A/N: Ash was requested by: Koi-Pie. Thanks a bunch! No infringement is intended by this fanfic, all rights belong to Yana Toboso.

"When can I go play with Lucifer?" Sebastian, who was now eight, asked Megaera one day. He was washing Chiron's boat with a ghostly sponge, and surrounded by the yummy souls of those who couldn't cross the river.

"Alecto! Tisiphone! Sebastian asked the you-know-what-question!" She wailed, "Sebastian you mustn't associate yourself with that Angel. They cook demons as appetizers. Worse yet, they take your best friend and lie to him!"

"Look Sebastian," Alecto called, "if you want to associate yourself with your creater, fine. But don't come crying to us when he loses interest in you. He's still trying to figure out why mortals are so fascinating, and you would only get in his way."

"Alecto!" Meagara gasped, dropping Chiron's termite-infested oar, "you mustn't kick Sebastian out of the house. He's just a small boy!"

"With a large appetite," Tisiphone replied, limping slightly. "And he doesn't even know how to catch his own dinner. It's time we let him on his own." Meagara quickly shut up, and Alecto grinned triumphly.

"Oh my dear Sebastian," Meagara exclaimed, rushing to hug him, "will you be all right in the cruel world above? Mortals, as weak and insignificant as they seem, are nasty creatures who attack the little guy. They turn on each other. Morals and reason are wiped out when their judgment is clouded. Oh my poor little demon how will you survive?"

"I will do just fine Megara," Sebastian assured her, hugging her back. "Out of three, you were the most affectionate towards my disgusting existence. Thank you. Alecto, you have despised demons for no reason and therefore have come to hate me, but I know that deep down you came to love me. Tisiphone, I cannot figure you out. Perhaps that is better. You cared for me merely because I was a demon and that served to your advantage, and nothing more. I hope the three have a happy immortal existence together."

"What big words for such a small child," Tisiphone mused, "and what will you do?"

"I will learn how to care for myself, naturally," Sebastian replied, "and then I will figure out why everyone is fascinated with mortals. I would like to learn about mortals myself." He flew across the river and into the Furies' home. He came back with a change of clothes, Lucifer's finest bottle of souls, and his pet kitty.

"Perhaps I will visit you next century," Sebastian promised, "I hope it can be sooner. Goodbye Furies!"

"Oh, they grow up so fast," Meagara wiped the tears from her eye sockets, "did you hear that, he's coming to visit us next century! Tisiphone, Alecto, remember when he said that?"

"I'm just glad I don't have to share a room with you anymore," Alecto grumbled, blinking repeatedly. "I must still be drowsy from last night."

"Tisiphone? Don't you have anything to say about Sebastian?" Megara innocently asked, "Anything at all?"

"I'm afraid we have unleashed a monster into the mortal realm," Tisiphone replied, "it was only a matter of time before he left anyway. I wonder what will change now that he is there. I wonder…."

Angela Blanc rested her pale oval face on her smooth hands as she admired the angel Lucifer. She had pined for him since before the beginning of time, but her one-sided obsession was met with his rejection. Still, she couldn't help but pine for him. Out of desperation she made a separate entity of herself to please his tastes, and she called it Ash. But Ash failed to bring much attention to the angel. His urgent cry suddenly snapped Angela out of her daydreaming.

"You stupid brat," She muttered, walking over to Ash, "can't you shut up?" The infant, who was only six months, burst into even louder tears.

"Maybe I should turn you into ash once more," Angela warned him, "you stupid fool! You didn't bring his attention to me!" Bitter tears streamed down her face, and she rubbed her hands against her cheeks. The child cried with her until Angela slapped him quiet.

"You aren't even an angel!" She shrieked, picking up Ash from his cloud crib and putting him over her head. "Let's see if you splatter pretty on the frost!" She suddenly dropped Ash, and peered down to see where he would fall. A whistling sound echoed throughout the infant's fall as he suddenly aged rapidly from six months to six years. Angela didn't watch for long, her attention was drawn again to her secret window for admiring Lucifer. Ash didn't hurt himself as he fell from heaven because a nice demon cushioned his fall!

