push him,for he knew the pressures of finding a mate and having the title of 'king' placed on his shoulders.

His theory leant more to 'nothing but the best' for his son,much like that of how he felt for Mare.

Many princesses had been coming lately to meet and possible win the prince`s heart. But not one seemed to get through to him. He barely noticed their presence.

While they were there,he spent time with Mare as he would on any other day. And the princesses would leave with heavy hearts and broken expectations.

But this didn`t bother him,for he was Trunks,prince of Zeblon. And he knew what he wanted out of life. If only what he wanted wanted him back.

Author`s Note: OK that was sorta just an intro-type thing so I could get it posted before tomorrow! REVIEW!! Please please! I need them! I breath off them! I live off them! :) Tell me exactly whatcha think about ti!Until next time!

Pasta Raviolli!