Thank you all for your support throughout this story! It is technically over, but as requested, here is your bonus chapter! (just a bit of fun, and slightly outside the previous fic genre) It will be split into 2 portions (Itachi torture, & Smut), for 2 reasons. 1 dA hates when I post smut, so as a curtousy to my dA followers, I'll provide a separate link here to that portion. Yay them. 2 The other half isn't ready yet. *sweatdrop* Yeah. So. But it's getting there... 7 pages so far and plenty to go. Lucky you. ^^)

But I hope you enjoy!

Also! A HUUUUGE Thanks to my new editor! shortanimelover I heart you! Without you, this chapter would be a writing catastrophy! Everyone be thankful to her as well!

Bonus Chapter

Part 1

The soundproof room was small, windowless, and without ventilation, containing only one small rusted metal chair. The walls were splattered with what appeared to be sprays of blood and were painted a disgusting puce color. The floors were unkempt, dirt piling in the corners, a hefty lock barring the door. A small smirk appeared on Uchiha Itachi's face. Even in this dark and dismal room, even with the abysmal florescent lighting, he knew he looked fabulous. The eldest Uchiha hadn't been shocked when several masked men broke into his home and abducted him. Of course not, Uchiha's are never shocked. They are though, often amused and this situation was endlessly amusing for him. The whole lot of them had to be fools, in Itachi's opinion, to even dream of touching THE Uchiha Itachi.

He had been sitting in this room for well over six hours before anyone entered, silence punctuated only by the grating creaking of rusted metal against rusted metal. Itachi had passed the time by meticulously sifting through his strands of dark, elegant hair, searching for signs of split ends and breakage, uncaring for the reasons of his abduction. Of course, he didn't find any; his hair was perfect, just like him. When someone did finally enter, breaking his concentration on his grooming, Itachi couldn't help but laugh.

In walked a rather murderous looking youth, the kanji for 'love' tattooed on his forehead. The tattooed man was seemingly unperturbed by the derogatory laughing coming from the room's only other occupant and instead walked to the center of the room. He quickly stepped on several grungy tiles on the floor in quick succession, causing a rather large portion to slide away and allowing a large coffin looking object to rise from beneath. It was a work of art, beautiful in its darkness. Garra smirked to himself as he eyed his solid black beauty, his back to his captive, when said captives laughter abruptly cut off. The scraping of the chair against cold hard tiles told him his detainee had risen, the footfalls coming closer signaling the bastard's approach.

Garra had known of the Uchihas since their school days. He and Naruto had been good friends and with Naruto, came Sasuke. The red head hadn't really cared for the blonde's dark companion, had thought him rather unsuitable for Naruto. The blonde though would hear nothing of it and in time, Garra had come to accept the dark haired youth. They had even struck up an agreement of sorts. When one was with the blonde without the other, they would be responsible for Naruto's well being. Garra knew it irked the raven to share the blonde at all, but Sasuke knew just as he did, that Naruto was just the sort of person that required constant supervision. That boy could get into trouble quicker than he could tie his shoes.

Itachi watched as the tattooed man lifted the lid off of the coffin, revealing an interior filled with sand. The Uchiha snorted to himself. 'Sand? Were they going to make pretty castles by the water?' Had he known how close he was to the scarring events fate in store for him, he might have concentrated on making his escape, rather than flipping his hair.

"Get in." Came the gruff demand.

Itachi smirked, and got in. What as the worst that could happen? This child had no idea who he was messing with. After laying down in what he supposed was some sort of torture device and finding a comfortable position, the eldest Uchiha only had one thought on his mind. 'This sand had better not get into inappropriate places...'

After sealing Itachi into his coffin, Garra dropped his calm facade. He had been told to interrogate the Uchiha, not torture him; but to him, weren't they one in the same? A look, disturbing to most, appeared on the red head's face. This was the part he loved the most. Quickly tapping a few more floor tiles, Garra retrieved a common garden hose from its depths. After quickly securing the hose to an opening in the top portion of the coffin and making sure the contraption was sealed right, he released the valve holding the water back. 'Too bad,' Garra thought to himself, 'I really wish I was allowed to kill him...' Instantly the icy, clear fluid rushed into the pseudo-tomb. Had it not been soundproof, Garra might have been rewarded with a tiny yelp coming from the Uchiha, a reaction to the sudden cold drenching his body. As it was, though, he left unrewarded after checking to make sure the water levels would not rise to a "dangerous" level, leaving Itachi alone and unsupervised in his beautiful coffin.

