This is a sequel of sorts to 'All the Spaces In Between'. The same rules apply. I won't change the core storyline, just some extra Galex scenes where I can. Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think. Good, bad or indifferent.
Chapter One
Standing in a poorly lit garage, Gene holds onto a bottle of whisky as Alex is perched on a bench holding a glass half full. Never taking her eyes off him, she asks calmly.
"Where did you go?"
"Abroad. The Isle of Wight. That was shit. So I tried the Costa Brava. D'you know it was the best full English I've ever had. Then I thought, "Why am I running? Gene Hunt doesn't run." I'm in a mess, Bolls."
"So am I."
"Fighting for my future."
Dropping her voice to a whisper, Alex retorts softly.
"Me too."
Wanting to be close to her again after so long, Gene cringed inwardly as ordered gently.
"Get up. Come here."
Holding a hand out, Gene grasped hers firmly in his as she let him take her weight as she stood. Raising up her t-shirt slightly; Gene inspected the damage, widening his eyes a little at the sight of her scar.
Feeling his gloved-hand on her stomach; Alex had to hold her breath as she felt it hitch slightly, his touch soothing as he rubbed it gently in apology as he uttered quietly, standing from his crouched position.
"I'm sorry. Could have hit my target, but you fell all wrong."
Chuckling at his choice of words, Alex meets his gaze as she noticed the familiar spark that was missing from the hospital returning. Retorting huskily as she knew there and then that she had been falling for him since day one. Literally and fugitively.
"Sometimes in life you can't help which way you fall."
"You do know when I walk through those doors they're going to come for me?"
Hearing the trace of fear in his voice, Alex murmured softly.
"Yeah. Well, there's only one thing for it. Let's fire up the Quattro."
Leaning close to her ear, Luigi says warmly.
"Signora Drake. My heart, she sings. Canta. Canta." Before walking off the deal with another customer as Gene asks.
"Canter? What the hell is that?"
Giving him a slightly exasperated look, Alex explains as she holds his gaze.
"Canta. It's Italian. "She sings"."
Chuckling, Keats injects gratefully.
"Thank you. Heh. Now I know."
Looking over at him, Alex asks curiously.
"You know what?"
"DCI Hunt didn't intend to kill you during the Douglas Lane robbery. The chemistry between you..." as she glances over Gene, Keats adds. "...It's obvious."
Annoyed at having Keats analyse their relationship after knowing them for two minutes, Gene snaps as he goes to leave uttering irritably.
"Good. Chemistry lesson over? Right, I'll be getting back to work then."
As Gene gets up to leave. The two men sitting at the bar stand with him, trying to appear intimidating. Keats sees this and orders petulantly.
"No, no, wait. Sit down! What's the matter with you two? What, you think we're in East Berlin or something? Please. Gene."
Reluctantly, Gene resumes his seat next to Keats as Alex injects in frustration at the way Gene was being treated.
"Look, you know this is stupid. He didn't mean to kill me; he was trying to save me."
"You heard of Operation Countryman? Destroying the link between the Met and organised crime. Now don't take it the wrong way. I'm not saying that you folks are corrupt, but quite frankly this incident puts Fenchurch East on our radar. This is the latest in a long line of... How should I put it diplomatically? Risky operating styles."
"No, believe it or not, he's one of the good guys." Alex added warmly, catching Gene's eye and holding his gaze as she tried to let him see she meant every word.
An unspoken understanding passed between them as Keats continued.
"If it was me, there'd still be room for the mavericks. But Newman wants a clean, consistent force. Oh, blimey O'Reilly. It was so easy once upon a time, wasn't it? Yeah, I need another career. Nobody likes us. It's bloody depressing."
"How many years have you spent on the beat?"
"Oh, come on. Are you that surprised that I'm here? You fled to Spain."
"You ever even held a truncheon or a pair of cuffs?"
"Criminals flee to Spain. Look... I know you're clean now but I got to convince a few other people. I'm not going to make you turn in your badge so, until this blows over... go home. Full pay."
Silently accepting his lack of options, Gene adds tetchily.
"On one condition. I leave here alone. I don't need an escort here from Cannon and bloody Ball." Referring to the two men whom seemed hell bent on following him everywhere.
