What was she doing? Jane couldn't help but wonder as she stood alone in her kitchen with bottle of beer in her hands. Why was she sitting in her house with no lights on drinking her pain away while her better counterpart was doing the same exact thing at her home across town. And even more than that why did it hurt so damn bad it was just a fight like any other they had had tons before this morning though none of them had ended so explosively. Jane knew she sometimes over reacted and yes she was a little over protective of Maura and more than a little jealous.

Honestly, who wouldn't be? Maura was an exceptionally special person someone who was beautiful on the outside and inside. Maura made Jane want to be better, she made her want to go above and beyond on everything. Jane wore dresses just so she could see Maura's eyes rake over her slender body in an approving way even though she was insanely uncomfortable in them. Jane, not that she needed it, put make up on so that she was more appealing to Maura so that it looked like she was really trying and she was. And then there was the part where she was more tame her anger not as intense, she let Maura slide on things that no other person would ever be able to get away with.

Seeing Maura in the Dirty Robber flirting with some guy though had sent Jane over the edge like so many times before but this time the guy actually had his hands on her. So right there in front of everyone she ended it, threw away two years and then left hardly noticing Maura's eyes filling with tears. What had she been thinking. Why in the world had she done such a stupid thing. It was like she was determined to be so very unhappy.

She fully intended to go to Maura's in the morning beg for her forgiveness and win her back but if she didn't want Jane back if she didn't want to be with her anymore than what was she going to do? Jane had never in her life been this weak and pathetic about a relationship. She had never depended on someone like she depended on Maura. That's what scared her and made her so jealous loosing Maura was her biggest fear. She had also never opened up to someone like she had with Maura. It was so intense and so new all of this she was experiencing for the first time.

With a groan she slid down to the floor tears threatening to take over. All she wanted to do was crawl in bed and cry. Jane Rizzoli didn't cry, hardly ever at least Maura was the only person who could ever have that effect on her.

She woke up the next morning eyes red and puffy, with an intense headache from the night of drinking alone but she put it all aside all she could think about was Maura and making up with her. So at seven thirty in the morning she jumped out of bed and into her car speeding like a maniac the entire way there. When she got there she didn't use her key. For some reason she felt that it wasn't her place anymore to use it since technically they weren't together.

She knocked on the door and shoved her hands in her pockets nervously. It seemed as if she had been standing out in the cold forever before Maura came to the door wearing only a tank top and a pair of Jane's sweats. She looked nearly as bad as Jane felt, her hair more disheveled than Jane had ever seen it before. They looked at one another for a long moment before Jane spoke up.

"Maura I am so sorry." Jane whispered as she cupped Maura's cheeks in both of her slender hands and kissed Maura softly pouring everything she felt into that kiss all the sorrow she felt how her heart was breaking.

"Jane…" But she trailed off as another voice talked over her.

"Hey were is your bathroom." it was a male voice Maura closed her eyes pinched the bridge of her nose and a single tear ran down her cheek.

"Jane I was so drunk." she explained desperately wanting Jane to understand they had switched rolls in the past minute suddenly Maura was begging for forgiveness and Jane was just standing there feeling even worse than she had before like her entire world had been shattered.

Jane ignored her and pushed the door open to see the exact man that had been touching Maura the night before. She shook her head.

"I can't believe you." she said before she took a step back and turned leaving Maura on the doorstep.

"Wait Jane, please you have to understand." She ran after the other women and grabbed her arm. "You had just broken up with me and I just wanted to numb the pain next thing I know I'm waking up in bed with some stranger instead of the women I love."

"Don't do that… no you don't get to make up excuses Maura you fucked some asshole. This" She hissed motioning between them. "is over. For good."

She left Maura standing there on her front lawn in Jane's sweat pants looking completely defeated.

A/N: So after a day of listening to songs about getting your heart broken for the better part of my night I began to think back about the days fallowing a break-up with my ex/ the girl I was deeply in love with and I came up with this. The point of this was to feel better but I think I feel worse and I will be continuing this. Trust me they will get back together because Maura and Jane deserve to be happy. Don't you agree?