
By: esmtz

Ellis sat at a bar drinking what he had thought to be his fifth beer. He hadn't realized that he had drunk more then what he thought he had until the guy finally refused to give him more.

"Kid, that was already your eighth cup of beer. There's no way I'm giving you anymore." The bartender told him.

Ellis looked at him annoyed.

"I want more…" Ellis slurred.

"What's your problem? You've been coming here for the past five years, by yourself I might add, and all you do is order beer. Don't you have anything better to do?" the bartender asked also getting annoyed.

"What's it to you? If I want to come here and drink I have a right to. This is a free country." Ellis replied feeling slightly dizzy.

The bartender snorted.

"Was man or haven't you noticed that Ceda is doing a lousy job of taking care of the infection?"

Ellis sighed and laid his head on the table. He was fully aware that the infection still hadn't been dealt with. Hell five years ago he had been in the middle of it with a couple of other people who he had become friends with.

"You want to know what I think? I think we're all screwed cause whatever Ceda is doing it's not working. Hell it's almost as if they aren't doing a damn thing about it." The bartender said pouring a cup of beer for himself and drank it.

Ellis looked up as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So tell me, kid. Are you alone now or something cause I have never once seen you come in here with anybody else."

"Mah whole family was killed when the infection hit and I still don't know what happened to some of mah friends." Ellis replied as he slowly sat back up.

"Wait, you were actually in the middle of it?" the bartender asked completely surprised.

"I was in mah hometown Savannah, Georgia. I had been at home waiting for mah mom to come home with groceries, when I heard people screamin sumethin fierce about zombies and shit. I go outside and I see zombies tearing into them so I ran as fast as I could to where people were sayin we were gunna get rescued. Most of them couldn't even make it there and I thought for sure I was on mah own until…" Ellis hesitated as he looked down into his empty cup.

"Until what, kid?"

"I met up with three other people. They were also the same ones that helped me get out of all the areas that the infection had hit. We had to fight our way through since no one had come to get us at first and the moment someone had he turned out to be a zombie." Ellis replied.

"Did they also make it out of there as well?"


"So why aren't you with them?" The bartender asked frowning slightly.

Ellis swallowed as he twirled the cup around in his hands.

"I kinda had a fallin out with one of them and I left the impression that I hated someone else on our team."

"What was the fight about?"

Ellis shook his head.

"I don't really wanna talk about it."

The bartender looked at him for a few seconds before taking the cup away from him.

"It's getting late, kid. You're not driving are you?"

"No. The apartment isn't too far from here. I can walk." Ellis said as he slowly stood up

"Alright, then I guess I'll see you again tomorrow."

Ellis shook the moment he got outside not only from being drunk, but from wearing a blue short sleeved T-shirt and jeans. As far as he knew he couldn't see any cars on his way back to the apartment. In fact he saw smoke a good distance away, but figured that someone was taking care of whatever it is that happened. Somehow he managed to make his way upstairs and was able to figure out which room was his as he pulled out the key from his pocket and unlocked it. Soon as he entered he closed it and locked the door and immediately went towards his bedroom. He practically collapsed on his bed as he wrapped his arms around his pillow; too tired to actually get into it. Even though it had been five long years since he had seen Nick and the others, the fight was still clearly fresh inside his head. Ellis clutched tighter to his pillow as he heard Nick's voice and tears started to form in his eyes.

"What the fuck is your problem, Ellis?" Nick yelled.

The helicopter had just taken off and Ellis had snapped at him for looking after Rochelle the way he always did.

"For once, Nick can't you just let Coach take care of her? Hell she still has her health pack. She can do it herself!" Ellis said glaring angrily at the two of them.

Rochelle had been badly hurt after having been attacked by a tank and a couple of other special infected. She clearly was about to pass out as Nick pulled out his health pack. Nick glared back at him.

"Can't you fucking see that she's in pain? Rochelle is about to pass out so obviously she can't do it on her own you stupid hick! Coach has his own problems to deal with too if you haven't noticed!" Nick told him angrily.

"Nick, Rochelle wasn't the only one being attacked you know and I don't have a health pack anymore! I used it on you!" Ellis replied wincing in pain.

"I guess you should have saved it for yourself then."

Ellis looked at him completely hurt as he clutched tightly to the wounds on his chest from a hunter and then was hit by a tank.

"Why are you always doin this? If both me and Rochelle were hurt you always heal her first." Tears were starting to form in his eyes as blood was still continuing to drip down from his chest.

Nick snorted as he patched Rochelle back up.

"Relax I'll get to you next."

Ellis looked away biting his lip as soon as he started trembling.

'If it was just me he'd have no problem healing me right away.'

Ellis heard Rochelle groan and Nick asked if she was ok.

"I'm ok thanks, Nick. Ellis, sweetie do you want me to heal you now?" Rochelle asked wincing as she slowly sat up.

Ellis shook his head as the tears fell down his face.

