Well, I guess it's the last time I can say it for this story - thank you so much for all the support. Anyone who put me on their alerts, favourite lists, reviewed, or even just took the time to read I am indebted to. I can't explain to you how much better of a writer I have become as time goes on and with each chapter I can tell that I'm still growing so thank you one and all!
A particular thank you goes out to Angel of the Night Watchers who made sure this chapter was the best it could be for you all...now, on to the epilogue.
Epilogue: An Occasion
"Please don't make me go," I sighed as Edward escorted me into his car. He was very careful of the placement of the crinoline skirt that I was already sitting on and the horrid high heels that I had no right trying to maneuver in. He ignored me pointedly - as he had been doing all night - while shutting the car door on my pleas, super-speeding to his own car door. He was sure to give me one of those hypnotizing smiles when he looked over at me.
"You look stunning. Even more stunning than usual," he took one of the ringlets that Alice had styled in my hair and pushed it farther from my face. "And it would be a terrible shame for our peers to miss it."
"I don't want to go!" I frowned, turning in my seat and crossing my arms stubbornly. Maybe even childishly - either way, I was not a happy camper. "I don't want people to stare, or whisper, or - Edward, I can't even dance properly! I'm still dizzy."
"Then we don't have to dance," he shrugged.
"But it's one of the only things I can do properly. Let's just delay it," I offered with a smile, pulling off my seatbelt. "We can come back next year when I'm actually something worth showing off. You're not winning any battles against Mike with me like this, so-"
But Edward sped off so quickly that I was pinned to my seat - seatbelt or not - and against my will but agreeing with my fears, I strapped myself safely in place. His driving was too fast, even for me.
"I don't need to show you off to Newton," he explained haughtily. "But we do want to show everyone how beautiful you are. You said you don't want them to whisper - the best way to stop them is to render them breathless, which you can do by showing them that you're as beautiful and normal as ever."
"Are you doing this because of the rumour that I was horribly disfigured in the fire?" I asked accusingly. "Because that is so not the case. No one really believes it, Jessica said-"
"Jessica is a terrible reference," Edward shook his head. "I am doing this for your own good."
"Yeah, sure." I sighed, looking down at my dress with narrowed eyes. I couldn't tell whether or not I liked it. I did show a bit more skin than I normally would have liked - maybe that was why. Maybe Alice was trying to put the rumours of my horrible body burns to rest as well. It was a beautiful dress - mint blue and green, boat necked and flared out with layers of crinoline to fall just above my knees. It was cute, more cute than I would have bought myself were Alice not picking out the dress, but I appreciated it. The three inch heels were too high for me as I was still so unsteady on my feet, but the blue gladiator heels made me feel just punky enough to make the cookie-cutter dress acceptable. My arm, still bandaged, had been decorated with bling and Alice's artwork that matched the colours of my outfit...
It was overdone, and coming from me, that is a bad thing.
Edward was allowed to look stunning, not that he really had a choice in that matter. He could have gone in a garbage bag and I'm pretty sure he would have looked as stunning as he did now dressed in a black suit with a black shirt and, of course, the matching mint tie. The contrast against his skin was too beautiful for comprehension and the comparison between he and I was just depressing. I did not show this much skin, ever. I was not comfortable enough to show this much skin.
"You look beautiful," he sighed, feeling the nervousness I was emitting. "And Alice was so pleased to have a doll to dress up."
"Normally I would have been all for it, but not...can we please just cancel? Or, how about we drive over the border and go to a prom over there? Somewhere where no one knows me."
"We'll do that tomorrow," he agreed with a cheeky and lopsided smile. I frowned at him before turning back to the road, making sure to focus on the dashboard so that I wasn't left feeling dizzy from his fast driving. My eyes still were having a hard time contacting with my brain thanks to the concussion and I found myself going through dizzy spells and feeling nauseous during movies as if I were seasick and never having been on a boat.
"I need to start thinking about better punishments for not listening to me while I'm giving commands," I thought aloud. "Something that you won't like, for once."
"Ha!" he smiled, turning into the high school parking lot and finding the closest parking spot in a blur that probably shocked any of the other drivers. "Anything that involves you and I being together will never be a punishment, Vivienne."
"Then maybe I should order you not to see me when you misbehave," I threatened with a snobby voice. He scoffed lightly.
"You wouldn't," he stated confidently. I sighed.
