Deadly Noahs

Horrible Scenes

Malcolm the head of the North American Base, a major part of the exorcist's side looked around the group of huddled people. This had a been a town not long ago but the Noahs decided to have some fun, and now nothing was left standing and mangled bodies lay everywhere. This time though it had been another Noah besides the Noah of Pride so the evidence was still there not that it made much difference. Ever since Pride's awakening and Lavi's betrayal the Black Order could do nothing. Their home had been destroyed forcing them to take refuge at the North Base. The exorcists themselves have not been sent on a mission since then more of fear of being killed by former allies then anything else. Most of them just sat around glumly staring at the walls, it took multiple people to just get them to eat. Malcolm had hoped that after a couple of months they would be fine but nothing had changed since that particular day 5 months ago. Ever since then the attacks on regular towns and cities had increased; the number of level two and higher akuma had increased dramatically and the lack of fighting exorcists hadn't helped either. Malcolm's own exorcists were already spread thin as it is trying to cover for the fallen, dead, or not fighting exorcists. To top it all off the Noahs had attacked other bases around the world killing every last exorcist at that base. If some were out on missions a few Noahs would stay behind in the rubble till they got there then pounce like a cat on an unsuspecting mouse; no exorcist ever survived. All the generals that still lived had completely disappeared altogether making the regular exorcist's job harder.

Malcolm shook his head in an attempt to clear it only to have all the thoughts become more jumbled then before. He sighed in defeat and looked around once more the only difference to be a Black Order finder running towards him. Of all the people at Black Order the finders seemed to be the least affected some say it's because of their deep hatred for Kanda.

"Sir we got a transmission from the African base," the finder said a golem flew forward.

"Play the transmission," Malcolm ordered the golem; it's jaws split apart and a small tear drop shaped image appeared. The image showed a dark skinned man standing there, his face was distorted in to that of worry and fear.

We are under attack! Three Noahs have appeared and are killing our finders and scientists! The exorcists can't stop them we are losing help us!

There was a pause and the sound of a terrified scream could be heard followed by a maniacal laugh.

The Noahs have killed one of our exorcists oh please God save us from this insanity!

The leader of the African base could be seen praying before a hand placed itself on the top of his head and pulled backward. His head came clean off as if it was paper being ripped; the body slumped out of view leaving only the Noah who had killed him.

The long bluish black hair tied up in the ponytail told Malcolm exactly who it was. The gold eyes of the Noah were narrowed into insane slits that suggested the person was having fun detaching heads from bodies. His lips were pulled back exposing his teeth in a sadistic grin as he looked at the golem. The Noah of Pride, Kanda stood before Malcolm on the small image the African leader's head still in his grasp.

"I'm going to guess this transmission will be sent to Malcolm directly so we plan to put on a show for you!" Kanda said in an insane sadistic tone. He stepped back so Malcolm could see behind him; Tyki and Wisely had joined Kanda in destroying this base and currently they had a young exorcist trapped between them all. The exorcist's innocence was a parasite type that was on both of his arms which when activated turned into blades. The boy was in a fighting stance his innocence poised ready to attack but he was clearly scared shitless by the three Noahs surrounding him.

"While watching we encourage freaking out, having emotional and mental melt downs, pissing yourself, and running off screaming into the horizon. Enjoy!" Kanda said his malicious grin creeping Malcolm out. Purple lightning engulfed Tyki's hands and he strode toward the last exorcist. The exorcist was clearly exhausted and obviously had no energy left to fight the oncoming Noah; he still charged like a loyal exorcist. His blades swung downward in an attempt to cut the Noah in half diagonal; the blades stopped on Tyki's shoulder hardly making a scratch.

"Well that wasn't very nice little exorcist brat, what did I ever do to you?" Tyki asked in mock hurt that wasn't at all believable.

"Noah shit," the exorcist spat at the Noah, Tyki smiled.

"Insulting us will get you nowhere exorcist, it'll only make this more painful," Tyki replied to the insult. "Then again this was already going to be excruciatingly painful anyway!" Tyki moved so fast the exorcist barely had time to react; Tyki's glowing purple hands had grabbed both the boy's arms and seemed to be shocking him. In reality Tyki was ripping through the sinew, veins, arteries, and muscle that held the innocence imbedded arms to the shoulders. Malcolm knew this was only a transmission but he swore he smelled burning flesh and the memory of the same thing happening to Allen came back; Malcolm shuddered slightly.

