"Oh, Laaa-aaance!" a voice warbled into the sleeping Avalanche's ear. "WAKE UP!"

"Aaagh!" he yelped as he fell off his bed in fright. "Whaddaya want, Quickie?" he groaned.

"You gotta get up! You gotta get up!" Pietro yelled excitedly. Lance rolled his eyes and decided to humor the hyperactive mutant.

"I'm up. Now what's all this about screaming me awake?"

"There's a chick downstairs!" Pietro had a gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah. Wanda. Now go away," Lance flopped back down on his bed and covered his head with the beat up pillow.

"No, not her! This new chick! Calls herself Domino."

"Oh god!" lance groaned from under his pillow. "Is there also a guy in a red and black battle uniform, won't take off his head piece?"

"Uh. Yeah. Do you know them?"

"Unfortunately." Lance threw the pillow on the floor and stomped out of his room in only his boxers.

"Go away, Wilson!" He yelled when he got to the kitchen. At the grimy dining room table, there sat none other than Neena Thurman and Wade Wilson, AKA Domino and Deadpool.

"My, my, my, little Avalanche. You grew up," Neena purred.

"Unlike you," he quipped. She pouted.

"Hey! We came here for a reason!" Deadpool piped up. "Um… Do you have any chimichangas?"

"That wasn't our reason, Wade," Neena reminded him.

"Oh. Yeah! Where's Wolverine?" he demanded of Lance.

"Try the Xavier Institute, dumbass."

"Is that how you talk to your savior!"

"You're not my savior!"

"But I killed foster parent bastard dude! That makes me your savior by default!" Wade whined.

"It does not! I got stuck with worse people after that!"

"Well that's not my fault, now is it? I'm a mercenary, an assassin! He had a hit out on him!"

"Isn't the Xavier institute that big mansion due north?" Neena broke into the argument she'd heard about a dozen times before.

"Yeah, that's the one, doll." Pietro had sped into the kitchen after he cleaned up a bit and was now leaning on the back of Domino's chair. "Why you guys looking for that bum, anyways?" She shoved him off her chair.

"Not 'you guys,' just Wilson!" she corrected. "I'm just supposed to make sure he gets there okay. And out of all the other fuckin' gunslingers, why did they choose ME?" As her tirade anded, she got out of her seat. "Well, thanks for the help, Rocky. Come on, dumbass."

"Hey! You should be nice to me! I could just go ahead and get myself lost when you're not looking. I'm your next paycheck! So Ha!" Wade said without getting up.

"Yeah, or I could shoot you in the head. At least you'd shut up for ten minutes."

As the two walked out the door, the brotherhood stood around in their kitchen.

"I'm hungry, yo." Toad finally broke the silence. "Let's go to burger king!" they all nodded and headed out the door.

AN/ I was having writing withdrawal. So here you are, a bright and shiny new fic!