"Yeah, well, I only take them out to stop them chewing the carpet tiles."
As Gene gets up to go, Keats halts him and puts out a hand to shake.
"Gene? Thank you."
Pausing for a moment, Gene takes the offered hand reluctantly as a disbelieving look crosses Keats' face. As Gene leaves, he glances briefly back at Alex as he passes before exiting Luigis.
Surprised at Keats' warning of his intentions, Gene retorts in a challenge.
"So, you're going to bring me down. Why tell me that?"
Sniggering slightly, Keats replies mockingly.
"You see, that's what's ironic. You can't leave here no matter what happens. This place defines you. Which means you're going to have to sit here and watch me close your little kingdom forever. And you on the scrap heap. Heh. Well, I just hope I can help Alex before it's too late."
Just as Keats finishes speaking, Ray interrupts.
"Come on, Guv, booze time a-wasting."
Acting as if nothing had happened, Keats injects calmly.
"Good idea, Ray. Let's have a drink, eh?" turning to Gene, Keats adds knowingly, expecting him to refuse. "Gene?"
Rising to the challenge in Keats' voice, Gene replies slightly strained.
"Why not?"
Alex returns to CID with a file and puts it in her desk drawer. As Keats comes over with a mug and a bottle, he retorts in a kindly tone.
"You've been out of hospital two days, Alex. Please try to look after yourself. I want to help you. I really do. The things you hold dear... you know they might not be so good for you."
Not quite catching his meaning, Alex asks enquiringly.
"And I'm here to..."
Holding out the drink for her, Keats replies intriguingly.
"Find out the truth."
Glancing briefly in the direction of Gene's office, Alex looked back at Keats and took the offered drink as Keats looked over at Gene in triumph as he watched him back away into his office.
Watching her take the drink from Keats; Gene walked back into his office from leaning on the door frame, sighing quietly as he oversees his kingdom through the blinds obstructing the window. Knowing that this was the beginning of the end of his relationship with Alex, Gene wished for the thousandth time that that bullet had never left his gun. Chuckling inwardly as the weather seemed to fit his mood, another roll of thunder broke through the down pour of rain that had descended upon Fenchurch East.
After the last remaining members of CID had left through the doors, Alex glanced up at Gene's office and frowned at the fact that he had pulled the blinds closed. Rising from her seat, Alex made her way over to his door quietly, taking a deep breath before knocking swiftly.
Frowning at the noise, Gene was sure everyone had already left. Feeling the anger rise within him at the thought that Keats had returned to taunt him further, he responded coldly.
"Piss off, Keats. I'm busy."
Taken back his response, Alex opened the door gingerly as she said timidly.
"It's me, Guv."
Whipping round at the sound of her voice, Gene didn't even try to cover his relief at seeing her there as he retorted softly.
Feeling happiness rush through her as he called her by her nickname, Alex smiled warmly before frowning as she asked gently.
"What's wrong?"
Knowing she would never believe him if he explained what had happened between himself and Keats, Gene ducked his head quickly as he uttered quietly.
"Nothing. Everything's fine."
Feeling him begin to pull emotionally away from her; Alex came round his desk as she looked at him pleadingly, taking hold of his hand as she whispered softly.
"Look at me."
Raising his eyes to hers at her plea; Gene quickly looked away for the pain he saw there, only to have her guide him back to her as she cupped his cheek with her free hand, speaking quietly as she stroked his sideburn.
"Tell me...please"
Closing his eyes as she uttered 'please', Gene opened them to find her fighting off the beginnings of tears that were threatening to spill. Unable to tell her about Keats, Gene pulled her into a tight embrace as he settled for the thing that had been plaguing his mind since she'd woken up. Holding her securely to him at her waist, he brought his other hand that had been in hers to the back of her head as said brokenly.
"God I've missed you, Bolls."
Clutching his shoulders desperately as she fought to keep the tears at bay; Alex breathed in his comforting scent as she held him just that little bit tighter, whispering tearfully back.
"Me too, too."
As neither of them wanted to move from the other's embrace, they just swayed gently as the grip they had on each other intensified. As she scrunched up his shirt in her grasp in order to pull him closer; Alex choked back a sob as he weaved a hand through the hair at the back of her neck, applying gentle pressure as he'd done all those months ago in her flat.