Ch 9 The Nightclub

The relationship between the elderly rats sure was tense, as anyone who was there can see. Sometimes during breakfast they would sit at the breakfast table glaring at eachother for no reason not saying a word. While they played out their silent warfare, they did their best to not argue for the sake of everyone's peace.

What they found strange at most, was how slow paced she had been for the past few days. Her eyes were swollen and when she walked, she staggered dizzily. Everyone was left to wonder how on earth she could've gotten the way she was.

One morning, while Donatello was carrying supplies to his lab he noticed Yumiko holding a big box humming a lively tune, walking her way to the room in which she stayed. She gave a small sway with her hips almost in a dancey mood, she didn't realize a small red garment fall out of the box as soon as she shut her door.

Don picked it up curiously, upon unfolding it he realized it was a dress. The skirt had been heavily layered underneath with pink frills, as the red layer on top had been lifted to the side by a pink ribbon to show the lower design. The top was spaghetti strap in a low v cut, giving it a bit of a racy edge.

This struck him odd, why on earth would Yumiko have this sort of dress with her? It could be just a costume that she stole a while back, but it reeked heavily of alcohol. Could it be Mimi's? No, Mimi would never wear this sort of thing it was not even her size. The door rattled open, quickly he tucked it under his arm and ran to the lab before Yumiko saw it.

Mikey met up with him in the lab to "help" him in his new brain powered milkshake maker. The irony of it all was if Mikey had any brains at all to work it, but he had been the only one available.

Seeing the dress tumble on the counter, Mikey rolled it out snickering. "Geez Don, have you finally come out of the closet or are you just being a drag queen for the day?"

"Shut up Mikey." Don replied leisurely, "It's not mine, I took it from Yumiko."


"It just fell out of the box she was carrying. I don't know why I took it."

Lifting it closer to him, Mikey gagged at the awful stench. "Damn! This smells like booze! Where the hell was this washed in, a club?"

Don mused for a bit, "You know something's not quite right around here."

Sneaking out on her own volition many times before was one thing, but to be pulled out of her sleep late at night by Yumiko to go somewhere was another. Mimi got up groggily and threw on a dark gray hoodie and black pants.

Poking her head out cautiously, she scanned the lair for any sign of life. It was pitch black and silent, only the sound of her heartbeat and breath were heard. If Splinter or any of the guys caught her going out late at night, it'd be super extra hard training for her!

Signing to Yumiko, the white rat gave a glad swish of the tail and tiptoed their way out the door as quietly as cats.

Yumiko led the way hastily walking with Mimi who followed worriedly, traveling down the twisting tunnels with only a flashlight to guide their steps. Within five minutes, they stopped at one tunnel that led up. Mimi tried to sign to ask where they were going, but she couldn't do it with two hands on the ladder.

Climbing up, she couldn't help but think of this being another robbery attempt, she had given that up a long time ago, but her carrying a bag of costumes seems rather peculiar for such an occasion.

Passing through two more tunnels and a one more ladder down, the whole ordeal was suddenly becoming more disorienting. The routes had become more confusing, the maze- like structure and winding paths were making her want to cry. Mimi tugged on Yumiko's sleeve, she wanted to go back.

"We're almost there dear, let's keep going. I want to show you something." She urged on.

Gulping a lump down her throat, she treaded onward with her sneakers splashing in dirty puddles, hoping that it wasn't anything that would put her in danger.

The rusty pipes above dripped with water, the cement walls were cracked with age indicating they had not been used for a long time.

There was a bend around the corner, a small ray of light shone across the dim floor. Listening closer, she could hear the sound of a piano and live jazz music being played. Hearty laughs of what sounded like old swashbuckling men having a great time, feet pounded against the wood with wild dancing.

Unable to take anymore curiosity, Mimi dashed towards the light with eager attempt to find out what the heck her master woke her up for to go to.

Placing her hand on the weighty old oak door, she didn't wait to consider of what could be in there. With one push, she barged in ready to see the vigorous activity taking place.

