Okay, so chapter 21 was a little add-lib. OC. Unnecessary. I think so too. I just needed you to catch onto what's happening,anyway. I have been in the shadow for like, 6 months, and for that I apologize.

I still get the odd review or 2, and guys thanks for your support :) well, be glad, Chapter 22 is up! And now that glee season 2 has only started in SA and has ended pretty much everywhere else I'm quite happy that I can adapt my plots in easy succession :)

And wow...I'd like reviews from you guys...please even if just 2 say hi! I need to know how many people are still loyally following this story after I took a half-iyear break :P

Wow gee its rainy outside...and I hope you enjoy this next chapter! :D

READ AND REVIEW (Sorry 4 the wait)


N&J 4eva

Chapter 21-Memoirs of a very confused girl

"Justin, baby." I grabbed his arm.

Everyone was watching. I swayed my hips as we walked down the hallways of McKinley. I convinced Santana to get him to transfer from Carmel to McKinley. Since his sister was one of the major stars that graduated from McKinley they accepted him immediately.

Sue even tried to get him to try-out for the cheerios. I rested my head on his shoulder, so warm and comforting. I ignored the babble that escaped his lips, that usually was so random and irrelavant. And as a way of sucking up to Justin, Sue forced Figgins jr To play all BrittanyAndSantana's biggest hits. School seemed to go by as usual, well as normal as it could go by in these circumstances.

McKinley, with glee legends' offspring, aka Me. And. With Puck dating Santana, super hot closet lesbian celebrity, and me dating Justin Pierce! Brittany, super sexy bisexual celeb's little brother. Not to mention Sue, who's won an academy award for her rendition on her self-directed, self-marketed self-written, self-starred movie, "I'm the bitch. That's the way its supposed to be, baby."

And then, well, the half of the football team off to juvy...

Yeah, but except that, everything was normal right? Nope. Let's see, Nate "Lockhottie" is dating Robeeny Aldeia. The blogger who's making my life miserable. And well, please don't ask me what happened between us. After that day he practically confessed his love for me I had no way of...reacting to it. I was too chicken. And I guess he was sick of waiting. And I guess now Robeeny has him in her clutches. Well, I have JP. Yes we call him JP. His initials, sounds cooler than Justin. Since the likes of oldies like Justin Bieber who just got out of a bitter divorce with Selena Gomez in a 13 year custody battle over their 14 year old baby-faced Mexican-Canadian hybrid twins, Juslena and Selin Gomez-Bieber, shares the same disgraceful cursed name. In fact there's a new single by Selena Gomez and The Scene, Hate you like a Hate song. Its a revival of the classic, same meaningless lyrics, just now in the opposite. And Justin Bieber has revived his hit Never say Never to Never say yes. With tid-bits of enimem dissing Selena.

And now after conspiracy theories about Santana's lesbianism have come out in the taboids, things are going rocky with Puck and Santana. Even though I'm still welcome to stay there, Puck isn't. Which is weird. Quinn and Sam...I visit them over the weekends, and even though Sam isn't that bad, its still awkward too. I'm thinking of moving back in with Shelby. Things are too complicated. Way too complicated. And now they're sending me to counselling...don't start.

We walked past Nate's locker, he was flirting with Robeeny. Ugh. They were exchanging lovey-dovey smiles. I squeezed Justin's arm tightly.

"Hey, Beth." Robin smiled slyly.

I ignored her and Nate and I exchanged a quick glance before I looked away.


"Sam. Sam. Sam! Move it to the right, no the left, no the right!" I stood there while I directed him as he hung up our painting that we just bought from the new art exhibition in town.

"Here we go, babe." He stepped off his ladder. "It looks beautiful."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"I can't believe you're letting me move in." He folded his arms.

"Well, Sam...we are getting serious. And Beth likes you." I smiled. "We can be like a family. Just you, me and her."

"And Puck. And Shelby. And Santana."

"Them too."

"Its so weird how we all got into touch again." I said, hanging my work clothes up.

"Do you have a scientific explanation, Dr Fabray?" He grinned.

"Science can't explain everything..." I sighed. "Unfortunately."

"Can it explain the way I feel about you?" He pushed a blonde strand out my face.

His blue-green eyes sparkled.

I grinned and leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you way more, Quinn." He wrapped his arms securely around my waist. I felt young again. I felt like I was 16 again. A junior cheerio, still scarred from her pregnancy the year before, blossoming under the touch of Sam Evans, who helped her get through the after-feelings of regret and uinwanted nostalgia. I blushed, "Do you still think my eyes are beautiful."

