Main Character's ages:
Winry Rockbell: 18 (vampire version- over 500)
Alphonse Elric: 18 (164)
Edward Elric: 19 (165)
Roy Mustang: 35
Riza Hawkeye: 32
Olivia Armstrong: 34
Elicia Hughes: 18
Paninya Bennett: 18
Ling Yao: 18
Russell Tringham: 19
Maes Hughes: 35
Rose Thomas: 19
Mayor Bradley: 51
Carol Bradley: 49
Selim Bradley: 18
Jean Havoc: 34
Pinako Rockbell: 72
Izumi Curtis: 31 (over 600)
Lan Fan: 18 (483)
Wrath and Pride (Bradley and Selim) are the only homunculi I've used as main characters due to the fact they are also known by human names. Other homunculi may show up later, but I wanted to avoid having main, human characters called Envy, Lust or Gluttony for example. I'm trying to keep a sense of normalcy (haha) within the story.
As I'm English, and I don't know the Amestrian laws regarding alchohol, I'm basing rules involving alcohol upon English laws, so characters can legally be drinking from the age of 18, not 21 as in America. Characters can also drive age 17, provided they have passed their driving test, get married without permission aged 18 and legally consent to sex aged 16. Also as I'm unsure of the American schooling system I am using an English one, so not all teenage characters, such as Ling and Rose, are in education, as they could leave schooling aged 16. Winry, Elicia and Paninya are in their last year of college education before either leaving for employment or progressing to university.