Ok, really hurried but still heartfelt thanks before I rush off to a fancy meal. For the final time (yes, I couldn't find it in me to give you any more cliff-hangers) a huge huge thank you to my incredibly supportive reviewers: NikkieSheepie, thedeejay, L.A.H.H., Quiet Time, brionyjae, Marian Locksley and workingsomecoffeemagic!

Chapter Seven

Owen propped himself up slightly on the pillows and eyed them critically. "I still feel spurned that you didn't come and see me earlier." he accused.

Jack turned his relief into mock annoyance. "We just saved your life and that's all you can say?"

"It wasn't anything to do with you." Owen replied smugly. "It was just luck. I'm a lucky man."

"Very lucky." Ianto added quietly.

"How's Tosh?"

"She's fine now. Just sleeping."

"So you went to see her first? I feel hurt yet again…"

"We'd only just heard you were awake."

Owen was still determined to be annoyed at something. "Why isn't Gwen sat here sobbing by my bedside then?"

Jack and Ianto glanced at each other.

"Gwen's in hospital too." Jack explained quietly. "She was attacked by someone. We think… we think it was by the man whose family you…"

"They didn't make it then." Owen's voice was suddenly subdued.

"No." Jack looked down at him helplessly. "Look, Owen, it wasn't your fault. This was all just bad luck…"

"I saw her eyes before we collided. Did you know that? I could see it. She knew what was going to happen."


"How's Gwen? Don't tell me I've got her blood on my hands too."

"She's… a bit of a mess."

It seemed to Owen as though Jack was being deliberately hazy. "How much of a mess?"

"They think she'll pull through."

Owen looked to one side. "Doctors always say that."

The words hung in the air for a while as they all considered the situation.

"Apparently it was asking too much of luck to have you all on the road to recovery." Jack said bitterly.

"Why do you keep going on about luck? What's luck got to do with this? None of us have any luck! We're Torchwood!"

"I still have some spare, sir."

Jack turned round. "Sorry, Ianto?"

"I still have some luck spare, sir. Remember?"

Jack's eyes lit up.


"So I was right." Gwen said proudly. "I told you all, didn't I?"

Owen humphed. "I still don't believe it. Didn't you keep any as evidence?"

They were all sat around the conference table again, eating a celebratory pizza. Admittedly Tosh was still a little pale, Gwen was on crutches and Owen was exempt from any kind of manual labour until a doctor deemed him fully healed, much to his joy (Jack already had a feeling that he was going to need a second medical opinion on this), but they were all there. Mostly.

"I told you: we gave Ianto's spare luck to Gwen."

"Thank you Ianto." Gwen said dutifully.

"Just use it well, that's all. I was keeping it for a special occasion."

"Like what?" Tosh asked.

Ianto frowned. "I would have thought of something."

"Or you would have kept it in a little box on the dresser and never have got round to using it."


"Well, I was planning on entering the lottery with it."

"Gwen, you need a phenomenal amount of luck to win that. I don't think you have that much left at the moment."

"I've told you, it's not luck, just coincidence."

"Well, I'm glad I didn't waste it on you then, Owen." Ianto rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "I hate to think what you would have spent it on."

"Err… probably the lottery. Will you put me a ticket on, Gwen?"

"Only if I get a share of the winnings."

Jack leaned back in his chair. "Put one on for Torchwood too, while you're at it. We could buy a new sofa with it, or something."

"Or more pizza." Owen supplied.

"Actually, I think I have the perfect idea." Tosh announced.

Everyone turned to her. "What?"


Coming soon… About five essays on various different topics, several horrendous translations, and, hopefully, another story, because I feel like I let Ianto off too lightly in this one…