
By Kirra Maree J

"Come on McGee!" Abby yelled, pulling him towards splash mountian.

"But Abbs, I really don't want to!"

"But McGee, it'll be fun!" She said. Draging him once more. McGee sighed, wondering what on earth made him come.

Abby had decieded to go to Disney World this summer, and she arranged for everyone to go with her. When she invited them everyone but Tony was relucant to go, but after she said she had already bought everyone's rooms they couldn't say no. Abby had organised one unit within the area with three rooms and two beds in each. One room housed Gibbs and Ducky, one held Tony and McGee and the final room had Abby and Ziva. (Palmer couldn't go because of med school)

Magic Kindom was full of children, Abby blended in perfectly. She had toned down her clothes a bit, so she was only wearing Black jeans and a black t-shirt, and instead of a dog collar she wore a gothic cross in her neck. The rest of the team wore what they usually wore, jeans and a plain tshirt. Except Tony, Ziva, Ducky and even Gibbs were wearing Mickey mouse hats.

"Come on Mcgee, it'll be fun." Abby said while pulling him. "Everyone one's going" she said looking at the line. Gibbs was walking there with a smile on his face while Ducky was talking to him and Tony was pulling Ziva

"It's fine Abby, I'll look after the bags"

"What's wrong probilious? Scared of getting wet? Or did you crash something here when you were younger?" Tony said with a smirk

"Like you can talk Tony! I would have thought that you would have had issues here, you know with your dad and everything" McGee said, trying to touch a nerve

"Lucky for you McIssuse, my dad never took me here"

"That explains a lot" Ziva quiped.

"What's that meant to mean?" Tony said

"Guys, let's go or we will have to wait for-ever!" Abby yelled. This time McGee walked with her reluctantly to the back of the line.

It moved inch by inch, but finally they got to the front of the line. "Look Tony, there's enough room for all of us to share a boat!" Abby said gleefuly "come on McGee, we're sitting in the front!"

"Great, like I wasn't going to get wet enough already!" McGee mumbled as he was pulled by Abby.

They went through the ride with Abby pointing things out to everyone, and they finally got to the end of the ride.. Everyone walked out dry, except for McGee

"I told you I shouldn't have gone on that ride Abby!" McGee said, more than slightly annoyed

"Calm down Timmy, you'll dry!" Was all she said, pulling him towards a different ride.

Abby had taken everyone from team Gibbs to all the rides in the park. It was now 9 pm and Ducky and Gibbs had left stating that they were "getting to old for this" that left Tony and Ziva standing next to each other, and Abby and McGee together. The fire works were about to start so all four of the Gibblets went to sit down. There wasn't enough room for all four of them to sit so Abby volenterred herself and McGee to stand, oblivious to his complaints. During the fire works Abby looked over at Tony and Ziva and let out an "aww" she then jabbed McGee in the ribbs and pointed over at them, leaning on each other, hands entwined looking up at the flashing lights. "Aren't they cute?" She asked him. After only getting a grunt in response she said "we used to be like that" that caught McGee's attetion

"Yea, but you stopped it" mcgee said, his attetion returning to the fireworks

"Yea, and I was stupid" she replied, then hestaintly said "maybe, we could start again?"

McGee looked at abby, "only if you promise me that you won't hurt me again"

"I promise" she said kissing him as fireworks exploded in the sky.

A/N well currently i am on holidays to walt disney world so well, yea. it sorta just hit me like a bulldozer. Anyways, enjoy!
