Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. Tite Kubo does.

Chapter 1

Toushiro and Momo met up at the western Seireitei gates to start their mission together. They were ordered to investigate the reported hollow sightings in western Rukongai and as well as eliminate those hollows in the area.

"Shiro-chan! What took you so long? I've been waiting here for almost an hour!" Momo complained as she pouted her lips.

"It's Hitsugaya-taicho and it's Matsumoto's fault for ditching paperwork again," Toushiro replied, then turning to walk. "Let's go."

"Ah, hai! Wait for me Shiro-chan!"

"I said it's Hitsugaya-taicho!"

Momo just smiled as they continue to walk. She was quite happy that she was going to this mission with her Shiro-chan. Well, Toushiro felt happy too but he won't admit it.

"Snap, Tobiume!" Momo shouted as she threw fireballs to the attacking hollow.

"Reign over the frosted heavens, Hyourinmaru!" yelled Toushiro, summoning an ice dragon and freezing all the remaining hollows and breaking like glass before turning into dust.

They both flash stepped towards each other after sheathing their own swords.

"I think that's all of them," Toushiro said as he checked on Momo for any bruise or injuries.

"Yeh, I guess," Momo answered. "We should go back now, hitsugaya-kun." They both headed back towards the town but suddenly Momo halted.

"Momo? Is something wrong?"Toushiro asked as he saw Momo look back to where they came from.

"I.. I think I heard something back there," Momo turned and ran back to the forest. "I'll go check it. Wait there, Hitsugaya-kun!"

"Oi, Momo! Wait up!" Toushiro followed hr. When the two made it to the big tree in the center of the forest that's when Toushiro heard a sound of a baby crying. "Momo—"

"Shiro-chan! Look over here!" Momo picked up a baby girl from behind the tree. "Aww, she's so cute! Ne, I wonder how you got in here, she's crying."

Toushiro went over and looked at the baby. Oddly enough, the baby has black hair with white streaks at the end, teal eyes and cute face. 'It looks like.. Momo and me. ' He thought but then blushed with the idea that the baby looks like it was THEIR child.

"Ne, little one, don't cry. Momo and Shiro-chan are here, we'll protect you!" She kissed the baby's forehead and it stopped crying. Momo giggled, "aww, you're such a good girl."

"Maybe her parents had left her here accidentally when the hollows stated its attack. We should find them," Toushiro suggested, looking at the baby.

"Hn, you're right. Butwe should first report this t Yamamoto-soutaicho. He'll know what to do," with that the two shinigamis flash stepped back to Seireitei.

They reported the events to the captain commander once they made it to the first division, including the baby they found. "hmm.. That would be problem, Hitsugaya-taicho. We didn't receive any reports about a missing baby."

"Then maybe her parents didn't report about their lost child, they're probably looking for her for quite sometime now." Toushiro said.

"Very well if that's the case then we should spread the word about the baby found in the forest. As for now we need somebody to take care of her for a while."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: yay! At last I finished the first chapter of my very first fanfic. I'm so sorry it's kinda short. Well but I hoped you like it. Maybe I'll post the second chapter after a week or two. PLS REVIEW! Thanks a lot!