Overdue? A bit. Sorry? Yes. Did I forget some of the reviewers last time? Yes, and I feel terrible for that. Honestly, this had lost my interest. Until I saw the opening episode for the new season. Then I was all excited and more than willing to write for it. And thus was this chapter written! I hope this will keep up with me, and that you all can forgive me with my slight. Hope you enjoy!


krissiloveshalloweengmail . com- Really? Yes! **hugs* I'm glad to hear that. And don't worry, this story has a while yet. :D I planned a bit of an epic here, I admit.

Tabula Rasa.

Noah wasn't sure, what happened next. It was a blur, he knew that much. For one second, Rex was glowing the pale blue colors, the machines were whirring, and the terror had jumped inside his chest and pumped through the rest of his body, horrible and crippling in its surge. There had been a flash of light, blinding him, and everything disappeared. Gone in an instant, and all he could see was the painfully bright color. Then it faded back into nothing, the darkness more pronounced than ever before.

And it all went to hell.

He heard someone, Six, shout before there was the loud screeching of metal against metal. A thump and a groaning sound, but Noah didn't know from who. Holiday was behind him, fumbling in her pockets and messing with a small control, and as Noah blinked hard to make the rest of the black blobs come into view, he saw Circe being thrown to the ground by Skalamander.

His eyes finally focused and he looked at Rex, the dark-haired teen limp on the table, and Noah found himself running, terror gone for an instant. Get to Rex and things would be all right. They could run then. They could run and not have to worry about what would come after.

Pain erupted and flared on the side of his head, hot and throbbing and knocking him senseless. The world became swirling pool of color, tinged with pale blue even though it had long since faded away. He heard more screaming, more shouting, more metal against metal and the loud bangs and pops from guns. The world was shouting at him, throwing itself in front of Rex so he could not be taken.



More colors popped when he tried to open his eyes. He tried to move or grunt, tried to do anything to get up and get to Rex, but something warm wrapped around his middle. Noah closed his eyes again, the pounding in his temples so incessant and demanding that he just couldn't bring himself to keep his eyes open. Not with the loud drumming, not with the constantly mixing colors. It was too much.


Rex where are you? You didn't so something stupid did you? If you did...

I don't know if I can help you this time.

"-iess! Get to Re-"


Shots and bangs. Too many voices, too much sound. Bouncing in his head, one wall to the next, up down, zigzagging in his mind. Voices though. The voices. Concentrate Noah. Concentrate.

"Rex! Rex come on! Move! Move!"

Come on! Do something! Any-

A violent shake. Noah tried to sit up, to think, but it was all a haze of fuzzy sound. The voices were constant. Constant. Too much at once. Something fell over him, chilled his insides, and the world faded back, then forward, then back again. He was swinging. In a park, on a pendulum. It didn't matter, he was still sick of it. His stomach clenched and he choked on something rotten and bitter, but he swallowed anyway to try and breathe again.


"Hold on there kid." Another voice that overpowered the others, deep and comforting.

Noah's last few memories were of the warm thing wrapped his middle saying something. There was something familiar to it, but he's too tired to even try to sort it out. Instead Noah let his eyes rest and the world to fade into the back of his mind, noting only that he is being carried by something furry.

The world, for a moment, was nothing but an annoying color. A bright orange color that stun Noah's eyes as he turned away from it, trying to keep his sleep intact. By then the world started to rush back at him, with all the loud voices and swirling color that made his stomach clench again. Noah scrunched his eyes and held his head in his hands, letting out a low groan. "Mom, please, I just need five more minutes."

"I'm not your mom kid. And I'm insulted by the insinuation." Noah groaned again and slowly opened his eyes, squinting as the light hit him. He covered one eye before pushing himself up, glancing at the white sheets. Okay...where am I? He sat up and looked around the room, the white color a dominant feature of the room. Noah ran a hand through his hair and brought his knees to his chest, looking around as Bobo appeared beside his bed.

"Providence?" Noah asked, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

"Oh look, the kid finally gets it right."

