This story starts exactly like One Way Or Another but this story doesn't have Raiden or any of the other characters in it. This is a Dimitri/Rose story.

Just giving the last warning: If you haven't read Spirit Bound don't read this one-shot. Because there is a small section from the book that I added in at the beginning. If you've read passed pg 407 then read it :)

If not and you don't want me to spoil it for you, then don't.

This story starts from pg 404-406 (After Dimitri is being questioned by Reece with Lissa and Rose there), and also in italics will be what's in the book. Normal writing is my own.

Rose's POV

This caused more laughter, and the third Moroi interrogator, who'd been quiet, snorted and rose from his seat. "I've seen all I need to. I don't think he should walk around unguarded, but he's no Strigoi. Give him a real place to stay and just keep guards on him until further decisions are made."

Reece shot up. "But-"

The other man waved him off. "Don't waste any more time. It's hot, and I want to go to bed. I'm not saying I understand what happened, but this is the least of our problems right now, not with half the Council wanting to rip the other half's heads off over the age decree. If anything, what we've seen today is a good thing- miraculous, even. It could alter the way we've lived. I'll report back to Her Majesty."

And like that, the group began dispersing but there was wonder on some of their faces. They too were beginning to realize that if what had happened to Dimitri was real, then everything we'd ever know about Strigoi was about to change. The guardians stayed with Dimitri, of course, as he and Lissa rose. I immediately moved toward them, eager to bask in our victory. When he'd been "knocked over" by Jonathan's tiny punch, Dimitri had given me a small smile, and my heart had leapt. I'd known then that I'd been right. He did still have feelings for me. But now, in the blink of an eye, that rapport was gone. Seeing me walk towards them, Dimitri's face grew cold and guarded again.

Rose, said Lissa through the bond. Go away now. Leave him alone.

"The hell I will," I said, both answering her aloud and addressing him. "I just furthered your case."

"We were doing fine without you," said Dimitri stiffly.

"Oh yeah?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You seemed pretty grateful a couple minutes ago when I thought up the idea of you helping us against Strigoi."

Dimitri turned to Lissa. His voice was low, but it carried to me. "I don't want to see her."

"You have to!" I exclaimed. A few departing people paused to see what the racket was about. "You can't ignore me."

"Make her go away," Dimitri growled.

"I'm not-"


Lissa shouted in my head, shutting me up. Those piercing jade eyes stared me down. Do you want to help him or not? Standing here and yelling at him is going to make him even more upset! Is that what you want? Do you want people to see that? See him get mad and yell back at you just so you don't feel invisible? They need to see him calm. They need to see him…normal. It's true- you did just help. But if you don't walk away right now, you could ruin everything.

(A/N: Ok; now the rest is what I personally wrote)

I glared at her. "So that I not feel invisible huh, Lissa?" I shot back at her.


"No. See this is what you don't get and will never get, Lissa. Why don't you try to see how I feel, how about you try to step into my shoes," I never took my eyes off her. "How would you feel if Christian wouldn't want to see you?"

"He doesn't anyway. And it isn't the same-"

"Bull-fucking-shit, Liss. Don't mess with me; I know you still love him. I know that every time you pass him you wish you two were together. Now just picture him turning Strigoi, then becoming a Moroi again and not ever wanting to see you because of the horrible things he has done," I spat.

I turned to him. "And you, if you haven't realized this yet, Dimitri, I love you. I will always love you and nothing you do will stop that. The stuff you did to me? Learn to forgive and forget! Because at the first second I saw that you changed back to yourself, I forgot all those stuff. I forgot what you used to be; because all I could think about is that you were my Dimitri again. My Dimitri, you understand? Just like I'm your Rose."

Both stared at me speechless. His eyes were soft but his jaw was tight.

Lissa finally built up the courage to talk. "Rose, I-"

"And what if it was me with Christian and I was telling-"

"This is unfair, Rose. I'm doing this to help him," she growled.

"And have you noticed that you're going over the top?"