"Oh dear my skull," Sebastian exclaimed softly, lying flat on the ground with an angel on his back. He tried to massage his head, and he could feel a bump starting to form. Ash gasped as if he were choking. He had only been crying a minute ago in heaven, and now he was gasping from the pain of the fall and the cold wind.

"Don't worry about me angel," Sebastian complained, "I don't mind lying on this cold snow. Take your time while you decide whether you want to get up or not." He shook his head, so much of Alecto's personality had leeched into his he couldn't tell if he would say that or not. What exactly was a demon supposed to say in situations? He was still eight, for…for whose sake should he curse to?

"You must be one of those special children," Sebastian finally comprehended, "Lucifer said you were the first to be eaten. Stay still while I enjoy you for lunch."

Ash cocked his head sideways and stuck his thumb in this mouth. Goosebumps covered his albino flesh, from his slender arms to his chubby feet. Sebastian lost his temper and got up, causing Ash to fall on the snow-covered ground. Ash got up, as if the snow branded him, and clung to Sebastian's thick woolen covered arm.

"You brat let me go!" Sebastian hollered, squirming out of Ash's grip. Ash's eyes watered again and a frown formed on his pink lips. Sebastian pouted in disgust, and managed to separate the angel from his arm. He begrudgly handed the angel his coat and wrapped him up. Ash squealed and buried his face in hands.

"It's only a sweater, no need to get all excited," Sebastian commented, "now tell me where your mama and papa are." Ash shook his head and pointed upward.

"I know you are an angel," Sebastian patiently explained, "but you must have fallen from heaven by accident. There's no way you could have been kicked out at such a short age. I speak a little angel maybe you can understand this."

"'Where are your mother and father?'" Sebastian asked in angel tongue.

"I'm not stupid nor am I 'special'," Ash retorted in Latin, the language Sebastian had been originally speaking. "I didn't reply sooner because I was cold, hurt, and shocked."

"I'm glad you are not an imbecile," Sebastian sighed, "but this means I cannot eat you now. Do you have any way of returning back to heaven or do you need my assistance? Megara says it is never too early to start community service." What a mama's boy, Ash raised an eyebrow but politely shook his head.

I hate this stupid preppy angel already; Sebastian gritted his teeth and smiled widely.

"So how did you fall from heaven?" Sebastian asked, climbing the slippery tree trunks that had fallen earlier in autumn. Ash wrapped the coat tighter around his torso and gingerly stepped on the snow.

"Auntie Angela threw me down," Ash replied, "I don't think I will ever be able to go up again. She says I am not an angel."

"You smell like one, and you certainly act like those snobs," Sebastian tried to console the other boy, "besides, it is much better than being mortal."

"Do you really think so?" Ash, with a bit of arrogance, asked. "You were once human, and I was once human. And your precious creator was once human, but my creator was not. He actually loves me very much. You are shrouded in the darkness and eat souls and…" Sebastian smirked, and pointed to the coat Ash had on.

"I can do whatever I want," boasted Sebastian, "and play with whatever I like. I can disobey my father and betray my brothers and kill without a doubt. Right now the one at advantage here is me. I let you borrow my coat, I promised not to eat you, and I might let you live with me. If you apologize that is."

"Never! I would rather eat…" At that moment Ash tummy rumbled like a thunder storm. He self-consciously held it and remembered his Auntie never fed him that bottle in the morning.

"If you apologize, I could ask the innkeeper to give us bread and ale," Sebastian baited, "and I have extra clothes that I might let you borrow. Think about it angel! We can be best friend-no! We could be brothers…." Ash faintly nodded, and Sebastian silently shouted victory. He took of his pack and pulled out his extra black robe.

"Turn around and don't peek." Sebastian humored the little boy and did as he was told. Ash donned the soft black robe and cringed at the sight. The dark dye tainted his pale skin; he could feel it sink into his being. He shuddered and quickly put the coat back on.

"Are you ready to go?" Sebastian turned around and extended his hand. Ash accepted it, and a strange brotherhood between an angel and a demon was formed.