"Yeah, I know." I was distracted from thinking about saying something else witty or somehow tempting for him to take me away by the sound of Edward's cell phone ringing from inside his jacket. He looked briefly at the caller ID, looking almost perplexed, before answering.
"Hello, Charlie," he greeted cautiously.
"'Charlie'?" I repeated aghast. "As in my Dad? Why is he calling you?"
I had always loved that my dad gave me the space I needed, but since I had come home from Phoenix, space was the last thing I got from him. He came in to check on me in the middle of the night. He was constantly asking my plans and calling me as if he would catch me red handed trying to leave again, and most importantly he had decided that Edward was the enemy.
Carlisle, he loved. He was grateful that he had been there to help when I had needed him. But Edward? Logically, it should just mean that Edward came with Carlisle because they are father and son and the son happened to be dating his daughter - but dad didn't see it like that. Dad was almost jealous that Edward had been with me on my sickbed when he hadn't been able to be. It had caused a terrible rift in an already fragile civility, which Edward always tried to defend saying that he was being a good father. I just thought he was being overbearing.
"You're kidding!" Edward laughed after a long moment. His eyes wide with disbelief before a grin spread widely across his face.
"Dad doesn't kid - what are you talking about?" I demanded, but Edward ignored me.
"Why don't you let me talk to him?" Edward's voice was coated in smugness, even his face radiated amusement as there were a few moments of silence. Him? Who else was there that would want to talk to Edward instead of me?
"Hello, Tyler, this is Edward Cullen." His voice was very friendly, but anyone who was on the receiving end would be able to hear the threat lying just under the surface. It took me a long moment, a very long moment, before I realized what was happening and gasped.
"He didn't!"
"I'm sorry if there's been some kind of miscommunication, but Vivienne is unavailable tonight." He smiled, looking at me with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "To be perfectly honest, she'll be unavailable every night, as far as anyone besides myself is concerned. No offense. And I'm sorry about your evening."
"Don't be," I hissed, hoping that it made it to the receiver so Tyler could feel the brunt of my anger. He snapped his phone shut at that, the smirk on his face trying to rip through the enraged heat crawling up my face and threatening to melt my makeup.
"Was that last part a bit too much? I didn't mean to offend you."
"He thought he was taking me to prom!" I gasped angrily. "Who does he think he is? Alright, we can't go to prom. I'm going to rip his eyes out."
Edward frowned, though he couldn't keep his lips from twitching up at my outburst. "Don't be difficult, Vivienne."
"Difficult? Me? I'm being difficult? Tyler almost runs me over with his van months ago and he still thinks he's entitled to take me to prom now that I have a boyfriend! Who does he think he is? That's it. I want out. I'll walk home." I opened the car door, only to step out and see Edward holding his arms out in front of me with a frown marring his features.
"Tyler is not ruining this night."
"No, I'll ruin the night when I commit some kind of felony. This is a bad idea, I want to go home." I stomped my foot on the ground childishly, almost losing my balance in the meantime. Edward put his arms out to steady me and took advantage of the position so that he could hold me and hypnotize me with those beautiful topaz eyes of his.
"Please, Vivienne?"
"Humour me," he insisted, rubbing small circles on the back of my arms that sent chills scrambling up and down the length of my spine.
"That's not fair," I pouted. "Fine. But I'm not dancing, you know, because I can't. And you're not going to complain, you know, because I forbid you." I was sure to thrust my nose high up in the air before I started walking toward the auditorium entrance. Even when I was acting like a stubborn brat, he was sure to slide his arm under my own and hold it in a way I'd only seen during plays or in movies when old fashioned men treated their ladies with respect. It was so nice to have an old fashioned boyfriend who knew all the romantic rules.
"You will dance, though," he assured me quietly. "You know, because I can." He mocked. "And you will like it, you know, because you want to."
"I hate this."
"There, now, it won't be so bad." He leaned down and moved the arm that had been holding my own so that it could wrap around my waist. We had barely made it through the parking lot when I heard it.
"I don't see any burns..."
"Do you think the killers body was really unidentifiable?"
"Don't listen to them," Edward said at once. He must have felt me stiffen against the whispers, trying to fight them off with a strength that I didn't feel I had. I turned my eyes up to look at him, trying to show him how terrified I was to face the crowds inside the school, the crowds that were five times the size of the people lingering outside thanks to being latecomers or smokers.
