Title: The Glasses Come Off
: Isshin, Ryuuken, Sayuri
: Intimidating things shouldn't involve a teenager taking his glasses off.
: implied Ryuuken x Sayuri
: K+
: General, Humor
: no spoilers
: pre-manga
Author's Note
: Requests are open and feedback is appreciated.
Word Count
: 431
: I don't own Bleach.

There's little that Kurosaki Isshin can honestly say intimidates him. Among these things are the specter of Yamamoto's bankai and Unohana's unholy wrath. These are things that are supposed to frighten, well… everyone. Other things, like the thought of taking on Zaraki Kenpachi or an army of Menos doesn't even register on Isshin's radar; frankly he'd welcome something like that.

Of course, it's been a long time since Isshin took an extended trip into the human world, so he supposes there are new things here now that are capable of intimidating him.

However, by all rights and the grace of God "new things" should not involve an eighteen-year-old boy taking his glasses off.

Okay, Ishida Ryuuken is a chilly kid. He can make the temperature drop in a room just by entering it; he's got a glare on him that could seriously rival Unohana's for the title of most frightening glare ever and when he's angry his face looks like it's cast in ice. The kid's cold as winter during the Ice Age, but that's just it, he's just a kid. Over in Soul Society Isshin's met toddlers older than him. Ryuuken is not supposed to be this scary.

That's not even the worst part. It's when Ryuuken takes off his glasses that Isshin really knows he's in trouble.

And… He's doing it right now. Great.

In his defense, Isshin hadn't thought his unwilling host would be back for a few hours yet, and the neighbor in the apartment next door had really wanted to see what Isshin would look like in that fruit hat.

Ryuuken's standing in the hallway in front of him, Sayuri hanging close behind; the latter has her eyebrows raised. Even though Ryuuken denies every time he asks it Isshin's sure there's something going on between them, he's just sure of it; Sayuri's over too often and Ryuuken's so obviously lovesick it's pathetic. Isshin has radar for things like besotted teenagers.

Ryuuken says nothing; his mouth is slightly open. Then, slowly, he reaches up and pulls his glasses down off the bridge of his nose.

Even without asking Isshin knows that look. It's the "I am going to take my glasses off and when I put them back on you had better not still be doing what you were doing before I took them off" look. It's a look Ryuuken seems to have mastered, as he squints at Isshin and shakes his head incredulously.

Isshin takes the hint and gets rid of the fruit hat as quick as he can.

These things just aren't worth it sometimes.