Hey guys! I'm from South Africa, and I'm in love with glee! I love the Quinn, Puck and Beth story, and this story is going to be kind of like the series Life Unexpected, also one of my favourite series...but not as much as glee, anyway this idea popped in my head one day and its going to include everybody's favourite glee characters. By the way, my spelling is going to be different because we use the Queens English from the UK. So color is spelt colour and favorite is spelt favourite... etc. Kay? Enjoy!


Beth Unexpected

Chapter 1: Meet Beth Corcoran

I look at my reflection in my bedroom mirror. I have hazel eyes and light brown hair. I'm a freshman at William McKinley High School and a soon to be Cheerio. I just know I'll get in.

Coach Sylvester may be ancient, but she apparently still has that kick in her. She still claims to be 29, even though it's rumoured they need her to retire in 5 or so years. My name is Bethany Shelby Corcoran, otherwise simply known as Beth. Hairbrush in hand, I tie my hair into a high ponytail, and apply some gloss and mascara.

"Beth, honey you're going to be late for school!" I hear my mom, Shelby call from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom. I'm coming!"

I sigh and clutch onto my chain. It's a Messianic symbol, a mixture between a cross and the Star of David. Yeah, I'm neither Jewish nor Catholic. I'm both, I'm part of the Messianic church. This means that I believe in Jesus but I still keep all the Jewish traditions and rituals. My mother was a full Jew, once, before she converted both me and her into Messianism. I've joined the Celibacy Club and today's tryouts for Cheerio's.

I also love music, especially the music from the duet group, BrittanyandSantana. They're really cool, and talented and currently no.2 on Forbes' list. They're huge celebs, and last summer me and my friend, Becca went to go watch one of their concerts on their Better than ever tour. I even caught Santana's anklet and its one of my most prized possessions. They were also from Ohio, and I feel honoured to walk in the same hallways as they did when they went to McKinley all those years ago. They also won 12 Grammies this year and performed at the VMAs, their latest song "Its okay to be Lezz." They've been on and off, as a couple, but one thing you can't deny is their really good friendship, trust me, Santana and Brittany have more make ups and Break ups than Lady Gaga's outfits.

Someday, I dream to meet them.

The bell goes. I open my locker and sigh as I look at my reflection in my mini-mirror. Beth Corcoran, one of the cool kids, yep, its really true.

"Hey, Bethie..." The hottest guy at school, Jason Gray says my name like its melted butter.

"Hey..." I grin and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a light peck on the lips. He has sparkling blue-grey eyes and jet black hair. He's in the football team, and this is why I want to get in to the Cheerios, so I can measure up to my boyfriend.

"You coming to the Celibacy club meeting this afternoon?" he asks.

"I can't make it, I have Cheerios tryouts today..."

"Can I come watch?"

The second bell goes and I roll my eyes, "Class. I'll see ya later," I grin and hug my books to my chest as I walk to Spanish. My Spanish teacher is Mr Schuester, he's middle aged and has a receding hairline, and is also the glee club coach. He apparently taught Santana and Brittany and know them personally.

"Since this is my first Freshman class this year, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Mr Schuester and I'll be taking you for Spanish. Now everyone stand up one by one and introduce yourselves to the class and tell us how you spent vacation."

I was obviously at the back of the class with my bffs, Becca and Liz. They also want to be in the Cheerios and Becca is filing her nails, while Liz is texting.

"My name is Rebecca...call me Becca." Becca stood up and rolled her eyes.

"Your last name?"

"I...can't remember..."

"What did you do over vacation?"

"I was like, I was stuck in the sewers." She says. "Or wait, no, I was dating my hamster...I don't remember actually."

'Okay, thank you, Rebecca."

Liz stood up, " I'm Liz Mendes. I spent my summer getting a boob job."

"Oh...okay, thank you Liz. And what about you, young lady?" then he squints at me, as if he knows me. Or recognizes my face, can't blame him, I am well known.

I stand up, "I'm Beth Corcoran. And I spent my summer at a pre-Celibacy training camp."