"So what's your life story? Did you grow up with daddy Lucifer?" Ash sneered, squeezing Sebastian's hand until it popped. Sebastian popped his hand back into place and squeezed back.

"The Furies were kind enough to raise me, but they made sure I was far from Lucifer," Sebastian grumbled, "I would be a better demon if I had been raised closer to him. I'm not even sure if I act demonly enough."

"Are you kidding? You're the worst!" Ash laughed, "Don't even doubt it." They finally arrived at the Inn, where they got a room and a meal together.

"How can you stomach this garbage?" Whispered Sebastian, "these mortals will eat anything." Ash threw him a glance but continued swallowing as much food as he could. "Please, take mine," Sebastian pushed his plate towards Ash. They were sitting at the far end of the bench, away from the rough travelers, both of their legs dangling over the seat.

"Thieves!" Screeched a one-eyed lady, "You think I didn't see that? These boys think they can get away with eating two plates apiece. I'll show you otherwise." The woman slowly made her way to where they were. Immediately the boys jumped up and ran out the door. It wouldn't be the last time they would encounter such problems as they travelled along.

It had been a couple months since Ash and Sebastian travelled together when Ash decided to ask, "Where are we going? It feels like we have no destination sometimes."

"Exactly," Sebastian grinned, scooting closer to where Ash was sleeping, "I want to study humans. Why is everyone so fascinated with them? I wish I knew."

"You're weird," Ash concluded, rubbing his sleepy eyes, "You should be eating souls and tempting humans like all the other demon boys."

"Well, I heard demon boys and angel boys and Shinigami boys go to school. And there is a place where they take care of supernatural children. We could go there next." Ash nodded violently and away they went.

"And who could that be at the door?" Cackled a voice after Sebastian and Ash rang the doorbell. A teenager, with long grey hair and a black robe met them. In his arms was a red haired girl in a little red dress and a sucking a red peppermint.

"H-h-hello sir," stuttered Ash, after Sebastian elbowed him to talk, "is this th-th-the daycare?"

"Why yes it's the daycare," Undertaker giggled, "now what brings you here? You know William can't play until he finishes his homework." Confused, Ash pushed Sebastian forward and hid behind him; a blush painted on his cheeks and ears.

"It's a daycare," Sebastian repeated, "It seems we have made a mistake. As you can see, we are too old to attend a daycare. Come along Ash, you saw what you had to see."

"Poppycock, you two should stay for honey milk," Undertaker ushered the two boys inside. Reluctantly, Sebastian pulled Ash into the daycare. Compared to the dingy façade of marble and wood on the outside, the inside was a palace of black and red and more black. The walls were different shades of black, and adorned with shelves of bottles and peppermints. The main hall, which had a ceiling 5 meters high, was home to a wooden chandelier. Playpens and cribs were arranged throughout the hall, until they reached a large wooden door.

"Undertaker, it doesn't take ten minutes to answer the door," William grumbled through the door. He swung it open and was surprised to see two guys his age.

"Demon," William hissed, "what is his kind doing in here?" Sebastian smiled and brought his face close to William's. He puffed his cheeks and blew a stray hair from William's eyes.

"It breathed on me!"

"I am not an 'It' my name is Sebastian," He replied, "and your guardian invited us for honey milk. Do you mind making mine a…"

"Of course," Undertaker nodded, "I'll bring you some blood right away."

"No, no, no," protested William, tugging on Undertaker's sleeve, "what will Grell drink?" Grell giggled at the sound of his name and squirmed out of Undertaker's arms. He tumbled into Sebastian's lap, and stretched his arms out.

"The Shinigami likes me," Sebastian taunted, sitting Grell on his lap. "It's not a girl but a beautiful…."

"I still hate him you know," William interrupted Undertaker's story, "I can't believe you let him in."

"I still can't believe you gave him a black eye," Undertaker sighed playfully, "but I'm glad they were able to stay at the academy. Now you have two best friends and you can be the trio: the demon, the angel, and the grim reaper!"

A/N: Thanks for reading, hope you leave a review!