Puck sat on Finn's bed, glaring at his sleeping boyfriend. Finn had been banished to Mike's room (after Mr. Schue went to sleep and Puck could sneak back in), though Puck knew all the gleeks were upstairs, plotting.

"I'm telling them everything." He said angrily. Kurt just snuffled in his sleep and turned over.

It had been pure chaos for about five minutes, everyone flailing and screaming, and Finn shaking Kurt until Puck thought the smaller boy was going to get whiplash. It was kind of funny.

Puck couldn't do anything but stand in the hall, frozen with terror. Okay, maybe it hadn't been so funny.

Mr. Schue finally saved Kurt from his older brother, and managed to get him awake long enough for the doped up kid to reassure them all that he was in fact, not dying, but was just very, very stupid.

Of course "m'fiiiiiiine" and an arm flail at Schue's head wasn't very reassuring, but eventually they'd managed to work out (after shoving everyone out of the room) that Kurt had just taken a dose of nyquil gel caps and tossed the rest to 'destroy evidence' though he forgot about the fucking huge blister pack that made it look like he overdosed. The toilet water was a weird red color with bits of gelcap floating in it, so that supported Kurt's story.

After promising Kurt a very long talk when he was feeling better, (Kurt had nodded, tipping sideways towards his pillow as he fell asleep again) Mr. Schue had herded everyone back to their rooms, with strict instructions to Finn to let him know if anything changed.

Mr Schue was planning to call Kurt's dad, and Puck was so glad he wasn't in on that conversation. Dude was scary when it came to Kurt.

"I'm going to tell them all about it. After I let them back in and sharpie your face for being an idiot." Puck added.

Kurt opened his eyes, blinked slowly then closed them again, sighing as he burrowed into the pillow.

"Mercedes nearly had a heart attack. And Matt actually said 'Fuck'. You know how impressive that is? You should be lucky everybody was too freaked out to call an ambulance."

"Mmph" Kurt agreed, eyes still closed. His nose wrinkled and he tried to turn away from the light.

"And they're all upset you didn't tell them about your medication."

"ddnwnna" Kurt argued sleepily

"I know you didn't want to." Puck rolled his eyes. "But you can't just do stupid shit like get stoned on nyquil because you didn't have your meds. From now on Me, Finn and Mercedes are all carrying extra doses. And just be glad you're taking the good stuff or your dad would let all of us have some on hand." (Finn had filled Puck in on the conversation. And the fact that Kurt was apparently being grounded when he got home.)

"mmmmmd'd?" Kurt slurred, sounding horrified.

"Of course we called your dad. We thought you tried to kill yourself."

"mmph." Kurt answered grumpily and curled in on himself, yawning.

"You know you can trust us right? I mean..Artie trusts Mike, Matt and me not to drop him when we go up stairs, and we used to roll him in a porta potty. Tina trusted us not to tease her about her stutter, or be mad when we found out why she faked it. Quinn trusted...most of us not to hate her because she got knocked up."

Puck moved over to Kurt's bed, shifting them around until Kurt was lying against his chest, warm and limp.

"mmhmm" Kurt said, urging Puck to continue.

"And I trusted them not to treat me differently when I told them I was gay. Well...gay for you... Not like that's the same as a stutter or gimp legs. And you've trusted us to help you out when you're having a panic attack. So why can't you trust us with knowing about your medication?"

"stpd." Kurt answered, still refusing to open his eyes.

"We already said you were stupid." Puck answered.

"Noooo. Dnt wanna l'k stpd. e'ryone w'rries."

"So you drug yourself for no apparent reason? Sure think someone might worry over that. And considering you *knew* you had a strong reaction to the stuff. And made it look like you took 20."

"Mpph." Kurt burrowed into Puck, effectively ending the conversation by giving one long stretch, a nuzzle to his boyfriend's chest, and then falling asleep.

Puck sighed, smoothing Kurt's hair as he continued to glare. He'd get first shots in the morning, once Kurt was a little less stoned, and then he'd hand him over to the firing squad. He knew they were already deciding which questions to ask. (Of course, only if Kurt felt okay. Burt had told Schue he'd probably be just a little jumpier and "moodier" than normal, but the second day was easier than the first.) He'd even let Mercedes steal him and fuss over him for awhile.

Kurt Hummel would not be a happy camper tomorrow, but Puck would make sure he was okay, (and protect him from his fellow gleeks if he needed to.) The real ass kicking would wait until he was back on his meds.