As soon as she did, the scene slammed at her like a giant baseball bat. There were dim lights, an old fashioned bar, and a stage, but those were not the weird parts. There was a hulking crocodile that stood on two legs, a snake headed reptile with one eye sewn shut by a thick wire was arm wrestling a tiger mutant. Other rat mutants were scattered around the place. The whole nightclub was crawling with mutants!

Before anyone can land an eye on the mime, she was yanked back outside by a rather fuming Yumiko.

"Mimi! Don't just barge in there!" She scolded. Rummaged through her bag and pulled out a pair of fake black horns that were turned downward.

Are those Hanyuu's? She wondered as they were set on her head, the next thing to come were a pair of fangs that were shoved into her mouth forcefully.

"!" said Mimi madly.

"I'm sorry Mimi, but if they see a human hanging around here, they'll rip you apart!"

Just what kind of mutant am I pretending to be with horns and fangs?

Reading her mind, she replied, "I don't know! Any mutant can be cross with something nowadays!"

Mimi gave her a pointed look as Yumiko gave a roll of her eyes. "I'll explain later why we're here." Taking her by the hand, she cautiously led her through the door and into the musty old place. As soon as she entered, the burning odor of sweat, beer, and mold, invaded her lungs. Tugging the hood over her head, she drew it tightly covering her mouth and nose, glancing around at the surrounding. The bar was old fashioned, with a wooden table as dark as damp lumber when it had rained hard. The bartender behind it sat polishing the tin and glass cups with a surly frown. He was about Yumiko's height, brown fur with a worn out blue vest, a blue cap rested on his head, and an eye patch covered his left eye. The tables the monsters sat on were round and were out of shape along with the creaky looking chairs. At the stage, lights showered down on it, it was similar to the stage that she had been on before, instead of looking at it's best, the thing had cobwebs, dust, and grime, and the curtains were faded red and ragged.

In her mind, Mimi was growling and storming up a fit. This? This is what she wanted to bring her to, a club? She was not even old enough to go clubbing! What on earth was Yumiko thinking bringing a child here? Was she trying to corrupt her innocence?

Before she could snap and get the hell out of the place, Yumiko excitedly pulled her over to the bar's direction.

Approaching the bartender, her face suddenly gave a glittery sort of smirk; her walk became flauntier again as she held her head high with pride.

Squinting the right eye, he gaped at her in recognition, "Snow? Snow is that you baby, where have you been?"

"Ah well, y'know Ronnie kinda busy with things." Yumiko replied nonchalantly.

Mimi blinked under the hood, Snow? Why is he calling her snow? She thought as she scooted behind her.

"The bar hasn't been the same without you for months! You were our best performer around, do you know the amount of customers we lost during your absence?" Ronnie rebuked at her almost angrily.

The tone of his voice did not faze the rat, "But I'm back so spread the word! They'll return as easily as they had come."

Sighing, Ronnie did not feel so confident, "we had to hire a bunch of new mice to get the bar going, but none of them were as good as you."

"But I can still pull it off, just give me a chance, we can still bring back the old customers."

Yeah right, as if this joint is gonna last long enough to get the whole lot. Mimi thought to herself sarcastically.

"Ahem, and with the help of my assistant here Dusk we can put on one hell of a show!" Yumiko revealed Mimi whose horns stuck out of her hood. The older rat raised an eyebrow at her. Mimi flashed a toothy grin showing off her fangs to not arouse suspicion.

"What the hell is this kid?" he asked unsure.

She fiddled with her whiskers for a moment,"Um…a bat horned…beast thing." She managed to say through her teeth. Still Ronnie continued to eye the girl's strange grin before nodding.

"Okay, you're in, just get this kid some stage dresses or something."

"Way ahead of you!"

Once more, Mimi was dragged off like a dead weight luggage towards the back of the stage.

Ronnie scratched his head as he looked at the kid, "That is one ugly little mutant, but I guess I've seen worse."
At that moment the little bell by the door rang and in walked two mutants in trench coats.

"Hey you two, I've never seen you before, you new?"

"Yeah," a guy said with a thick brooklyn accent, "we're just looking for a place to drink and um…hang out."

"You've come to the right place."