"No, I'm not. I'm protectin-"

I scoffed. "Yeah, he really needs another mother in his life."

"Rose! Are you hearing yourself?" she retorted.

"Yeah, I am. The question is are you hearing me? Are you two planning to-"

"I'm protective of him because I feel as if-"

"Save it for someone who cares."

"Rose, will you listen to her," Dimitri hissed.

I glared at him. "Sticking up for her are we? What, now you've got feelings for her?"

"There is nothing going on between us, Rose," she said. "How could you think that?" she yelled

I glared at both of them. Not only were they hurting me but also making me do something I have barely done.

Something wet started to fall down my cheek.

I frowned then rolled my eyes when I found out what it was.


And a lot of them.


Lissa started to move forward. I stepped back, she stopped looking hurt.

"You see what you have done to me. Since when do I cry, Lissa? When? Never!" I screamed at her.

"Look I know you're upset but-"

"Upset doesn't even cut it," I said wiping tears away.

"Rose, please," she begged.

I glared at her with as much intensity as I could.


She knew what I meant. I wouldn't give up.

That one word hung around us like a black cloud.

This is my cue to leave, I thought.

"This isn't over," I said.

I started down the pathway. Lissa called my name a few times but I didn't look back. All I knew was that she pissed me off so much that I couldn't be anywhere near her at the moment.

So I walked away.

But something hadn't changed and that was the way I felt about Dimitri.

One way or another. I'm going to get my Dimitri back.

Why did this happen to me? Why me? A guardian sworn to protect the Moroi, only to be turned into a Strigoi. I would never be the same again. Never protect Lissa again. Even though she peed me off not even twenty minutes ago I would trade anything to be with her now.

And Dimitri….

God. I've lost him too.

…Oh no….no, no, no, NO!

No! Keep yourself together Rose. Oh god.

I was turning. I could feel it. The pain was so excruciating that I couldn't even scream. My eyesight changed. My hearing changed. My body suddenly felt numb, as if it was so cold that I couldn't even feel it.

I started to forget that Lissa was my best friend, that Adrian was my boyfriend. And most of all: Dimitri. Now…when I thought about them, they were only one thing: food.

The Strigoi that bit me was standing right in front of me. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Congratulations, Rose. You are now a dead," she laughed.

The pain was gone. The feelings were gone.

Now I was undead.

I was a Strigoi.


I ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could.

I wanted to get out of the Court and …I don't know, go somewhere. Anywhere but here so I could think.

I sighed, when I needed to stop. I sat on a bench, which had a glorious fountain behind it. I was trying to control my breathing when Adrian found me.

He literally scared the hell out of me, making me jump when he sat down.

"Whoa there little dhampir," he chuckled.

"Adrian, do you mind? I'm kinda not in the mood to be scared shitless," I grumbled making him laugh even harder.

"Hey, do you have a car I could borrow?" I suddenly asked.

He gave me one of those looks, saying I-am-a-rich-person-that-owns-at-least-a-hundred-or-so-cars-and-you're-asking-me-a-stupid-question-like-that.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Yes," he ginned.

I nodded slowly pointedly looking at him and waiting for him to give me a set of keys. When he didn't I stopped nodding.

"Well?" I asked.


"Can I borrow one of your cars?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, sure. Which type you want? There's fast cars, slow cars, cruising cars, sports cars, limos, trucks, 4WD-"

"Adrian! I just need a car," I said exasperated.

Jeesh! I just wanted a car. One car! No need to go into detail, I just needed a car!

He sighed. "Alright. I'll give you one of my personal favorites," he grinned.

"Personal favorite?" I asked slowly.

"Uh huh."

"Is it fast?"

"Very," he said in a teasing dangerous voice.

"Hmmm, sounds good," I grinned.


Then I was off, driving manically fast down the highway in Adrian's black Lambos 3, with luckily no one on the road.

I had my sunglasses on and was singing along with the song that was currently playing on the radio.

