I don't own anything except my character and my roommate's.

Fight Fire with Friends

"Wake up lads, we have an inauguration ceremony to get started." Derek arose with excitement knowing that today was the day that his sport of Hockey Kick was going to be officially part of Iron Weasel's daily routine.

"I don't want to go to school today, Mama, I have a tummy ache" said a semi-conscious Ash as he rolled over in his yellow tire-striped pajamas yearning for just 20 more precious minutes in Ash-lantis where he could swim all day and everyone thought he was the Einstein of his world.

"It's me you idiot!" Derek slapped Ash in the back of the head in his final attempt to wake him up.

"Don't hit him Derek! He didn't do anything to you." Burger said faintly as he struggled to out of his bunk bed. Burger fell out of his bed with a loud thud and watched as Ash did the same.

"Good, now that you are finally awake, let's go play Hockey Kick!" Derek attempted to run out of the room as fast as the Road Runner when Tripp entered. Derek could tell Tripp was hiding something by the way he smiled from head to toe.

"Kid, what's with the grin the size of Texas? You found a girl didn't you? Who is she? What's her name and does she have a friend for me?"

"I didn't find a girl." Tripp looked outside stealthily hoping to find the coast clear.

"What are you doing, kid"

"I don't want my Mom to find out the news I have to tell you because it is going to be a HUGE surprise!"

"Oh and keeping news from her went so well the last time." Derek chuckled.

"Wait, wasn't Tripp's mom finding out about the surprise party we threw for him our fault?" Ash stated just as confused as ever.

"Kid, if you want this to be a surprise for your mom, are you sure you want Ash here?"

"Hey!" Ash stated still confused.

"I'm sure Derek didn't mean anything by that, Ash." Burger said trying to comfort Ash.

"Yeah, I just meant that you tend to give people's secrets away."

"Oh, yeah? Like when?" Ash asked attempting to grasp what Derek was trying to tell him.

"Guys, stop. We don't have time for any flashbacks. I need your help."

"Oh yeah. You were trying to tell us this huge surprise for your mum. What is it?"

"My sister just graduated college over at the University of Southern California and my mother was upset that she couldn't make her graduation since she had to work. So, I called my sister and she is coming over from California to stay here for a few weeks."

"And you need our help because…" Derek asked after only half listening to the news.

"Look, I need you guys to help me clean up the house or at least not make it any messier than it already is."

Tripp looked around the rockstars' room and noticed that what once was the spare guestroom was now cluttered with Burger's moldy churros and popcorn from movie night; Ash's drumsticks and banana crème pies he used for "clown repellant" and Derek's millions of rocker dirty laundry and fan mail that he had written himself praising him on all of his accomplishments, but most importantly on his looks.

"That shouldn't be too hard." Ash said smiling excited about what he believed to be an easy feat. Tripp rolled his eyes and left to start on his full day of tidying up his own estate of panic.

After a long day of cleaning and creating fake jobs for his mom to do to keep her out of the house, Tripp collapsed on the couch unable to move another muscle. Suddenly, a knock came at the door. Go away! Two seconds later, another knock. I can't believe somebody is going to make me get up. Don't they know I just want to take a break FOR TWO SECONDS!

"TRIPP, DOOR" Derek screamed from across the hall.

"I got it." Tripp replied, frustrated that none of his band mates would even assist with this one task.

"HELLO!" Tripp shouted as he answered the door.

"A fine howdy do to you to, brother."

Tripp jumped back as his face turned cherry red completely flabbergasted at the way he had treated his practically long lost sister.

"I am so sorry, Kristen. It's been a really long day."

"It's alright. Can I come in or are you going to block the doorway all night?"

"No, of course not, by all means please come in."

Kristen grabbed her luggage and stepped gradually inside excited to see her home after so many years of being away. She dropped her luggage next to the couch covered with memories from her first kiss to the many TV crushes that she had dreamed about while engulfing herself in her favorite shows. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, opened them and jumped.

Right in front of her stood a 6'9" man with hair like a luscious brown waterfall, silver jeans with black flames on the sides, a metal necklace that said Iron Weasel, a black studded jacket and a dark navy silk shirt that covered his very muscular looking chest.

"And who are you love?"

"I believe the question is who are you and why do you take pleasure in making my heart stop!

"I do that to all the beautiful girls I see. And I can't believe that you do not know my name, I am Derek Jupiter also known as the heartthrob of Iron Weasel."

"Uh-huh, um Tripp can I see you for a minute in the kitchen please?"

Kristen slowly walked toward the white swinging door just wanting to get away from the weird feeling of having a flirtatious rock star in her home. Suddenly, she bumped into the very hairy leg that felt way too manly to be Tripp's. She turned around and saw a heavy man with a blonde hair and a hybrid beard wearing chains just as Derek had, army shorts and a lion T-shirt munching on a turkey leg at the kitchen table. She screamed as she felt Tripp's arm on hers trying to relax her.

"Tripp, what is going on? Who is this? What are these people doing here?"

"Oh hello, you must be Tripp's sister. Nice to meet you." Ash said from behind the refrigerator door.


"Kristen, this is Iron Weasel. Mom allowed them to stay here after she found out that they were living in their car. I'm their new lead guitarist. I thought I told you about Iron Weasel."

"You did. You just didn't tell me that they were staying with you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I told you now. You're not going to freak out, are you? They didn't touch your room. It is exactly as you left it."

Kristen hesitated for a minute contemplating what she was going to say. Of course staying with strangers in her home was weird. And these weren't even regular strangers, they were rockstars. Rockstars are known to cause trouble. However, these are Tripp's friends. Tripp was not only her brother, but he was her best friend. She could trust him, but could she trust these rockstars? Only time will tell, she thought. Since she did not wish to cause trouble after only five minutes, she decided to agree with Tripp.

"OK, I will stay."

"Great." Tripp smiled completely relieved that his plan had been a complete success.

"Besides, I have not seen Mom yet."

Just then, the front door turned and Beth walked through the door with four bags of groceries in hand.

"Oh my goodness," she screamed. "Kristen, what are you doing here?"

"Let's go eat and I will tell you all about it."

"Oh, good. Dinner I'm starved." the British lead singer proclaimed as he raced for the door quickly followed by Burger and Ash, Beth, Tripp and Kriste.