Rummaging through a bunch of silly outfits from a trunk, Mimi was then tossed a bright pink dress. The skirt had frilly layers with the back being longer than the front, being able to show off her legs, the top was deep red fashioned into a corset, and a red bow was tied in the back. Mimi stomped her foot and threw the dress aside.

What in the world are you getting me into? You still didn't care to explain what the heck is going on!

Yumiko then frowned at her sadly, "Mimi, in this bar I work as a dancers, y'know the kind that lift up their legs and do the can-can."

Like the dancers in France?

"Sort of like that, I took some time off from it, now I need your help in helping me perform, your stage name is Dusk."

Why the hell do I want to do that? I don't even have experience doing this stuff! This is also last minute you know I get stage fright!"

"Mimi please understand!" she said pleadingly, "This is the best place I've ever worked in that appreciates me and acknowledges my talent, you've got to help me out, I've taught you how to dance before you can still do them right?"

Mimi signed with one hand, Most.

"Please?" her eyes grew big and wide like big bubbles.

Hesitantly she frowned at the expression sourly. She was not budging an inch, but the rat was still persistent.

A few more seconds passed before Mimi finally gave in, Okay but I still think this is a bad idea. It's stupid and I'll be in trouble helping you out in this old run-down hole, but I'll swallow fear and go through hellfire for you after all.

"That's the spirit! Now get dressed we're on at three!"

Mimi shook her head in dismay, she was digging her own grave but the things she does for love can be way out of sanity.

It took some time for her to get into the fruity dress without getting lost in the frills. Putting one bright hot pink flats, she got in line with the three young female mice dressed up in plain dresses that people used for Sunday, one of them in a drab blue dress had a black hat with a veil sewn to the brim to cover her face, the other in yellow dress had big ostrich feather on her head, and mouse in a lavender taffeta wore a long shawl on her shoulders.

The girl looked down at her feet as the mice girls giggled at her awkward form, maybe it was because she was the only human looking mutant around.

Her palms began to sweat and her legs quivered, there's no need to worry right? After all she was just one of the backup dancers, Yumiko or rather Snow was doing all the dancing.

"Are those horns?" one of them whispered.

"What kind of mutant is she? She looks weird to me."

"Hush we're about to start." The other shushed.

Mimi looked down at her watch to distract her from their gossip and took a deep breath shakily as the curtains rose.

The piano started with a simple melody, just then, the spotlight hit Yumiko on the center. That's when the band below began their hot jazzy beat and her voice took flight.

Cameras Stage and light

Baby you want to step in my world

Well you know I ain't that easy type of girl.

You want me, I'm just a little too tough

You want me you gotta get rough

Just try to play into my world.

Immediately, Yumiko and the other dancers tore off their outer dresses to reveal long v neck dress with skirts that flared out, all were tight with long slits. Yumiko's garment was the fuchsia dress with a ruffled top. All the boys cheered with excitement and leapt off their seats screaming like fangirls or fan males in this case.

You want me! You want me

You gotta fight for me

Try to step up to the plate if you're a man

Can't handle it just drop that plan!

All girls kicked up their skirts and so did Mimi, but her kicks looked more like she was doing a clumsy can-can.

When the girls twirled she twirled along, the mice and the audience took notice that Mimi wasn't looking good doing the routine. For her, she can easily mimic and follow up on anything perfectly, it's just this type of style was ridiculous to her.

Yumiko did not lose focus but she glanced over at her for a few seconds. The crowd began to mumble as they detected the amateur dancer behind.

Mimi was starting to lose her balance at the kicking and twirling, she tried her best as possible to make it look good, but it just didn't look quite right with the youngster doing it.

Get up if you're down

Shout and be loud-

She didn't finish as Mimi fell to the ground on her knees. The men then gasped at the abrupt accident, then there was silence, it lasted for about four seconds till it turned into laughter.

The girl began to shake as she stared out at the people whose mocking amusement filled her ears and the bright lights blinded her.

A feeling of embarrassment and fright overcame her, Yumiko rushed to her side to help her on her feet as the girl froze on spot.