"Thanks." Noah's eyes widened and he almost flew out of bed, the sheets tangling his legs and making him fall halfway off the side. The plastic railing dug painfully into his ribcage and he struggled to bring his hands on the rail to push himself up. "Crap, crap, crap!" Noah felt his face heat up as Bobo laughed, his loud snorts filling the room. Noah let out a grunt before heaving himself back onto the bed, his hair a spiky mess and clothes more than ruffled.

"Nice one."

Noah ignored Bobo's quip, instead fixing him with a glare, "What happened to Rex?" Noah's chest tightened as Bobo fell silent and Noah was fighting again to get out of bed. He tore the sheets from his legs and threw them to the floor, swinging his legs over the rail and making to run, only for his legs to buckle. Noah hissed as he landed on his knees and he pressed his hands to the floor, breathing in and out and slowly pushing himself up until he was standing again. Bobo walked toward him, a frown set firmly on his furry face, and he shook his head at Noah.

"Shouldn't be running around too much. You were out for nearly a day, and had a concussion. Can't exactly run any marathons." Bobo said, adjusting his fez hat.

Noah gritted his teeth and refused to look at Bobo, clenching his hands at his sides, "What happened to Rex?"

Noah's eyes snapped to Bobo's as the monkey let out a sigh, and his stomach coiled oddly before Bobo spoke, "Well, it's hard to say how the Chief is doing. It got real messy back there before we could pull everyone out, and he was still out cold. Hasn't moved much, and Holiday is monitoring him constantly. Kinda why she's not in here with you." Noah shuddered as Bobo finished, looking down at the white tiled floor. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, rubbing the space between his eyes.

"Does she-she know how he's doing? At all?" Some small thread of hope. A clue. Something for him to go on. It was better than the nothing he had.

"No. Says she can't until the chief wakes up. And she's not sure of that either."

"Great." Noah opened is eyes again and let them stray to the door, his eyes glazing over as he lost himself in his thoughts. He felt cold and empty, like something important were missing. He wanted it to be him overreacting, or the pessimist in him simply having a field day, but the way his stomach bottomed out told him it wasn't a good thing, whatever happened with Rex. Or maybe it is...and I just don't like the other part that's probably coming with it.

"I want to see him." Noah didn't look around at Bobo, just waited until the simian was walking in front of him to lead the way. Bobo shrugged, but his eyes had a gleam as he led Noah to the door.

"Whatever you want kid. I ain't gonna stop you." Bobo said, raising a hand and waving for Noah to follow him. The blond stretched a bit and took a small step forward, smirking when his leg didn't wobble, and started down the room to follow Bobo. The door slid open with a soft whoosh and the two were waking down the hallway, Bobo eying some of the female doctors and scientists as they passed. Noah stayed silent beside him, eyes cast down as he shifted through his thoughts, wondering what to think of Rex.

I should be happy, no matter what. There was no way he was gonna make it if we just left it alone. He knew what he was doing...kinda. And even if he didn't, he's still in better shape now than when this whole mess started, and that's saying something right? Besides, Rex knows how to get himself out of these things. He has to. He causes almost all of them.

"Kid!" Noah jumped at Bobo's yell, cheek reddening as he glanced down at the monkey, "Not that talking to the walls isn't fun and all, but aren't you wondering what happened after you got knocked cold?"

"Uh-" Noah coughed into his hand and looked away, "I mean, yeah, I guess. But after we see Rex all right? I want to make sure he's all right." Bobo shook his head, giving Noah a dark glare before turning a corner and leading Noah to a door on the right side of the hall. Noah hurried behind Bobo as the door opened, not even flinching as his eyes met with more white. They really need a decorator or something.

As he stepped inside Noah's eyes immediately sought out a flash of orange, but what his eyes caught were green. He nearly yelled as Six appeared in front of him, looking menacing as ever, especially with his sunglasses reflecting the fluorescent lights just right. Noah swallowed though and gave Six a small wave, trying to cover his moment of terror. "Hey-Hey Six."

"Hello Noah." Six glanced down at Bobo before meeting Noah's face again, "Here to see Rex?"