Both arms of the exorcist fell to the ground their owner soon following still screaming in pain. Tyki picked up both and flung one at Kanda and the other at Wisely who looked at it like a ravenous dog looked at a piece of meat. Kanda's hand became encased in rock and he crushed the arm in his grasp crushing the innocence as well. The arm Wisely held seemed to evaporate as he stared at it intently. The innocence gone all three Noahs turned to the exorcist who was whimpering quietly. Wisely's eyes light up with excitement as he strode forward; mental pain for the exorcist was near.

"Now now let's see what the brave little exorcist is hiding from everyone," Wisely said staring intently at the exorcist. The boy looked up quickly his face was stuck in a mask of absolute terror. The bigger eye on Wisely's forehead trained on the exorcist and Wisely's own eyes went blank; the exorcist screamed. Reliving memories better left forgotten, watching friends die over and over again, emotions screwed with; all things that Wisely loved to do. Luckily no one could see it so the only indicator would be the exorcist grabbing his head, ripping his hair out, and screaming over and over again.

Malcolm flinched away from the scene but knew he must watch; he slowly pulled his eyes back to the image. Wisely's eyes cleared and he stepped back a satisfied grin on his face. Kanda stepped forward now his own excitement was easily seen and the exorcist was too far beyond insane to notice the danger he was in.

"Wisely I want him sane enough so he can still experience a painful death," Kanda said his gaze fixed on the suffering exorcist.

"Oh yeah forgot when they are insane it's not as fun to kill them," Wisely agreed and his forehead eye fixed itself on the exorcist once more. The exorcist began screaming again as his sanity was restored; Wisely returned to himself laughing. The exorcist stopped screaming and turned his attention to the Noah before him, he looked confused and hopeful at the same time.

"You were an exorcist before right?" the exorcist asked in a shaky voice desperate to stall his on death.

Kanda halted in his tracks and he stared at the exorcist unblinking, "Yeah I was, what of it?" Kanda replied.

"I'm your comrade you shouldn't be killing me, you are supposed to attack the Noahs," the exorcist continued. Behind Kanda Wisely and Tyki looked at each other than busted up laughing hysterically; the exorcist stared at them.

"Stupid exorcist," Kanda said when Wisely and Tyki had stopped. "I have never considered the exorcists as my comrades; I have always wanted to kill them because they got in my way. Also being a Noah is so much more fun, after all I can kill people whenever I feel like it!" Kanda than laughed an evil and sadistic laugh that scared the exorcist and made Malcolm shudder.

"Now then it's time you died," Kanda said his intent to kill was stronger now. Water froze around Kanda's left hand and form into ice claws around his fingers and he raised it to eye level. He grabbed the exorcist by his coat and held him above him enjoying the look of terror on his face. His left hand shot forward and stabbed right into the exorcist's stomach, Malcolm could see the ice claws sticking out the other side. The exorcist coughed up blood onto Kanda's grinning face but Kanda didn't even flinch. Kanda pulled his arm back and as it left the exorcist's body it took most of his organs with it wrapped in Kanda's ice claws. The exorcist gasped in pain, the only sound he could make at this point. Kanda's grin got wider as he threw the exorcist down and began doing something with his organs.

He turned back to the golem and laughed; "Now golem fly up there and show Malcolm exactly what I did then fly back to the North Base." The golem obeyed all too happy to leave it flew above them high enough to see the entire destroyed base. The organs of everyone there had been taken particularly the intestines and had been spelled out in huge bloody letters across the entire base. Malcolm nearly hurled but the message itself was the scary part, written in the organs of fallen soldiers was "You're next!" The intestines had made the letters while the other organs had been added like swirls and dots as if to make it fancy looking. The golem left the remains of the African Base and the image vanished as the golem closed its mouth. The golem fluttered there for a second than grew a bit bigger than exploded into a million tiny pieces.

"It seems to me sir that this is all out war," the finder said quietly and Malcolm merely nodded more to keep the bile in his throat form rising than to answer in words.