"Mimi, are you alright?"

The girl looked at her with frightened eyes.

"It's okay we can stop now."

Surprisingly, she knocked the helping hand away from her and got up. Dusting herself off she pulled out a fedora from behind her back placing it on her head, and signed to continue.

The leading musician nodded at the command, and continued.

Yumiko got back to her spot and went on singing her heart out. Mimi joined in again, this time with each twirl she did a flashy pose and added a few moves of her own. As she did a kick she did a small spin before jumping to her toes Michael Jackson style. The onlookers were puzzled by her dance, she was throwing the whole routine off for the other dancers, Ronnie couldn't help but wonder how on earth this show was gonna excite customers if the kid couldn't even follow a simple dance routine.

"Damn, this show's a downer."

The song then ended with a drum solo and the girls striking a sexy pose, however for Mimi ended on bended knee with the John Travolta point.

The crowd went silent and stared for a few seconds, Yumiko was almost about to be disheartened thinking she just disappointed the fans, but then they erupted into a loud cheer sending the three back up dancing mice looking at eachother confused.

"They liked it?" the one in lavender said.

"but the whole routine was thrown off." The one in yellow said.

The mice in blue just shrugged, "hey they like it."

Ronnie, much to his surprise couldn't believe it either, "Didn't think they could actually pull it off with that kid."

As they all got backstage the mouse girls all went up to Yumiko, "Hey, what was your kid doing dancing like that?"

"Calm down Peach, the girl decided to do her own moves is all."

"Do her own moves?" Alissa cried out, "In show business, you do not make up your own moves on spot like that, a routine is a routine!"

"Well she just-" Yumiko interjected,

"But nothing, a dance like that doesn't even suit this nightclub ways, what style was that anyway?" Cream asked curtly.

Scoffing at them she replied, "Michael Jackson, John Travolta, with a twist of her own moves."

The others weren't impressed and just glared at her sternly, "That girl needs to learn to stick to routines if she's gonna stay with us." Peach firmly stated.

Mimi signed with her hands again, No, I'm just doing this for one night so no worries on that

"This club needs more than just a twirling and kicking!" Yumiko argued, "I've been dancing here for a long time and I know just what this club needs!"

"Well you left!" Alissa pointed out sharply, "We've been dedicated to this club a lot more than you did when you left, so don't tell us what it needs!"

This struck Yumiko silent, she tried to muster a word but they faltered under the blunt truth. The silence was the sign of defeat.

Mimi couldn't stand down without fight, Hey she knows a lot more about dancing than any of you narrow minded performers know, you don't know style or originality, you don't have what it takes to be a real dancer!

Her hands went everywhere furiously, but like every other mime, she was ignored.

Unable to take the treatment, Mimi threw her hat at the mouse hitting her on the face and stormed off into the club. Cream was shocked at the sudden outburst, nobody had thrown something at her like that, not ever!

"Mimi wait!" Yumiko called out as the mime power walked away. The mice smirked at her smugly, they had won this banter, and no old hag is gonna tell them what to do.

Those arrogant sons of vermins! Those sassy buttholes really need to be taught a lesson! The mime fumed gritting down hard on her fangs to the point where her real teeth were aching.

Just as she brushed past two mutant lizards, her ears perked up at the mention of "that kid".

"Hey did you see how she danced? Kinda funny, reminds me of old time when we danced like that in the past, we didn't care about routines."

"I wanna see more of that, it's always about the little spins and singing, we want more flare y'know."

Trying to hide the big grin on her face, she finally got validation that the show was a success. As she scurried on her way, she bumped into a large trench coat.

Sorry! Whoa….uh-oh

The tall trench coat wearing figure then removed his hat to reveal a green scaly turtle head.

"Hello Mimi." Donatello said crossing his arms.

"You're in big trouble now." Michelangelo snorted pointing at her.

The girl began sweating bullets that nearly peeled off her face paint, guy, it's not what it looks like I can explain.

A/N When Mimi asks if the horns are Hanyuu's it's a reference to the anime character from Higurashi no Naku koro ni anime, the character Hanyuu has downward horns