"All right." Noah blinked as Six turned away, letting Noah and Bobo walk into the room. "Just don't be surprised if Holiday bites your head off and starts apologizing for leaving you on your own." Noah's steps faltered for a moment before he fell back into step with Six, eyes glancing around and hands shaking a bit. Great. A stressed out Holiday. Because she's not scary at all when she yells. Nope. Not. At. All.

Noah broke from his thoughts as Six led him to a bed, Rex's sleeping form curled on the mattress. He had a few tubes and needles stuck in his arms, but otherwise looked unharmed. Noah didn't even glance at Holiday as he took a step closer and stood by Rex's bed, looking him up and down. The color had completely returned to Rex's face and his breathing was no longer raspy. His body was no longer shaking uncontrollably, and Rex's face was serene, unlike the last few times that Noah had seen him in bed. Noah's hand ghosted over the rail as he looked over at Holiday, eyebrows raised.

She smiled at him, small worry lines around her eyes as she tucked a loose strand of black hair behind her ear, "He seems to be doing just fine now Noah. His breathing is normal, his heart rate is at a safe level again, and he hasn't woken up once with any of those nightmares." Holiday's smile shrunk and she stepped toward Rex's bed, running her hand through his hair, "All we have to do now as wait until he wakes up and see how he's doing. But I'm sure he'll be all right. The only thing I'm not a hundred percent on is..."

Noah didn't have to hear Holiday finish. He already knew what she was referring to, and the thought still made his insides clench. He started to watch Rex again, eyes stuck on the steady rise and fall of his friend's chest, and he almost seemed to forget that the others were in the room with him. Then his grip on the railing tightened, "What happened back there? All I remember is getting hit a bunch before, I don't know,the whole place just went crazy to me." Noah asked, keeping his eyes on Rex. He heard Holiday sigh behind him and swallowed. What happened then? Was it bad or what?

"It's pretty much how you said it Noah. Things went crazy." Holiday said, the woman coming up beside him on the rail and straightening the blankets on Rex's bed, "After that flash of light, no one really did anything. Until we saw...until we saw Van Kleiss."

Noah whipped around at her, eyes wide, "You're kidding!" Noah shook his head, running a hand over his face and letting out a moan, "Will that guy just stay down already?"

Holiday gave him a soft smile before continuing, "No, I don't think he will. I don't know why he was able to show up the way he did. From what I saw, hos body wound was regenerating as the light began to fade, so it could be that he used Rex's powers to come back."

"But-But how?"

"I wish I knew Noah." Holiday mumbled, looking down at Rex, "He won't be happy about it though." She sighed and looked back at Noah, "He wasn't able to do much though. He seemed weak after coming back, but when we tried to go get Rex, he ordered Skalamander and Biowulf to stop us."

Noah gritted his teeth, So he's still after Rex...figures.

"They didn't succeed, obviously." Six said from behind him, making Noah jump, "But that doesn't mean we weren't without our problems."

"So they were kicking our butts." Noah said, ignoring the annoyed tick on Six's face, "If we were backed into a corner then how-"

"Providence." Noah blanched for a moment and Holiday smiled, "Yes, Providence. I guess we weren't as stealthy as we thought when we helped Rex get to Abyssus. Providence ships came and gave us cover fire before shuffling us on board. You were out cold by then, as was Rex, and we had you sent to recovery rooms when we got back. Speaking of which-" Holiday reached into her lab pocket and pulled out a small communicator, handing it to Noah, "I think you'll want to let your mom know where you are. I told her a little of what happened, but I think she'd prefer to hear it from your mouth." Noah blinked at Holiday as he slowly slipped the communicator from her palm and into his pocket, nodding.

"I wish...I could remember this." Noah said, looking back at Rex.

"Don't worry about it Noah. It's not as if you could help it."

Noah nodded again but his eyes widened and he looked at Holiday, then Six and Bobo, "What about Circe, do you know what happened to her?" Noah glanced between Bobo and Six before turning back to Holiday, his eyes searching, "Do you?"