"Mm," I hummed back nervously, turning my eyes toward the doors, counting my steps as I took them. It was the only way I could keep a stern face.
I had always expected prom, whether it be junior or senior prom, to be a grand affair. Arie and I had always planned to make our prom dresses out of beautiful fabrics with splattered paints and dance the night away on the giant speakers of a big 5-star-hotel prom as if we were a pair of Circe De Soleil performers. Here in Forks, there were no giant speakers coming from the one student dj over in the corner, surrounded by the twisted garlands and paper decorations that swamped the walls of the auditorium.
"Mon dieu," I gasped as I looked at it. Edward looked at me worriedly. "This is going to turn into Carrie. And I'm going to be Carrie! Alright everybody run out of the appropriate exits-"
"Vivienne, no." Edward told me firmly, though there was a definite smile tugging at his lips. "If this is any sort of scary movie, it's the kind with vampires present, don't you think?"
He turned my gaze to look at the dance floor, where two couples tore it up in the most graceful way possible. The other couples watched them in awe, not even knowing how to control their jaws and not daring to dance beside them. It alienated them in the way that they always were and made me wonder how more people hadn't come to the conclusions I had so early on. Looking at Emmett and Jasper in their dashing tuxedos, or Alice in her black geometric patterned dress, and Rosalie in her backless -and pretty much frontless - number, I didn't understand how other people didn't attribute their unearthly beauty to something that we think of as unearthly. Did I really live that much in my own head that I was the only one to try and figure it all out? Or was I just strange enough that sense hadn't taken over and I'd managed to make myself believe that fairy tales were true?
"Okay, I say you and the other pretty couples over there get out before you have to see the pig blood," I joked. He glared at me.
"I told you it wasn't Carrie."
"Fine, either way I'm still siding with the vampires." I shrugged, walking forward and into the crowd. I walked straight to the drinks table with very little interruption. I avoided all the eyes that turned to watch me pass, but none of them actually had the nerve to say hello to me or wish me a good night. They couldn't speak to my face, but I could hear each of them turn to whisper as soon as they were behind me.
"I'm not dancing," though I could not see Edward and there was no indication he had followed me through the crowd, I could sense that he was there. He sighed behind me, leaning forward to pour me a drink of punch and smelling it before deeming it un-spiked for me.
"I've got all night," he warned me.
"You'd have a much better chance if this were spiked." I explained with a small smile. He grinned toward me.
"Just let me go get Emmett, normally he already would have added something. I'm sure he's just a bit distracted by Rosalie tonight."
"Who wouldn't be?" I guffawed, looking over my shoulder to watch her - her red, trained dress flowing behind her as she danced with Emmett, who had a grace no one his size should have. There were way too many tells. Something like prom could totally give their identities away. "She still hates me."
"She doesn't hate you," Edward winced. "Rose is sensitive. She's warmed up to the idea of you a great amount, though."
"That's what Alice said," I acknowledged, taking another sip of my drink as I watched her. I wouldn't tell Edward that Alice had said that Rosalie now felt she could relate more to me now that I knew loss and that she respected me because I had stuck against the odds and chosen not to become a vampire when I had the option. Alice had said Rose always worried that it's what I had been after, immortality, and that she respected that I wasn't throwing my dreams and goals away for a vampire who could not offer them to me. Alice assured me that now that Rosalie respected me she would grow to like me. It would just take time because she didn't understand the lure I had to Edward if I wasn't after immortality and he couldn't give me the family I wanted.
I was just set on making the time fly between when Rosalie went from respect to friend. It'd be a bumpy road, but if Alice said it was going to happen, I was determined to see it through.
"Come dance with me - your beauty will easily surpass theirs." Edward encouraged in a voice so velvety I almost fell into it. I took a deep breath to fight against the fluttering in my chest.
"Not when spinning makes me nauseous," I pointed out. "Besides, I don't think the waltzes I've learned will work to this music."
"They were doing a three step waltz when we came in," he argued quickly. "And we can dance in any way we want. You said you were graceful when you dance...I want to see it."
"Why?" I frowned.
"Honestly?" he smiled, his eyes narrowing slightly in challenge. "I don't believe you can."
