Oh wow, more fail MSTing of my own fail. :D Get ready to wish you had a spork to gouge your eyes out with!

Chapter 2

Authors note: 1st

It's spelled "first", stupid.

I would like to thank

, iheartfreddork, chocoholic1471, Annemarie Ramsden and icarlyonlybaby21

For reviewing.

That didn't need a new line or a capital letter.

4everyoung2, MewNacho3, Seddie4EVER294, Thief-Trickster5, laalaa1123

For putting me on their story and/or author alerts.

...I've really no clue why anyone would do that.


For putting me on their story favourites and

Everyone who read this

For reading this.

You NEED to thank them. Why was that in the middle of the page, anyway?

Song by Miley Cyrus (or Hannah Montana I forget and can't be bothered looking it up)

It was Hannah Montana you lazy idiot.

Disclaimer: I don't own icarly... I do however own the song, it's on my computer ;)

Still not funny.

Sam's POV

I'm about to be on a date with Freddie, I'm about to be on a date with Freddie... NO YOU'RE NOT I think, arguing with myself as I get one of my songs.

That was just... that was one of the worst things I've read in a long time. That transition from thought to, uh, what ever that was was horrible.


Holy mother of run on sentence. I think my brain just died.

It wasn't long until I got there and when I did I almost went into Carlys house, but I caught what I was doing at the last minute and took a bobby pin out of my hair and picked Freddie's lock. When I went in I got a bit of a surprise when I saw all the trouble he seemed to have gone through to get ready, there was a bucket of ham and cheese popcorn,

His mother really let that in the house? He MUST of gone through a lot of trouble.

one bucket of toffee covered popcorn,

Mrs. Benson: I said yes to the ham and cheese popcorn for your girlfriend, BUT THIS IS GOING TOO FAR D

one bucket of unsalted and unflavoured popcorn,

Mrs. Benson: Now that's more like it! ...If only it were organic *frets*

the DVD player was out, the guitar was in the corner and two beanbags facing the BIG SCREEN TV...

"When did you get a big screen TV?" I asked, surprised.

"Not just a big screen, a HD big screen and the guy installed it

I didn't know televisions needed to be installed! :O Freddie, surely you could do it yourself.

yesterday. You're the first person to see it, I mean, first person who doesn't live here... Anyway take a seat." He said motioning to the beanbag looking embarrassed

Why was he embarrassed? Having a cool TV is embarrassing? Beanbags are embarrassing?

"or you could sing your song first, your choice"

"Watch the avatar first, that way we can go over to show Carly the song at the same time and she won't be completely creped

You mean creeped, right?

out when we leave and go into your house together."

But she'll find it totally normal when you two show up at the exact same time!

"True, I mean, who knows what she'd think" but he didn't seem to care that much.

"So, you're just starting to watch season 3?" I asked.

"Yep, what did you think of the end of season 2?"

"I couldn't believe it, Aang nearly got killed and I thought it was going to be a real Zutarian thing"

"Zutarian? What's that?"

"Relationship between Zuko and Katara"

"Oh... well it makes more sense than Aangtara"

I have totally lost track of who's talking here.

"What the ham is an Aangtara?" I said laughing.

"Aang and Katara" he said, but it was more like a question.

"That's called Kataang" I said laughing. "So are you a zutarian then?"

"Yes, I think so. You know, they kind of remind me of... someone" he said hesitantly.

"Who?" I asked frowning, trying to figure out who he meant.

I bet none of the readers have any clue about who it is. :o

"Never mind" he said almost sadly, looking down at his shoes.

We watched a few episodes, talked a little, then I went to get a bit of ham and cheese popcorn but I grabbed something else. Freddie and I are holding hands! I thought, going red no we aren't, I just accidently grabbed his hand. It felt good in a weird way, I wanted to hold it forever butI quickly let go of his hand.

I was trying to be descriptive! Too bad I failed.