Holiday bot her lip, looking at the floor, "All I saw was Circe knocked out on the floor. We couldn't...couldn't take her with us. I don't know what happened to her after that." Noah swallowed, skin pricking and making him shudder, as if he'd been dunked in cold water. What will Van Kleiss do to her once he knows she helped Rex get better? But...but maybe he'll see it as her helping him, since he came back and all. Would that be better? Would he even believe it?

"I'm sure she's all right Noah. Relax." Six said, holding up a hand.

"I know...I know, it's just, after she helped us." Noah broke off as Rex groaned from the bed, and his heart clenched in his chest. Holiday was on him in seconds, placing a hand on his arm and mumbling under her breath as if to coax him awake. Six walked toward the bed as well and Bobo hurried to the other side, watching Rex as his face scrunched up and hos body stretched. Noah bit the inside of his cheek as Rex moved, his heart thudding painfully against his ribs and inside his throat, and he narrowed his eyes as he waited for Rex to open his.

No matter what happens Rex.

Brown eyes were shut tight, too tight, before slowly opening. They squinted at the light in the room before looking at the people, and Noah clenched his hands.

I'll be here.

Rex let out a sigh and brought a hand to his face, rubbing his eyes and nose before letting his arm drop to his side. His brow furrowed in confusion as he heard the tubes thump together, and brought his arm up to examine the little plastic tubes and needles on his arm. He blinked and brought his arm down again, looking from Holiday to Bobo, Six to Noah, and Noah felt his heart fall out of his chest before Rex had even said a word.

"Um...okay, I'm confused. Where am I?" Noah clenched his hand at his side as Rex sat up, cradling his head as he looked around, "It feels like I was hit with a steamroller." Rex paused for a moment, unaware of Holiday's face as it fell before she managed to cover it up with a well rehearsed blank face. Rex continued to rub his head, looking at the people, "Why there's a monkey in here anyway? I'm at a zoo or something." Rex paused, letting his hand drop to his side, eyes looking ahead of him with a sudden distant look.

"Why...can't I remember anything?" Rex's brow furrowed even more and he glared at his lap, grasping the sheets, "This feels weird. Why can't I? I should...should be remembering something right? But-" He shook his head, slamming his hand down on the mattress, "But my mind is coming up blank. Why? All I can remember is...is Rex! What does that mean-"

Holiday shook her head and grabbed Rex's hand before he could slam it against the bed again, her eyes soft as Rex looked at her. Noah would have smiled at blush on Rex's face if it had been any other time.

But it wasn't.

"Rex is your name." she said softly, releasing his hand, "And we can answer any questions you have."

Rex opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again and give Holiday a cheeky grin, "I don't know doc, I think I'm feeling a little warm. I think I need you to take my temperature-"

"Even when he can't remember a thing he's hitting on Holiday. Go figure."

Rex froze, slowly turning to face Bobo, is eyes wide, "Did that monkey just talk?" Bobo rolled his eyes and Rex stared at him in wonder, slowly reaching a hand out and poking Bobo in the cheek. "I mean, really talk?"

"Keep poking me and I'll do more than talk."

Rex yanked his hand away and glared at the monkey, puffing his cheeks out, "Better have gotten all your rabies shots." Rex slowly looked away from Bobo, his eyes focusing on Noah and Agent Six before they slid to Holiday. "Do I know all of you or something?"

Holiday smiled at Rex, soft and calm, and Noah had to marvel at the way she was composing herself. Noah didn't know what to feel, what to think, all he knew was that his friend had no idea who he was. What anything was. Had no idea of the war they were fighting and the par he happened to play in it.

"Yes Rex, you do know-you knew us. But then you got sick and we had to do something to make you better. But it just...well, it made you forget a few things."

"A few things?" Rex raised an eyebrow at her, shaking his head, "I'm pretty sure only remembering my name counts as more than just a few things. But whatever. Who are you then?"

Holiday's smile slipped for just a moment and her fingers dug into her palms, nails leaving small marks when she finally loosened her grip, "I'm Doctor Holiday. You'll be seeing a lot of me Rex, as we work on your recovery."