I bristled defensively, feeling my eyes narrow. I knew that he was baiting me - my own boyfriend, baiting me! - but I couldn't help the chemical reaction in my brain that made my skin heat up in annoyance. I looked at him, watching for any sign that he was willing to back down or take the offensive comment back. He didn't. He looked determined, his eyes level to mine.
Taking the rest of my punch in one swig, I took a deep breath and offered him my hand.
"I hope I dance better than you and I vomit on your shoes," I hissed as he pulled me beside his siblings on the dance floor. The whispers waved through the crowd like a rising and falling tide. I could hear them, see them pointing, watch as they pushed their hands near their mouths and others ears so that their conversations could remain private - but Edward could hear them, I knew he could. He put us in a very stereotypical waltz position before looking at me with such intensity it almost left me breathless.
"It's just you and me," he whispered. "Give them something else to talk about."
That and his own challenge were more than enough motivation for me. The waltz steps itself came back to me easily: one-two-three, one-two-three, he kept it very standardized for me. I could have done better on a good day, but as it was when he spun me I had to bite my lips together to help the rolling of my stomach pass.
Alice smiled at me encouragingly each time Edward spun me in her general direction. Rosalie gave a curt nod the one time I accidentally became too dizzy and spun a little off course, before Emmett had slapped my back playfully so that I'd be pushed back toward my own date. Edward held me tightly, slowing down the pace for a moment so I could get my bearings. I was just about to thank him for the thought before he stiffened under my hands. Turning to face him fully I saw his glare directed to the door.
"You have a visitor," he informed me so formally that the anger dripping from his voice was palpable.
"If Tyler's about to ask me to dance I will turn this into Carrie no matter what you-" but I stopped speaking when I followed his icy glare toward the doors and saw a very unexpected visitor. It wasn't Tyler at all, but a very gangly Quileute boy - one that it took me a moment to recognize thanks to an awkward feeling of displacement marring his features. Oh, and his awkward transition from teen to young man that he was currently in the middle of.
"Jacob!" I smiled, unable to stop myself. At hearing the sound of my voice, Jacob Black turned toward me, showing off his white dress shirt, tie, and neat ponytail.
Edward snarled under his breath.
"Play nice, kitty. Hey, and put those claws away! Jacob looks terrified."
"He wants to chat with you," Edward growled as if the very idea was insulting.
"I can have friends, Edward and if I'm not allowed to make this into Carrie you certainly aren't allowed to make it into Buffy..."
"Hey, Liv, I was hoping you would be here." He was almost as terrible of a liar as I was, but I couldn't help but smile at him anyway. Jacob was hard not to be happy around.
"Against my will, but I'm here. What brought you to this hell-hole?" I offered with a bright enthusiasm that contradicted my words. He smiled sheepishly, pointing to my hands that were still tightly gripped by Edward.
"Can I cut in?" he asked, glancing at Edward for the first time. Jacob had gotten tall, really tall, in the time that I hadn't seen him. He didn't even have to look up at Edward like ninety percent of the student populace did, they were eye-to-eye...Edward did not seem happy about that as he took a silent step back. The Quileute looked almost shocked, but thankful. "Thanks."
Jacob looked almost as awkward as I felt as he took Edward's spot and placed his hands on my waist. I didn't have any trouble reaching his shoulders, but the tension between us made me wish I did - just so I would have a reason not to be in such an awkward situation.
"So, you've joined the mile-high club, huh?" I was the worst small-talker ever.
"Huh?" he asked, genuinely confused.
"You're tall now. Are you trying to become a giant teddy bear? It's an admirable career choice."
"Ha, no." He beamed at me. "But I did take a small job from my dad. Would you believe he paid me twenty bucks to come to your prom?"
I tried not to narrow my eyes at him. "Believe it or not, I can." I noticed my voice was a little too dark for what it should be while addressing Jacob, so I made sure to smile again. "But welcome to junior prom - see anyone you want me to hook you up with?"
"Kind of, but she's taken." He sighed a little bit inwardly and as I looked up at him to tell him there were other fish in the sea, he turned to look down at me - a spark flashing between us that made me look away as my face grew warm.
"Well, you have about sixty others." I offered lamely.
"You look really pretty," Jacob said shyly, spitting it out like it hurt him.
"Thanks. This," I pointed to my hair and makeup. "Was all against my will. Alice will be happy to know her efforts were appreciated by someone."
"Probably by everyone," he argued quietly. I turned away from him again.
"Thanks...uh, so, that twenty bucks; it wasn't just so you could experience the prom, was it?"
