So I've got a new story to tell and I'm hoping you like it. This is the Prologue a taste of my new creation.

Enjoy a bit of a darker side. -Anais

Romeo and Juliet died for their love, funny how a piece of fiction can become the ideal pedestal for all lasting lovers to follow.

Her lips parted for air but his hands remained firm around her neck. "This is what you do to me," his voice was hushed but not any less determined from when she first began to fight back.

Her fingernails clawed into his glove covered hands as he continued to deny her the air her lungs begged for. Her shirt was torn, her panties slashed up the middle. He watched her for days flaunting around that coffee cream skin underneath her uniform. Now he could barely contain himself as he reached for the dagger.

Shakespeare knew his way around a love story, he knew of the tragedy, despair, and ability to give your life for the one you loved. He knew of the countless hours one would spend watching their object of affection pour coffee for strangers. That for the one you loved you couldn't help but be so devoted that you would spend every moment of your day following their every move. Watch them pick out fruit at the supermarket, adjust your work schedule so that on their lunch break you could sit at a distance and watch them flip though the pages of a book.

The thrust of the dagger in her abdomen punctured the skin with one quick jab, placing all his force and frustration into the release of their love. Her eyes were shutting softy and he felt the climax of his high coming down. The struggle stopped and her body lay limp beneath his. Admiring her beauty he took in the faint loss of color on her lips, lips that once gave a rose such shame because it could not compete in beauty or softness. How her dark strands curled over her bare shoulder and pooled beneath her neck.

Shakespeare had given Romeo a weak, defenseless, role as Juliet's lover, made him incapable of feeling anything but love and pain. This was real love, becoming one with someone in their last hours of life. Being there to gently sweep the hair from their eyes and watch as they drift into the light.

It was over now, everything about his Juliet gone without another thought. He was done with her, he could no longer bare the reject she was forcing on him by denying his gifts. Destroying his love letters and changing the locks on her door.

He never met a lock he couldn't pick, never met a boyfriend he couldn't get rid of and most importantly he never deny himself of his very own Juliet. He left her apartment through the same window he entered. He climbed down the fire escape and landed on the cold street removing his mask and gloves. He walked down the block where a bunch of homeless men gathered by a fire from a trashcan where he added the burn by tossing his disguise.

Walking across the street he opened his car and got in, wrapping his hands around the steering wheel and feeling the cool air rush over his body. He hadn't felt this good since the red headed teacher four years ago. A small frown purged his lips, had it really been that long since that incredible feeling? There had be a total of three girls in between and all of which he felt nothing for, just the primal instinct to prey and kill. He let out a sigh and turned on the car, the radio just loud enough to be heard over the engine but not by any one but himself.

"So Ella, tell us more about this new album?" the radio announcer asked his guest.

"It's about me, experiencing feelings I've never felt before and just learning along the way."

"this is your second album is it not, and theirs word of a third for next year?"

"I like to keep busy, gets my mind off of the loneliness that comes along with show business,"

His finger turned the volume knob as he listened to the voice on the radio. She sounded so venerable.

"So what's life like now that you album is a best seller?"

"I'd say it's about the same you know I love what I do, and I do it for the fans."

"Speaking about love, is there anyone special?"

"No, not at all, I guess you could say I'm still waiting on my Romeo? "

"Well you heard it live here on kbgh station 4.89 Romeo if you're out there Ella waiting."

His hands pushed the power button as his car filled with silence. She was too powerful, not vulnerable enough for him, however maybe that's what he needed someone with a little fight in them, someone who wanted to live and had something to live for. Closing his eyes he pictured her beneath his body and trembling, screaming, she would be his prize.

Slowly his car pulled out and he made his way down the street.