Inside, Itachi was grinning unabashedly to himself. This was great! Did they think this would break him? He wasn't sure what they were trying to break, or why he was in this position at all. Still, he was uncaring as it was most probably due to his foolish little brother. As soon as he got out of this rather trite torture session, these people would be wiped off of the face of the Earth and he would deal with Sasuke and his damn blonde. He could feel as the cramped space became even more so, the water slowly filling in the gaps between the grains of sand. It felt as if the device was getting smaller and smaller, the weight settling around him pressing on his lungs. Itachi laughed. 'This is great! I want one of these!'

Fifteen minutes later, Garra returned. He was shocked, however, after removing Itachi from the confines of his "torture" only to find the man laughing as if he had just enjoyed a great joke. The redhead growled, content to leave Itachi half buried in his sand. The Uchiha grinned, thinking he had finally gotten under this man's skin. Didn't people know better by now? No one could out-do an Uchiha. Suddenly though, Itachi's short-lived confidence disappeared. The frustrated look Garra had slowly morphed into something more sinister. Itachi knew that look and for the first time since his capture, he could feel small tendrils of fear grasping onto him. It was the same look Itachi used when he knew he had won and to see it on someone else's face and directed at him was something he had never been forced to endure before.

"Uchiha-san, you have some strange hobbies. Normally my baby here would put the fear of God into any man. Or, at least, the fear of me." Garra smirked, his eyes darkening. "It seems, other methods must be used."

And before he could respond, Itachi watched the young man leave once again. He stared at the closed door for a moment, before shrugging, trying to banish any doubts beginning to creep up. Anything they dished out, he was more than capable of dealing with. Or so he thought. The door once again was opened, this time with enough force to pop one of the hinges off and cause it to slam against the wall behind it.

"Yosh! It's the traitor of youth, Itachi! I, the youthful Rock Lee, will make you see the error in your un-youthful ways!" Screamed a man sporting a bowl shaped hair cut as he rocketed into the interrogation room. Itachi could feel his skin crawl. Torture? No problem. Beatings? Rape? Sure, he could deal with that. But this... this was... this was something no one should be asked to deal with! And these people put themselves in this guy's path purposely? They had to be insane, he thought without reservation as the man began twirling around the room in some sort of mock ballerina dance. Itachi gagged, unable to control his reflex as he looked on to the spastic man and his wriggling eyebrows as screams of youth continually poured out of his mouth like a horrific waterfall of words.

"Yosh! We must rehabilitate your youth!" Lee screamed. Pausing his twirling, he took a moment to look over his companion's appearance. "Ah! We may be able to save your youth yet! I see you've already begun! Your hair is in youthful disarray and you've covered yourself in Garra's youthful sand!" He praised, once again taking up his momentous spinning.

Itachi became frantic. His hair? He vigorously ran his hands through his beautiful locks feeling wet clumps of sand matted within. As he tried to remove the sand, his fingers caught in countless tangles. His breath quickened.

Lee ceased his circular motions, posing in a rather ridiculous way, his eyes shining. He quickly detached one hand of Itachi's hands from his hair and abruptly pulled him from the coffin, uncaring when the raven only slumped to the ground amidst piles of spilled sand.

"Yosh! Let us build youthful sand castles in the sands of youth!"

Itachi was forced to play along, the thought of admitting defeat to this...thing... sent shivers of revulsion down his back. This was sick, Itachi decided, these people were insane. After several hours, and several castles later, Itachi was relieved when Lee stood, appearing to end this madness. Without a word, Lee hit one tile on the floor causing a small uncomfortable looking cot to appear and then left. Itachi was secretly grateful. 'Anymore of that and I would have cracked. It's okay. It's okay. He's gone now. Tomorrow they'll have to implement something else... right?' He thought to himself as he lay on the cot. Blissful sleep came quickly.

The next day, Itachi awoke with sore muscles and frumpy hair. Unable to tame it, he grudgingly gave up and awaited his captors. When it was Lee who once again appeared, Itachi couldn't hold back a whimper.