I started humming the tune and took my eyes off the road to look at the view on the right of me. When I returned my eyes back on the road a second later, my heart stopped beating. There in the middle of the road was a Strigoi.

I, on instinct, hit the brakes hard, grabbed my stake and quickly got out of the car before she could move. Yeah, we were on the road and a semi was coming from behind, but it was a four-lane highway. Besides, I concentrated more on the Strigoi them the beeping semi that drove passed us.

I narrowed my eyes at the Strigoi, waiting for them to make the first move. We weren't exactly close to each other, but I could just see their appearance.

Which frightened me the most. Because I knew the Strigoi.

My eyes widened.

"Avery," I said stiffly.

Her wild hair was blowing in the wind, her red eyes piercing my own, and her smile was taunting me.

"Hello, Rose," she said smugly.

I was still frozen. Not only did I hate her, so it kinda makes my job in killing her easier, but also I wanted to know how the hell she get out of the Institution that she was staying at because she has totally lost her mind.

She looked down at my stake and laughed.

"Good luck trying to kill me, Rose. You seriously think I'd come and find you alone?"

There was a teasing glint in her eyes as she said that.

Out of nowhere, well to be specific they came from a car that was parked behind Avery that was pulled over to the side, two figures made their way behind Avery. I guessed who they were and straight up I knew I was correct.

Reed and Simon.

"Funny seeing you two still as her tagalong's," I smirked.

Reed eyes widened in surprise then he sneered.

"Rosemarie Hathaway."

"Reed. Simon," was the only greeting I gave to them.

"Where's your Moroi?" Simon asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "That's none of your concern."

Shit, I realized just then that I was up against three wacko Strigoi. I couldn't create a diversion to escape or run to my car and drive away, because then they'd won. But I didn't exactly want to die either.

I took a deep breath in when I remembered what happed to Lissa, Christian and Priscilla Voda that night Strigoi attacked them. Although there were heaps of Strigoi there that night that attacked them, there was still more than one guardian. One of Lissa's guardians died, along with all of Priscilla's.

But there are only three, Rose. And only one of me.

You could take them, a voice whispered inside of me said. You're a guardian now. One of the top best of your age group. Fight!

Simon laughed. "They didn't make you a guardian, right? Because you ran away to find your Strigoi boyfriend?"

"We heard that he got changed back," Reed sneered.

"I wonder if he'll go after you too. Well, since you're going to be a Strigoi very soon," Avery grinned.

"Don't count on it," I said calmly, sinking into a defensive position.

They just laughed when they saw me.

"She's a brave one," Simon teased.

"But not fast enough for us," Reed said.

He ran at me with speed that I was just about to block myself from. He, not having very good fighting skills, ran at me but didn't see that in the last second I pulled my stake out in front of me and plunged it through his heart.

His body fell lifelessly on the ground in front of me.

One down, two to go. Easy peasy.

I look up at Avery with a glint of challenge in my eyes.

How ya like that biatch, I thought smugly.

She stared at her brother's corpse with shook. Which then turned to anger.

She then stepped closer to me.

"Just for that Rose, we aren't letting you go. I was thinking that we might kill you instead of turning you. But why not let you suffer like my brother did just then," she said.

"I killed him instantly. No pain, no feeling for him. And for me, well no regret," I spat, climbing into another defensive stance.

"That's it. I'm tired of your crap. Simon get her," she ordered.

This is where my luck ran out, because I thought I had him. I really did, but what I didn't see was that somehow without me noticing, Avery snuck up behind me and tripped me, making me almost land on Reed's body if it weren't for Simon grabbing a tight hold on me while she slowly leant down.

Before she bit me, she caressed my cheek.

I cringed away and was considering biting her hand but I think that would hurt my teeth more then it would hurt her.

"Any last words, Hathaway?" she said sweetly.

"Go to hell," I said then spat at her. My spit landed right on her eye as she screeched. She slapped me hard then leant down and bit me.

I screamed my final scream as a sane person, then it died down, as I became the very thing I sworn to destroy.

A/N: Hope you liked it.

Please review