"I would say it in Navi, the avatar language, but I forgot. I'm on a new planet." He laughed.

"Is this planet by any chance Venus, the planet of love? Or Mars, the planet of war?"

"Which one are we on?"

And I grinned."You haven't forgotten."

"Ofcourse not." And we kissed again.

Then the doorbell rang.

We broke apart, "I'll get it..." I trailed off.

I walked off to the door and opened the door.

"Santana?" I raised my eyebrow.

She was tapping her high heeled foot angrily.

Then she slapped me. Slapped me!


"Woah...what's going on?" Sam intervened. He looked shocked.

"Oh hey Saam!" Santana smiled. "Tell your cheating girlfriend to get her paws off my Puckie Puck!" She slapped me again.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my cheek.

"Ouch is right!" Santana folded her arms.

"Santana, what the hell is your problem." Sam held me close in his arms, protecting me from her fierce hand.

"SHE IS! I DON'T know how she and Beth are related! Do you know what she was up to yesterday, hmm?"

"She was working late." Sam said.

"Really? Really! Is THAT the best excuse she could give you? Well well, she was screwing MY Puckie Puck! They're in the midst of a heated affair!" Santana growled.

"I don't believe you..." Sam looked hurt.

"Ah, Sam..c'mon! Like she hasn't cheated on you before!"

"You're lying, Santana." I said with a hoarse throat, I had to make her stop. Tears filled my eyes."You're lying...okay! YOU cheated on Puck, WITH BRITTANY! WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH!"

"Do YOU? Huh? Bitch." Santana attempted a blow at me.

"That's enough." Sam came between us. "ONE of you is lying. Quinn, baby, tell me the truth."

Santana looked at me expectantly.

"Have you been seeing Puck?" He asked, a genuine twinkle in his eyes.

I swallowed hard.

"Yeah..." And I burst into tears.

Sam's face.

I couldn't bear to look at it.


"Fabray!" Sue whistled. "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"The triple axle, Coach sylvester..." I bit my lip.

"More like the triple ax. Your performance is dreadful today! It reminds me of the time that Jacob kid, left a buttstain on my chair, it was disgusting. Putrid. Just like your performance today."

"Sorry, Coach Sylvester..."

"Horrible! Winners don't apologize, Fabray. Have you forgotten everything I've taught you?"

That was like, a horrible afternoon. We had glee rehearsal afterward. I took a seat next to Ferrari since Eva and Becca went home after practice since they got mono.

"Hey, Beth." Ferrari smiled.

"Hey..." I sat down.

"Alright guys, so we have a new member of the club." Will smiled. "Nathan found us a new recruit."

Nate walked in with Robeeny. Of all people. Robin Natalie Aldeia.

"Hey, guys." She smiled. "I'm Robin. Call me Robeeeeeeny."

"We know who you are!" Joan commented.

"My talents are blogging, gossiping...oh and I did a little ballet and I sang nursery rhymes as a kid...I know you're all wondering why I want to join a club that I flame in all my blog posts...but...hey I changed my miind about glee club, Nate here, he's cool and hot. And my bf. And he's a glee-er too...so I figured I'd give it a shot. A shot..." She smiled. "And I'm gonna show you what I got. Nate."

He walked up and began to strum along on the guitar.

"I'm going to sing a classic. Hope you remember it..."

"Wouldn't wanna be anybody else...hey! You may feel insecure, tell me I'm not good enough, but who are you to judge, when you're a diamond in the rough..." She started singing.

Oh no. No. Not Who Says. What was she trying?

"Who says you're not beautiful...who says." She finished off.

Everyone stood up and clapped.

Except me. How dare she! She doesn't belong here! She hated us! She's only there because of Nate.

Even Joan smiled. I couldn't believe this. Not for one bit.

"Wow, I think some of you will have tough compettition for solos at regionals! " Mr Schue said.

"Yeah...err-ehm. Beth." Robin coughed.

"THATS IT!" I stood up and attacked her.

"Woah!" Mr Schu was shocked. "Break it up girls!"

We were pulling each others hair and screeching.

"Beth, stop!" Nate intervened.

"Stop, girls!" Mr Schu intervened. People were chantiing. Fight. Fight. Fight.

"You've got some nerve!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I have nerve? Look who's talking!" Robin pushed me. I pushed her back.

Mr Schu grabbed me and pulled me away.

Nate took Robin's arm.

"Some people...are really the jealous type! " Robin rolled her eyes as she stormed out the room

"Some people are really the guy-stealer type!" I shouted.

And I everyone "oohed"

I didn't care.

It felt good to be back.