"Malfoy! You know good and well I didn't do that!"

Malfoy sighed dramatically and threw up his hands. "Yes, Granger. You did do it!"

"I'm telling you Malfoy! I didn't move your freaking hair gel. Now, if you would please get out of my way, I have to go to the library!"

I move to get past him but he blocks my way with his toned, muscled arm.

Whoa. Toned? Muscled? I shake my head. All this arguing with Malfoy is starting to affect my brain.

"Malfoy," I growl, "move this freaking pale arm before I hex it off!"

Malfoy smirks. "Little cranky there Granger?"

"No! And I swear if you don't mo-!"

My mouth is cut off. My brain isn't working. I don't even know how I'm breathing. All I know is that Malfoy's lip cut me off mid-rant.

He kisses me a while longer, and I know had I not just taken a big breath to yell at him I would have all ready passed out.

He pulls back and looks at my face. Then just when I think he's about to leave he says, "Now, Granger, tell me where my freaking thirty galleon hair gel is."

I sigh and all most scream. "Malfoy! You bloody swarmy Slytherin! I already told you that I don't have your hair gel, and I do-!"

Malfoy's lips are on mine again, and this time I pull back and slap him. He puts his hand up to his cheek. He looks miffed.

"What the bloody heck did you do that for Granger!"

"I don't know!" I say sarcastically. He opens his mouth to cut in but I plunge on in. "How about you tell me why you kissed me?"

Malfoy turned a Weasley red. Whether it was from anger or embarrassment, I couldn't tell.

"It was the only way to get you to shut up!" Malfoy said, turning on his heels, stalked off.

I look up and see Harry smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You know, he didn't just do it to get you to shut up." and Harry walked off, leaving me with my thoughts.


A/N: Questions? Comments? Flames? I'm in it for all. For those of you reading my other stories Hermione Marvolo: The New Hermione and A Marriage Like No Other thanks for sticking to it. It's been a rough couple of months and I'm aching to get the aforementioned stories completed.

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize, I don't own.