He did not seem any more comfortable with this subject than the last one we had been in. He looked uncomfortable, shifting nervously and nearly stepping on my toes. "My old man said it was a 'safe' place to talk to you. I swear he's losing his mind."
"Charlie will be so glad he's not alone, then!" I added enthusiastically, though I wanted to spit out my nerves. Billy was trying to save me from Edward again - and poor Jacob was the messenger. Billy wasn't being very smart about this, sending his only son, hadn't he ever heard the expression 'shoot the messenger'? I'm sure if Edward could, he would.
"I guess. Anyway, he said if I told you something, he would get me that master cylinder I need."
"Hey!" I laughed, genuinely pleased. "Then there's no reason not to tell me. It's time you get the rabbit finished."
"You remembered," he almost gaped. Honestly, boys hearing that I know about cars are too shocked. It's not that rare for a girl to have a general understanding for automobiles, was it? "Don't get mad, okay?"
I noticed that Jacob was looking away, embarrassed. Oh, this would be good. "I won't get mad. Not even at your dad - just get the job done."
"Well - this is so stupid, I'm sorry, Liv - he wants you to break up with your boyfriend. He asked me to tell you 'please'..." he shook his head, upset with his father and the fact that he had actually found the words to tell me. I sighed, patting his back lightly with my hand.
"Still into those legends?"
"Yeah. He was...kind of over the top after everything that happened in Phoenix. He thought..." he trailed off. "I'm sorry. It doesn't matter what he thought. I'm really sorry about your brother."
"Thanks," I mumbled quietly, unable to stop myself from looking around to see if anyone else had heard the conversation we were having. The only one who seemed to have any eyes for us was Edward, who was leaning against the far wall and ignoring the seductive looks a group of girls was trying to send him. He saw me looking and smiled slightly, giving me the courage to continue on with my lies.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this so bad - I'll go." I frowned a bit, feeling bad for making Jacob feel awkward over something that was not his fault, but I let go of him just the same.
"Well, I'm really sorry that you came all this way. At least you get to finish the rabbit."
"Yeah," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. I raised my eyebrows.
"You do get your cylinder, don't you?"
"Well, there's...he said..."
"There's more?" I tried not to let my voice sound as upset as I was over it, but the emphasis behind my words was pretty clear. "Come on, spit it out and then you can leave and get your car fixed."
"It's so bad," Jacob muttered, as if he were saying it more to himself than to me.
"And you didn't say it. You're making it worse by making me wait," I said a little more coolly than I meant. He nodded to himself, thinking about the right way to phrase it before he nodded to himself again.
"Okay...but geeze, this sounds so bad. He told to me to tell you - no, to warn you - that...and this is his plural, not mine..." He put his hands up into the air, wincing as he said it. "'We'll be watching'."
I couldn't help but let out a laugh, a boisterous laugh that drew the attention of multiple people standing near us. "Oh man, I was just talking about how I would make tonight into a scary movie, but your dad's trying to do it for me; what a twist! Wow, I'm really sorry you had to say that, no wonder you were so worried. Well, tell Billy that I appreciate the message but he needs to have a little trust in modern life - not legends. Dead and buried, you know the saying. But tell him I know that he's only trying to look out for me, which is very sweet of him, even if he's trying to get me killed by an axe murderer."
"Ha, I will." Jacob smiled, grinning in relief. "And I didn't mind coming here that much..." he paused as he came toward me again. "Do you want to dance again, or can I help you find Edward, or..."
"That's alright, Jacob." Edward's voice responded silkily from behind him. He turned around so that they could be face to face, though Jacob looked guilty in the most innocent of ways. "I'll take it from here."
"I didn't see you there," Jacob mumbled. "I guess I'll see you around, Liv."
As he waved, stepping away from us, I made sure to give him a bright - and surprisingly genuine - wave in return. "I'll see you later - maybe after you get your rabbit fixed. Or if you need some help from a real mechanic."
He let out a loud laugh, one that made me smile even more brightly before he smiled again and exited from the gym - leaving as if he had never come. I turned to Edward, who began leading me in a slower waltz, guiding my head to his shoulder. I immediately felt my eyes droop.
"Retract your claws, it wasn't his fault. And Billy's only looking out for Charlie." I explained, pleased with myself when I felt Edward relax on my command. He shook his head.
