
I can see you, you know. I see you stare, your eyes lighting up in curiosity. My brown eyes and bright red hair draw your ever so watchful mis-matched eyes.

You don't believe me.

But I don't really expect you to.

I unfurl my grey wings with blood red tipped edges and I watch your eyes widen.

A smirk flits across my face.

I may be young in this world- but you are too.

Please believe me...

Because if you don't- everything that I- WE'VE fought for, is going succumb.

And- this is so cliche- it's going to succumb to your worst enemy.

And your worst enemy, My dear?

It isn't who you think it is...

Chapter 1: A bit of an introduction

Hmmph. I suppose I ought to introduce myself, eh?

My name is…Anne. Yes, just Anne, and before you snicker, do keep in mind I have no problem making you seriously regret any smart remarks. I happen to be-

You know what? Skip all this stupid introduction crap.

The point is, I'm a Guardian Angel. Yes yes, do go on about how they don't exist, bla bla blab la… And if you want specifics- I'm a Chaos Angul- The type of Angul that blows everything in sight up- and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy doing that.

So, I guard Holly Short- In other words, I spend most of my life running around trying to make sure Holly doesn't kill herself. Anyone who thinks babysitting the first female Recon officer is fun- really needs to have a reality check. Trying to keep the infuriating woman from understanding that "Committing Suicide in any way possible" is NOT required takes more work than I care to mention.

I have also found out that Holly Miranda Lilith Short has major problems sitting still. Unfortunately. I haven't had a real vacation in years- but let's get off that subject before I rant, shall we?

It also means I spend a hell of a lot of time with Mr-I-Am-Completely-Awesome-And-You-Must-Bow-Before-Me-And-My-Overlarge-Ego- Erik. Who happens to be- Hold on, trying to find nice words to describe him…Or rather, non-cuss words.

Hmm. There is none. So, pile of up all the cuss words that you can think of, add wings, add big head, add high intelligence, and stir.

THAT'S how you get Erik. He happens to be Artemis Fowl's guardian Angel. Typical. The only Storm Angel I've ever truly hated and I spend half my life with him because of Holly Short.

And I thought she had better taste.


And because of oh-so-dear Holly, I now have more enemies- political and otherwise- than I care to count.

It's Not MY fault I run around saving her behind from the evil clutches of Mrs. Jekyll or rather- Opal Koboi, or Ark Sool, and a few hundred others.

Have you noticed that other Angul/Angels (Yes there's a difference- Angul is the feminine version and Angel is the male version- Don't look at me like that, It's not my fault that humans can be so ignorant sometimes!) Don't seem to like their plans being blown out of the water?


Well, it comes with the job.

Oh, I see. You don't believe me do you?

Well, yes, how about the fact that I made Holly's boot uncomfortable so she would remember the acorn- or that I gave Holly a last burst of magic so she could heal Butler (Who's probably got the most buff Angel I've ever seen) so he would defeat the troll?

Or, deary me, consider the time when Holly needed all that help during that freezing cold Arctic circle? (Chaos Angels are more fire prone- thank you very much.) And all those goblins?

Or maybe the fact that I watched over her continuously, fighting of Trolls and Demons whenever she got in a bad spot- and maneuvering around and altering things so something would happen to save her in the nick of time?

Don't even get me started on all her Recon Missions either.

But this is beside the point.

The point is- My cover was blown away faster than you can say "KABOOM!" 'round last year, when my lovely idiot friend decided that making the Guardian Angel council really PO'd was much better than doing his job.

So of course- as fitting punishment, they pretty much let loose all of my enemies because I took the blame.

I swear.