Rex brightened at that, a grin splitting his face as a small tint of red made its way to his cheeks, "All right. I have feeling I'll like having you as my doctor." Rex turned back to Bobo, pointing an accusing finger at him, "And you...must be the sidekick right?"

Bobo jumped before his face twisted into a snarl, "More than just a sidekick!"

"You're right. I mean, you talk right? So then, you can do a lot of other stuff to." Rex's eyes centered on the gun around Bobo's waist and his smiled widened, "Like shoot things huh? Cool!" Rex started to bounce a bit in the mattress and Holiday rested a hand on his shoulder. Rex glanced at her, tilting his head up.

"Not too much at once Rex. We can't overexcite you too soon, all right?"

"Yeah, yeah. So who's the green guy?" Six raised an eyebrow at Rex and Noah was left wondering again how they were all able to handle it so well. Is it because they knew longer? Have they all been sitting around, preparing for the day Rex lost his memories? Is this how will it be like every time?

"I am Agent Six. I'm your instructor and, more often than not, your babysitter."

Rex snorted, "I may not know how old I am, but I think I'm big enough to not need a babysitter."

"You'd be surprised."

Rex rolled his eyes at Six before turning to Noah, and the blond felt his hands shake at his sides. What do I do? What do I say? Can I say anything? Do I just introduce myself? Crap, I don't-

"And you?"

Noah blinked once, his eyes wide, before a small smile appeared. His body relaxed and he held out a hand for Rex, "I'm Noah. You and I wer-are best friends."

Rex's mouth parted slightly and he took Noah's hand, staring at him with wide eyes. He brought his free hand up to scratch his cheek before his grin returned with a bit of bravado, "All right! Glad to hear it! Sorry I don't remember you but I'm sure-"

"Don't worry about it." Noah cut across him. His heart was still beating painfully in his chest and his eyes were stinging, but he grasped Rex's hand tighter, "I'll help you."


Rex blinked, hand loosening in Noah's own before his smile reappeared. Noah felt something inside him click and swell, and Rex shook his hand harder before letting it drop.

"I'll hold you to that."

Abyssus was quiet again, the Providence reducing more than half the building into a smoldering pile of rubble. The stones had landed and cracked in large heaps of a large room, the dark sky visible as the high ceiling gave way to the sky. Tunnels with bridges that led to the inner workings of the stone building were all over the room, vines and large, overgrown, dark green plants wrapped around the stone. There were roses spread around what looked to be a stone throne, where a pale, dark-haired man sat.

Van Kleiss groaned as he adjusted himself in his chair, his golden, clawed hand resting on the arm while the other lay in his lap. His dark red eyes glared at the girl in front of him, smirking at her. "You are very lucky Circe. Very lucky that Rex's revival brought about my own."

Circe gulped, stumbling as the stone beneath her feet shifted and she was brought in front of the pale man. Van Kleiss reached for her cheek his with gold hand, one of the needle like fingertips pressing against her cheek. "Next time I won't be so considerate. Understand?"

Circe's heart was racing and she could feel the sweat beading down her temple, but she held his gaze, "Understood."

"Good." Circe could barely blink before she was thrown away, skidding on the hard gray stone, her clothes tearing. Biowulf and Skalamander watched on, Biowulf glaring at Circe as she pulled herself from the ground. He turned back to his master, offering him a low bow.

"Master, what will we do now that you have returned to us?"

"All in due time Biowulf. Rest assured, we'll be far from idle." Van Kleiss smiled, shuddering as he thought of the other girl he had in his employ, "Breach will be with us soon. After that...well, we really do need to consider Rex don't we?" Van Kleiss sighed, running his human hand over his sweating forehead. "We can't move yet. I'm not...as prepared as I'd like to be. But I won't be wasting this second chance. Not at all."

"Then Master-"

"I have a feeling Rex may be a tad more attainable than before Biowulf. After all, a clean slate can be marked by anyone, and anything, now can't it?" Circe swallowed her gasp and clasped her hands, trying to keep them from shaking, "I just have to make sure I get to mark him the most."