Crimson roses and Magic. A RidoxOc love story

I love Rido in VK so I thought I could write a RidoxOc story since their doesn't seen to be much so enjoy.

(I'm not sure of the ages so I'm just guessing Jurri is 7, Haruka is 10 and Rido is…15?, don't worry, romance won't happen till later)


Pure white snow, fell gracefully from the dark grey skies. Little Jurri was by the fire, playing with a porcelain doll. Her elder brothers Haruka and Rido were with her, sitting on the couch watching her. Their mother was out as was their father so Rido was in charge of his siblings, and was grateful that they were settled down. They heard the front door open, and saw the snow drift in "children, come here" their mother called. Curious, the three Kuran siblings stood up and made their way to the door. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw their mother. She was holding a small child in her arms, the child had beautiful green eyes like the forest, long dark purple hair reaching her midback and there were two purple stripes on each cheek.

" My darlings, this is Kimberly, a wizard from America, she was visiting her grandmother here with her parents. They were slaughtered by a level E vampire" she explained grimly

The three siblings had a look of horror on their face, they felt sorry for the poor girl, losing her parents to insane beasts. Kimberly turned her head into Jin's (lets call mum that) shoulder. Jin placed a hand on her head "she knows of us, so she's a little shaken up" she placed the little wizard on the ground. Kimberly hung her head low, not wanting the three vampire siblings see her cry

"I have to meet with the council, and see to the problem. I leave her in your care my darlings, I won't be long" Jin said as she walked away in the blizzard. The three siblings looked at the shivering little girl "let's get you inside" Haruka said softly. He reached to take her hand, but she flinches away. Jurri softly smiled "it's ok…we won't hurt you" she softly said as she held out a hand "we only want to take care of you"

Kimberly looked at Jurri. Her long brown hair swayed in the wind and her wine coloured eyes showed kindness and warmth. She reached out and placed her small hand in hers. Jurri led her inside as Rido closed the door. "Jurri, go get her some dry clothes, I'll get her cleaned up" he ordered kindly to her. Jurri nodded at her big brother and ran to her room. Rido took Kimberley's hand and led her to a bathroom "do you mind if I remove your cloak?" he asked


"I'll take that as a yes then" he said as he removed it. He stepped back with a horrid look on his face. All the way down her arm, was a freshly cut slash and her jaw was severely cut open as well and down her eye was a scar, blood began to ooze out of it. His eyes became red, the smell of a wizards blood was so tempting, but he kept it in control and grabbed a wash cloth "you're a mess" he said as he knelt down to her level and gently wiped the blood off. Jurri came in the bathroom with clean pyjama's "how is she?" she asked timidly, Rido glanced at his baby sister and smiled softly at her "she's wounded bad, but we can fix that. Go get a needle and some thread for me"

She nodded and dashed away leaving the clothes, Rido turned back to Kimberly and continued to gently clean the blood.


After an hour, Kimberly's wounds were stitched up and she was in a pair of Jurri's black pyjama's. She was curled up on the couch next to Rido, so far she liked him a bit more than the other two, she could feel Rido's hand stroke her head making her relax. He too had also take a liking to the small girl. She was very quiet though, he reminded himself to get her to speak. Jurri was back on the floor playing and Haruka was playing with her. The door opened revealing Jin, who had a sad look on her face. "Mama? What's wrong?" Jurri asked. Jin sighed "we couldn't find the level E that killed Kimberley's parents" she said.

Kimberly shot up from the chair, with an angered look on her face, because of that the fire suddenly turned into the shape of a lions head and roared loudly, scaring the wits out of the Kurans. Kimberly eventually calmed down and fainted from her power surge. Rido picked her up and took her into his room and placed her on the spare bed next to him, he told Jin he would keep an eye on her during the night if anything happened.

`poor Kimberly, to lose her parents at the age of five` he thought as he layed down and watched her sleep.


Where am I? I asked myself as I looked around in the darkness that was around me. I suddenly heard screams of terror, cries of pain and i saw... blood.

All around me was blood! I saw my mother and father and Granny die before, by the fangs of what they call a Level E Vampire.

My family's faces…sheer terror…tears fell from my eyes.

I closed my eyes, shielding them from the gruesome sight and awakened…


Kimberly woke up screaming and crying. Rido wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and fourth "shh, shh it's ok Kimberly, I'm here" Rido whispered. She calmed down and hugged him tight. Rido lay down and let her cuddle into him "sleep Kimberly, I wont go anywhere" he promised. Kimberly soundly slept for the rest of the night. And so begins the new life of Kimberly Lin…

soz if Rido is OOC! hope you liked the first chapter RnR :)