"Beth Corcoran, your mom doesn't happen to be Shelby?"

"Um, what's it to you, Mr Schue?"

"Never mind."

During the entire lesson, his eyes kept on glancing at me. Pervert. What's his problem? He has a wife of his own, that counsellor, Mrs Emma Schuester.

At the end of class, as I pass his desk he stops me. "Beth, can I talk to you quickly."

"Yeah," I ask.

" Today's auditions for glee club, in the auditorium at 4, so if you wanna come all you have to do is put your name on the signup sheet."

"Thanks Mr Schue, but, No Thanks."

"Are you sure. Quinn?"

"Quinn? Who's Quinn, I'm Beth."

"Did I say Quinn? I meant Beth."

"Okay, Mr Schue..."

I walk out there, really quickly. That was creepy and weird.

At Cheerios tryouts, after Sue yelled about what sorry excuses for Cheerios we are I ran in. "Sorry, I'm late, Coach Sylvester."

"I don't tolerate latecomers, Fabray." Fabray? Must be some Sue nickname..

"Can I still tryout?"

"With this bunch of Bring it On wannabes, I'm desperate. You better make my day, Fabray."

"I'm Beth Corcoran, Miss."

"Yeah yeah, Fabray. Show me what you've got."

I put a Madonna song on and start dancing.

"STOP." She said. "In the name of the Queen of Pop, you are better than Misty!"

Misty L'Estrange was the current head cheerleader. She's a Senior.

"Well, thank you..."

"Shut up, Fabray. You are just like your mother, destined to be the queen bee, even after she got herself knocked up..."

"My mother went to Carmel High, Miss Sylvester."

"Oh." She said. "Mistake, what's your name again, Fabray?"

"Beth Corcoran."

"You remind me so much of Quinn Fabray, now thats what I call a proper woman. And I'm feeling that you're the next Fabray, Cork."

"What does that even mean..."

"GIRLS! And you gays... meet your new Queen Cheerio, Corky."

"Its Beth."

"I hate that name. Now, you're either Fabray or Corky."

"I don't like either..."

"Then die your hair blonde, then I'll call you Quinn."


"Fabray, it is, then."

After Cheerios, super weird Cheerios I passed the auditorium.

I heard voices of total losers, trying to sing. They weren't half bad...but they all could use a slushie or 2. I couldn't understand how a glee club that once had hit stars like Santana and Brittany could have stooped so low.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I had time, so I snuck in right behind Mr Schue to watch. I couldn't help but be both humoured but also kind of inspired they were actually good.

They started to sing a classic Katy Perry song, Teenage Dream.

It was so old school, but I loved this song, my older half-sister Rachel, who now lives with her hubby Finn in New York, because she's a broadway star, always used to sing this song to me when she popped in, scarcely every now and then.

A Filipino theatrical girl started to sing, "You think I'm pretty without any make up on."

I couldn't help but jump in, "You think I'm funny, when I get the punch line wrong."

They were all so surprised, Mr Schue turned around, he didn't even know I was there.

We carried on singing. Even though the Filipino chick looked aggravated and everyone just looked...confused.

At the end of the song, Mr Schuester. "You're in."

"What? No...I...I...didn't mean to sing."

"You have an amazing voice, Qui...I mean, Beth. You can't let it go, you can be a cheerio and a new directions, its been done before."

"Okay, fine, I hope I get a solo."

"Ofcourse NOT!" The theatrical girl speaks out.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Joan. I've been lead for a year now! I'm not going to let a freshman Cheerleader steal my spotlight..."

"Now, Joan...give her a chance."

"NO!" She storms out.

"Whats her deal?" I ask.

"Shes...bossy." A rather XXL chick informs me. "I'm Ferrari Jones...I'm the legend, Mercedes' younger sister."

"Why did your parents name you after cars? Oh, yeah you weigh like one."

I hope you guys enjoyed the intro.

Remember to review!

The drama continues in the next chapter, and you'll find out how Quinn and Pucks lives are and everything.