Prologue: Naruto's departure

I do not own Naruto or Gundam SEED

In the past, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze had fought and won the 4th Shinobi War. However, he won with a heavy price. One was that Sakura, sometime during the war became MIA (Missing in Action) and has yet to resurface. His formerly wayward and traitorous teammate was brought back and accepted with open arms. The traitor Sasuke, however, was not accepted by everyone. There are those who outright hate him, namely the rest of the Konoha 12 and the Konohamaru Corps., and the parents of the aforementioned. Another price paid was his attitude, he could no longer be the happy-go-lucky idiot he was 3 years ago (6 years ago from present) to survive the war. He had to 'incapacitate' some of his emotions for a lengthy amount of time to come out on top; one of the emotions he incapacitated was his love, for it would not be fitting on the battlefield as there's a 50-50 chance that you'd either be sad or in rage when a person close to you on an almost intimate scale was mortally wounded. He did so during the war and did so when bringing the fucking traitor back, albeit the traitor had several injuries and probably had a concussion from his head hitting the ground several times and the intentional smacking his head on tree branches on their way back (more like Naruto's way back and Sasuke over his shoulder having some sense literally knocked in or out-it's kinda hard to tell with all the head smacking).

Naruto, now Jounin, stands alone in his family home. He had sealed all private possessions of his family into an indestructible scroll that only he can open, and now stood in the living room in his toad sage outfit. Naruto had discovered days earlier that despite his actions for Konoha, 97.1% of civilians still favoured Sasuke Uchiha and the civilian council had outvoted Godaime Hokage Tsunade Senju and the shinobi council for whom the Rokudaime Hokage is to be. (Seriously, why have more civilians than shinobi on the council when it is mainly a shinobi village?) Kyuubi had anticipated such an outcome and had told Naruto about a jutsu to leave this world during his toad sage training, should he ever need it. It would seem the time has come.

"Kyuubi, I'm ready. Do it," Naruto says seriously.

"Kit, hold on. You won't be able to return once you leave," Kyuubi says urgently.

"I've stuck around for three years after the war; I gave Konoha 3 years to accept me, but they would rather shun me rather than accept me. Therefore there's nothing left for me here. Konoha is safe, I have succeeded Jiraiya, and my dream was taken from me by my bitter rival despite all I have done for Konoha. Besides, I have left my will stating that the Ichirakus shall inherit the remaining half of my fortune and the estate, Iruka will receive the jutsu library sans the family jutsu like Hiraishin, also Konohamaru shall receive the toads summoning contract which will open to his blood because I hold severe dislike towards Sasuke-teme. I will no longer be able to call on the toads, plus he is now a Chuunin and ready to receive the scroll. They will discover it after we leave. I have said my subtle goodbyes to everyone who should know and the toads yesterday. Now do it," Naruto explains before the Kyuubi floods him with demonic chakra, which transforms him into his jinchuuriki state (go Google it), and starts executing over a hundred hand signs in quick succession.

"Hijutsu: Sekai no Shuppatsu (Secret Art: World Departure)," he finally mutters.

Naruto is encased in a dome of large red chakra before it instantaneously vanishes, leaving no trace of his presence behind. Mere seconds later, the recently retired Godaime Hokage Tsunade, the newly instated Rokudaime Hokage Sasuke, and a squadron of ANBU arrive due to the extreme amount of chakra being used. Tsunade was genuinely worried. Sasuke was irked that something like this would happen during his official inauguration. The ANBU are there because they are curious about what happened and are trained to respond to such a level of chakra usage. They arrive only to discover nothing but the will and toad summoning contract Naruto had left.