"He probably still wants me to do it. Figures huh?" Nick said getting the health pack from Rochelle and then went to sit in front of Ellis.

Nick frowned when he saw that Ellis was crying. That was when he realized that Ellis had been bleeding pretty bad making him wince.

"Shit I didn't think you were bleeding that bad, overalls. You'll be fine as soon as I'm done healing you."

Nick made a move to get Ellis to lie down, but Ellis forcefully pulled away from him.

"Ellis, what?" Nick asked worriedly.

"Don't you fuckin touch me." Ellis struggled to get out the words as he was close to sobbing.

"Ellis, you need to be healed otherwise you're going to…"

"You picked Rochelle over me." Ellis turned his head to look at him; his voice starting to become hoarse.

"Ellis, she…"

"She wasn't bleedin out like I am, Nick! She would have been fine waitin for someone to heal her! You know what this means? It means you would have left me to die if it would save her life!" Ellis felt his heart break in two when he said that.

Nick looked at him guiltily not knowing what to say.


Rochelle slowly made her way over to them, but the look Ellis gave her made her stop in her tracks.

"I hate you, Rochelle."

Nick and Rochelle looked at him in shock. Ellis turned back to look at Nick.

"I don't even know why the hell you would heal me at all if you were only goin to make sure Rochelle would make it." Ellis said before looking away again.

There was a moment of silence before Nick snorted.

"You don't want to be healed fine. I don't want to have to deal with a fucking crybaby anyway."

"Nick!" Rochelle looked at him in horror.

"You heard him, Ro. He apparently wants to die so let him." Nick told her as he moved away from them.

"Dammit, Nick! Stop being such an asshole already!" Coach glared at him.

"What? It's not my fault that the stupid hick didn't like the fact that Rochelle needed to be healed."

Ellis sobbed making Rochelle look at him worriedly. Nick felt himself start to feel guilty again, but ignored it.

Ellis felt a tear drip down his face, but he quickly wiped it away.

'Once we got to the evac station in New Orleans, Coach was the one who carried me inside. I remember clearly how after they took care of mah wounds over there I asked to be taken somewhere else as soon as possible. I didn't even want to see the others so that was the last time I saw any of them. Makes me wonder what they're doin now. Nick and Ro are probably together…'

Ellis turned to his side on the bed knowing that he probably wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

'I used to be so angry at Rochelle, but it wasn't her fault or Nick's. It was mine for bein jealous all the time I was around them. This sucks that even after drinkin I can still remember all of that.' Ellis thought sadly to himself.

An hour passed by and Ellis still couldn't fall asleep. He sat up and reached for the remote to the TV that was on the table next to him along with his hat and turned on the TV. The moment he did it didn't come as much of a surprise when he saw that the news was on and was talking about the infection. What did come as a surprise was when they said that the infection was getting worse and was spreading to even the areas that had been claimed to be 'safe'. Ellis jumped when he suddenly heard screams coming from outside. He got off the bed and went towards the window and saw that a tank had shown up and was throwing any nearby cars towards people who was closest to it.

"Holy shit!" Ellis cried out grabbing a gun from underneath his bed, then his hat, and then ran out of the apartment.

To his horror he saw more zombies starting to show up that he had no choice but to run. He kept running until he thought he was a good distance away. Ellis slowed down and sighed as he tried to catch his breath.

"I can't believe I gotta deal with this again." Ellis said to himself.

"Yeah, me neither."

Ellis looked up and saw the bartender from earlier.

"See? I told you we were all screwed." He said walking up to him.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that." Ellis replied.

"Well, seeing as we're going to have to fight to stay alive we might as well stick together. My name is Jake." Jake said.

"It's Ellis and yeah it looks like. We need to find more people though cause the two of us isn't enough."

"Well you're the expert so I'm following your lead, kid." Jake told him.

"Is there a gun store around here by any chance? Plus we need to find some pain pills, pipe bombs, whatever we can find." Ellis asked looking around at all the buildings and stores.

"Yeah, I know where it is, but as for that other stuff I'm afraid that might be harder to come by. Follow me." Jake said leading him past the buildings.

"We'll just have to look for them then." Ellis replied.

Unbeknownst to them they were being followed.

Author's note: I was getting kinda tired of seeing more RochellexNick stories so I'm making another EllisxNick. I'm not sure yet where I want to take this story so for now I'm making it up as I go except for one part where I know I want to bring Nick in. I can't say if its going to be a good story or a lame one, but I guess we'll see. I've been watching one tree hill so I've been downloading songs I like and the title for this story is one of them. It's called Untold by Pete Francis and I like it. This story is also kinda based on other songs as well which I guess I'll name later. Yes I know Ellis is way out of character, but he kinda had to be seeing as how much I hate Rochelle right now. There's also a temporary other character, Jake, but I do plan on getting rid of him later more then likely. In case you want to know what he looks like he's got short brown hair, blue eyes, and is the same age as Nick, which in this case is 40. Ellis is 28 and his voice is a little deeper then before. I know I suck at descriptions