"That's not quite why I'm upset," he explained. "And I'm not mad at Billy - but his son is irritating me."
"Why?" I asked, not moving from his shoulder.
"First, he made you laugh-"
"Oh, don't be jealous. He didn't force me to give up and dance through nausea. He kept it to simple swaying - he was actually being much more considerate than you were."
"Second," Edward frowned, interrupting my sarcastic little rant. "He called you pretty. That's practically an insult, the way you look right now. You are much more than beautiful."
"You're biased."
"I don't think that's it," he looked down at me and smiled. "Besides, I have excellent eyesight."
I laughed, leaning up and placing my lips gently against his. "You're sweet."
"You're perfect," he countered, twirling me in a way that made me feel nauseous for a moment but made me smile. I loved dancing and were it not for all the erroneous reasons why not to be here, I would have been having a wonderful time with him. "I love you."
"Enough to stick around and prove it?" I asked with a smile.
"I will prove I love you until the end of my existence. Your sorrow fed itself with the Nightfall, but the sun is rising, Vivienne - you will never have to feel alone again. I love you and I will never let you go." Edward smiled, leaning down and kissing me again. It was soft and gentle, as sweet as honey. I couldn't help but kiss him again. And again. And a few more times. The last time that I did, it was light before pulling away and looking into his shining topaz eyes. I couldn't help looking for the truth in his words, because they simply were too good to be true. Since when was something ever that simple?
"I swear it," he added, as if knowing what I was doing. I laughed, giving his hand a squeeze. "I'll be with you forever, if you want me."
"I will," I warned him.
"I hope." He smiled. "Because I'll love you for longer."
I smiled back at him, nodding slightly. "I know."
Well, my friends, Nightfall has come to a close. Before I tell the fate of this story, please let me address my reviewers:
Ariella Jones: I'm so glad that you like the realism I tried to include with my contrast between Bella and Liv, I tried to add as many of the little details you mentioned as possible, simply because it is what happens in real life and though I never write in the 'real' world, I always try to make the fantasy realm as realistic as possible. Thank you so much for your review and support!
Angel of the Night Watchers: Man, there were SO many chapters that I had to do. I rewrote the next GEM chapter like six times because the formatting is just so strange, but I think it will end up being a good chapter - definitely nail biting, though abstract. I love gymnastics and swimming, I'm also keen on diving. I was watching it while I was at the bar for my best friend's birthday today - half the time we forgot about our drinks because we were watching the Russians and Romanians on floor. Anyway, the story has come to an end, but I think it was a good end. It was different like I wanted it to be and hopefully it leaves a different taste in your mouth than Twilight did - I can't tell from my angle, of course, but tis the hope. Thank you for all your work on this story, it has been so amazing!
AdelphiBahana: I'm so glad that you liked the changes and subtle differences between Bella and Vivienne, I had hoped that people would understand that I was trying to put more personality into what I saw as a very plain character and I'm proud of the response it got me. Thank you very much :)
Bree: Thank you for your review and support - I have tons of great ideas for how I would twist the plot with Liv's decisions on not wanting to become a vampire...guess you'll have to see.
Well readers, I did a lot of thinking about whether or not I would continue this series - it was a really difficult decision for me because it does not get the response that most of my other stories do and I figured if this wasn't interesting people then I should put my time into the stories that people seem to be enjoying more. I decided not to write a New Moon sequel. Then, when I was updating a chapter, I noticed the new format which shows you how many Favs and Follows people have on each story - though I'd gotten the alerts that someone was following me, I never tallied up how many people have put this story on their favourites or followed for updates.
Because of these people, I have decided that I will be doing a New Moon rewrite. Now, here's the rub: because I had literally decided up until two days ago that I was not going to write a sequel, I have nothing prepared. I am swamped between life, Green Eyed Monster, Awfully Big Adventures, and Second Hand, so I have decided that I will take a little break. When I have time to write the sequel for this, you will be getting this sequel and you will probably get it in a 'every-two-days-is-an-update' kind of thing because I'll work at it a little bit until I'm finished and then start releasing then. It's what I have decided to do with all my stories thanks to how well it worked at the beginning of my Harry Potter fanfic - so, there is a New Moon rewrite on the way...but it will be delayed. But keep a look out in the next few months, I will be calling it Asteroids.
Thank you for all your support again, my friends. See you in other updates :)