The Legend Of Naruto: The Wind Waker Prologue.
(Note: I know that Ganondorf never had assistants (who were humans), but pleaase pretend that Ganondorf (Orochimaru) does. Also, please pretend that The Third Hokage (Hiruzen) is Naruto's grandfather since Naruto doesn't have a grandma in this story. Also, Konohamaru plays Aryll in the story (see in the cast of characters) because as you already know, Konohamaru is The Third Hokage's grandfather. Also, Naruto is twelve in this story because the game actually occurs on Link's twelfth birthday. So are some of the Naruto Genin since I'm using Part I of Naruto. Anyways, please enjoy the story!)
Naruto as Toon Link.
Sakura as Tetra.
Hinata as Zelda.
Orochimaru as Ganondorf.
Sasuke as Orochimaru's assistant.
Kabuto as Orochimaru's right-hand-man.
King Of Red Lions as himself.
Jiraiya as King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The King Of Hyrule).
Third Hokage as Link's grandmother.
Neji as Prince Komali.
Itachi as Quill.
Tenten as Medli.
Kakashi as Gonzo.
Kiba as Niko.
Shino as Zuko.
Kankuro as Mako.
Sai as Senza.
Yamato as Nudge.
Lee as Makar.
Might Guy as Tingle.
Ino as Laruto.
Gaara as Fado.
Moegi as Milla.
Udon as Maggie.
Hizashi Hyuga (Neji's father) as Komali's grandmother.
Hiyashi Hyuga (Hinata's father) as The Rito Chieftain
And the rest of the Akatsuki as the Ritos.
This is one of the legends in which the people speak...
Once upon a time, long ago, there was a sacred land where a golden power called the Triforce lay hidden.
It was known to be a prosperous that had been blessed with green forests, tall mountains, and peace.
But then one day, an evil man had found this "Triforce" and had decided to take it for himself.
But, just as all hope had died, and the hour of doom seemed at hand...
...A young boy in an orange jumpsuit appeared as if from nowhere.
Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he had finally defeated the evil man by once more giving the land light again.
This boy who traveled through time to save the land called Hyrule, was also known as the Hero Of Time.
The boy's tale had been passed down from generation to generation until his story became a legend...
But however... tragedy struck. One day, there was a fell wind that began to blow across the kingdom.
The great evil that once had taken over the land and was swept away by the hero...
...Had once again come back to claim the land for himself, eager to resume his so-called "dark designs".
And everyone thought that the Hero Of Time would once again return to come and save them.
But guess what? He never came back...
Saddened that their beloved "Hero Of Time" had not returned, all the people could do was to pray for the gods to make him come back.
But in their final hours, as their time was almost up, the people leaving their future in the hands of fate.
What ever happened to that kingdom? No one... will ever know.
As soon as the memory of the kingdom vanished, its legend had survived on the wind's breath.
But on a certain island, it became a coustomary tradition to garb young boys in orange jumpsuits when they would come to age.
But however, outside on the green fields, they had an ambition to find such heroic blades as soon as they would cast down evil.
But the elders only wished for the youths to know courage that had come from The Hero Of Time...