Summary: Ever since they had returned from returning the lighting bolt to Zeus upon Mount Olympus, Percy has been having strong feelings for Annabeth…Feelings that are more than friendly (Note this is movie themed)
Rating M
Chapter 1
~Percy's Dream~
Annabeth was laying on Percy's bed wearing a pair of sexy sea-green panties and bra, She grinned at Percy as she pulled her panties aside and slipping a finger inside her, moaning out his name as she fingered herself. Percy was hard instantly as Annabeth reached down pushing his boxers off freeing his hard cock, "Mhmm God, Percy I want you inside me", Annabeth moaned as she fingered herself. Percy reached down and guided his cock deep into Annabeth's pussy.
~End Dream~
Percy Jackson awoke with a start, feeling down, he felt some wetness in his boxers and that wetness was not urine. He reached up and touched his forehead. His forehead was covered in sweat and his cheeks were a scarlet red. Getting out of bed, Percy walked over to the sink and filled up a glass of water. Finishing his glass of water, Percy set it in the sink before returning to bed.
Morning came and Annabeth woke up early, stretching slightly, She went to take a shower, as she showered, her thoughts kept on returning to Percy, and as she thought about him, Annabeth felt a tingle in her pussy. Biting her bottom lip, Annabeth reached down and started to finger herself. After she finished her shower, Annabeth got dressed and walked to Percy's Cabin, As she reached the door, She opened the door and as she did, She realized she had came at a bad moment because Percy who had another dream, was busy jacking off and moaning her name; did not see her open the door. Blushing like mad, Annabeth quietly closed the door before returning to her cabin.
The day passed by in absolute normality, If you could call staying at Camp-Half Blood normal, Annabeth and Percy spent much of the morning sparing, before joining Grover at the mess hall for lunch.
"So what did you guys do all morning" Grover asked as he munched on a diet coke can.
Percy glanced at Grover, and after taking a sip of his Pepsi said "the usual just spared, and I won" Percy said grinning over at Annabeth.
Annabeth who had just finished eating said "Yeah, Yeah, you just got lucky Seaweed Brain".
Percy grinned at her and finished eating before saying "In my experience Wise Girl, there's no such thing as luck". After lunch, Percy and Annabeth went to the archery range where they both practiced their archery skills. After about a quarter of an hour they stopped and Annabeth grinned over at Percy. All of Annabeth's arrows were in the bulls-eye, whereas Percy's were all over the target. "Okay Wise Girl, you bested me at Archery, I guess we are even now" Percy said.
Annabeth grinned at him before walking up to him, "Mhmm yeah we're even Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said as she plucked out her arrows. As she did that, Percy watched, biting his bottom lip. After Annabeth was done, She turned to Percy who appeared to be deep in thought. "What are thinking about Seaweed Brain" asked Annabeth.
"If I should do something or not." replied Percy.
"If you should do what." Annabeth asked.
"This," Percy said before leaning forward pressing his lips to Annabeths. Feeling no respond Percy pulls back, his cheeks burning a bright red and he mumbled, "Sorry" before running to his cabin where he shut himself inside, leaving Annabeth to sit there in a slight dazed, slowly reaching up to place her fingertips to her lips, feeling his lips against hers.
End of Chapter 1, This is my first Percy Jackson story, please Read and Review