"Uh, sorry" I said looking at my shoes and hoping he doesn't notice I'm blushing.

"Wanna go to Carlys now?" he said quickly.

"YES" I yelled "I mean, ok"

We walked to Carlys. Thank ham her and Freddie live across the hall from each other. Freddie knocked on the door.

Thank ham? Sam isn't really that crazy, is she?

"Who's there?" asked Carly then she opened the door.

"Just us" said Freddie.

"Us?" said Carly looking confussed "what are you a couple? And this is the longest I've seen you two go without arguing... ok, what were you two doing before you got here?"

See, totally normal to show up together.

"That's what he said, no way, true and watching the avatar." I said.

"Suuuuuuuuuure" said Carly scepticly.

Seriously, why is Carly being such a know-it-all?

"It's true" said Freddie.

"Anyway" I said "I came here so I could sing you two the song I wrote"

"Ok go" said Carly

"ok, but don't laugh" I said I was very nervous, no-one had ever heard me sing and no-one had even read one of my songs.

If your friends laugh at you for singing then they're really jerks, no matter how bad you are.

(a/n: during songs lyrics will be in bold and memories, thoughts or flashbacks will be in italics. And when someone sings they will just have their names 1st letter at the end of their part)

I think I'm going to be sick. That is the worst way that this could possibly be done.

"Uh oh
there you go again talking cinematic
Yeah you!
You're charming, got everybody star struck.
I know
how you always seem to go
for the obvious instead of me"

I wrote this song when Freddie started to date Valerie, I know I practically set it up but never thought he'd say yes.

I didn't think he'd say yes either.

"But get a ticket and you'll see

If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song

Yeah, yeah
When you call me
I can hear it in your voice
Oh sure!
Wanna see me
and tell me all about her"

This whole "first letter of the persons first name" thing is already annoying the hell out of me.

And then when they were dating all he ever talked about was her.

"La la
I'll be acting through my tears
I guess you'll never know
that I should win
An Oscar for this scene I'm in"

I told a lot of jokes; it was all I could do to stop myself crying.

You know, it just hit me; Hannah Montana was all "county-pop", right? Isn't that what Jannette McCurdy sings, too? I... actually am not sure.

"If we were a movie
you'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
you'd fall in love with"

Because Samantha Pucket does not cry, especially over a guy.

I misread that as gay... Not the fics fault, but now I have an idea for an actual story.

"In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song" S

Even if she is in love.

"Wish I could tell you there's a twist
Some kind of hero in disguise
And we're together
It's for real
Now playing
Wish I could tell you there's a kiss
Like something more than in my mind
I see it
Could be amazing"

I jealous but didn't let anyone know, not even Carly.

"If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song"

I didn't want anyone to know I was jealous, especially my self.

This is getting old quickly.

"If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song"

I knew I should be happy for him. But I wasn't.

"If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song"

And if had a new girlfriend I know I still wouldn't be.

"So what did you think?" I asked smiling, I think that went well.

I thought you were nervous and sad, but okay.

They just stood there with their mouths open.

"Was I really that bad?" I asked, my smile fading.

"You were… awesome" said Freddie.

When Freddie said that I couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" I asked quietly.

When Freddie and Carly nodded I ran up and hugged Carly then did something'll probably regret… I ran up to Freddie and kissed him on the cheek. I felt the same feeling I had felt when I grabbed his hand, sort of like I'd been struck by lightning but it didn't hurt, in an impossible to explain way it felt really good…

I have no clue what that feeling meant. Was she turned on? I'm not sure.

"I'm sorry" said so quietly I would have been surprised if either of them could hear me…

Then I ran.

I ran straight home.

Freddie's POV

Did Sam just kiss me?

"I think I'll go after her" I said, before Carly could answer, I was out the door.

In summery; Freddie and Sam went had a not date, Carly can see into the future and Sam can sing.

...Was I serious?