You know you're obsessed with Total Drama when...
You've asked for a Princess Beth Doll on your wish list to Santa.
Whenever you hear Lady Gaga's Alejandro you immediately think of Alejandro from TDWT.
You ask people to pick a number between 1 and 10 and the number is always 9.
You ask someone to guess what color you're thinking of and the color is always burnt sienna.
You're on a plane that's taking off and you start humming/singing Come Fly With Us.
You constantly refer to yourself in the third person.
Someone asks you who your favorite band is and you immediately say The Drama Brothers.
You've ever written a full season elimination prediction.
You know how to correctly spell "Ezekiel."
You've ever had a Total Drama related dream.
You compare couples in love/hate relationships to DxC and/or HxA.
You've cried about something (happy or sad) that happened on the show.
Someone asks you what your favorite talk show is and you immediately reply TDA/TDWT Aftermath.
That's it for now! Sorry it's so short, but the next one WILL be longer! And tell me which ones related to you and send me in some more for the next chapter!
Thanks for reading!