I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time again… I've been hit with a lot of writer's block this past days and it took me so LONG to finally be able to finish this chapter. I wrote the first part a long time ago but I didn't see how I could end it. I'm running out of words to bringing this two together after writing so many stories in such a short amount of time. I hope you will like this one. :)



Booth threw himself at the couch in Brennan's office after placing the takeout bag on table in front of it. It was late at night and they were the only ones left at the Jeffersonian. Brennan was sitting behind her table and passing her eyes through some papers. The room was quiet and Booth couldn't help feeling that sense of familiarity taking over him. Who could ever think that office would make him feel so comfortable and cozy?

"Man, I missed this!" He smiled widely at his partner, feeling the need to share that thought. She looked so concentrated and so beautiful that all he wanted to do was to do was throw all those papers in the nearest bin and kiss her till they run out of air.

"What? Staying up till late doing paperwork?" Brennan raised her eyes from the papers to look at him surprised. They had closed a case that afternoon and they had to give all the papers with the evidence and the interrogatory scripts to the FBI in the following morning, which meant they'd have to work extra hours that night. "You hate paperwork, Booth." She reminded him.

"Yeah, I know, but I mean… how long has it been since we did that? We alone, here at the lab… sharing Thai food?" He asked feeling a bit sad for missing so much in the past year. But everything that happened was necessary, he told himself. He needed to try to move on. And Brennan needed to realize there was no one else in the world who would be a better partner – in all the meanings of the word – to Booth than her. She needed to realize that her love for him was real and stronger than anything. "We used to do it very often."

"We did." She smiled nostalgic, but not really willing to start a conversation about what had happened in the past months. It's been just over a week since she and Booth had finally started talking almost normally again. She didn't want to have things all awkward and uncomfortable again. Seeing him with someone else still hurt her, but not seeing him at all hurt much more.

"So, what did you bring?" She stood up and started looking at the takeout bags. He'd called her earlier saying he'd stop by and bring dinner.

"Khao pat, beef for me, vegetarian for you." He said opening the dishes.

Brennan smiled. She loved how he knew exactly what she liked.

"It looks very appetizing." She commented and sat next to him, ready to attack the food. She was starving. She used to focus so much on her work that she'd usually forget basic things like eating, but the smell of the food made her realize how hungry she was. The only thing she'd eaten since lunch (a salad) was half of a doughnut.

They ate quietly until Booth couldn't stand it anymore. He hated the silence.

"Bones, you have to try this, it's so delicious!" He told her and shoved his fork inside his carton, taking a bit of his food, and tried to feed her.

"No, Booth! You know I stopped eating meat a long time ago. I won't eat your chicken." She said a bit surprised.

"Come on, Bones, you have to try this!" He put his fork closer to her. "Only the sauce, I promise. Come on… vruuuuuuuuuum" He imitated the sound of an airplane and made her chuckle.

"What is that supposed to be?" She asked amused as the fork "flew" near her face.

"It's an airplane, Bones." He smiled. "Now, open up your mouth and try this."

She looked at him doubtfully, but her all barriers went down when he looked at her with that puppy dog face she just couldn't resist.

"Fine." She gave up. Booth could be very persistent when he wanted to. "But only the sauce."

"You won't regret it." He grinned and fed her. He loved little moments like that. It almost hurt how much he missed doing simple things like sharing food with Bones.

Brennan chewed her food slowly, tasting it and wondering if it was as good as Booth seemed to think it was. He just stared at her, amazed that things had finally returned to their natural course and hoping that moment would never end.

"You were right." She said at last. "It was delicious."

Delicious. When he thought about that all he could think about was how delicious it would be to have her mouth back at his again.

Deciding to go with his guts, he realized it was time to talk about something that had been haunting him for a long time and now that Hannah was gone, he had no reasons not to ask anymore.

"Bones… that day… when we were at the diner with Sweets…" He started, his voice lower than usual and Brennan noticed that what would come next wouldn't be a joke or something to tease her. "You said you thought about us when you were in the Maluku's." She didn't miss the fact that he said the name of the Islands correctly and it suddenly made her feel anxious. It meant he was really serious. "Was it true?"

He needed to know.

Brennan didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She hadn't lied when she told him that she thought about them together, but that was wrong in so many levels that she regret it the moment it came out of her mouth. First because he was in a serious relationship with another woman, second because she knew that even though they seemed good together, they were anomalous people, they couldn't be more different. It was a fact that relationships like that never ended up in a good way. And in the seven months she spent away from him she realized she couldn't live without him in her life. He was the best part of her day.

It'd been very difficult at the beginning when they came back and Hannah came along, but they were working things through and they were even having take out alone late at night. She was sure everything would come back to normal soon. And they could continue being the best friends and amazing partners they'd always had been.

So what she felt the urge to kiss him now even more than before?

Their eyes locked and knew she had to say the truth.

She couldn't lie. Not to him. Not to Booth.

Breaking the gaze, she looked down at her folded hands.

"Yes." She almost whispered. "I'd think about us together quite often while I was away." She didn't dare to look at him. "It was very hard, staying there at the beginning. I didn't know how attached to you I'd became. The pain was almost physical at first, but I knew I couldn't call you. I didn't have that right, I hurt you and you were trying to move on."

"Bones…" He reached out to take her hand but she quivered.

She had started now, and she didn't know if she would be able to finish if he touched her.

"I started working with those people, the smartest scientists that exists and who'd came from places all over the world. We worked together for months, but no one had really connected to anyone besides work. I saw Ms. Wick's pain for leaving Sweets and she told me countless times that she might have done the wrong decision choosing work over him." Brennan started tearing up, remembering those difficult night where she'd listen Daisy going on and on about her Lancelot and not helping thinking about her and Booth. "I realized what I had and what I was giving up. My friends, my family… you." She glanced at him quickly. "Seeing those people made me see how much I changed since I met you. And I changed for the better. That was when I decided to cut my hair. Before we went away, you told me things had to change. I felt like if I changed something on the outside, it would be a good way to prove myself that changing wasn't that hard. That I could do it."

"Your new haircut looks very cute." He played with the ends of her locks and she looked at him for the first time since she started talking.

"Thank you." She looked away again. "It was also easier to keep at the Island."

"Bones…" He lifted her chin gently with his thumb. He needed her to look at him. "I've never wanted you to change." He looked into her eyes, he needed her to understand that he was saying the truth. "I've always thought you were perfect the way you are. I love you exactly the way you are, smart, beautiful, focused, blunt, funny, quirky and so completely adorable. You don't have to change. And the way you changed in the past years… I'd call that evolving." He smirked and brushed her cheek with his thumb.

"Booth…" She gulped, her eyes opened so wide she was afraid they'd pop out. Did he realize what he was saying? That he just said he loved her without adding 'in a professional, atta girl kind of way'? "You… you can't love me." She quivered again. "You love-"

She couldn't finish her sentence because the next thing she knew, Booth's mouth was on hers and she lost control of her brain completely, because the moment his lips made contact to hers, she kissed him back immediately. He was so gentle and he smelled so good. Being in his arms was something she dreamed about every night she was away and when she'd come back. Booth made her feel safe and loved. And she couldn't help noticing he was a very skilled kisser.

He kissed her more deeply and she clung on him, wrapping her arms around his neck, just in time for her brain to recover his functions and reminds her of what they were doing.

"This- this is wrong!" She pulled away from him, looking completely lost. "Hannah… you'd… you'd move on!"

Booth looked desperate, now it was now or never. He wouldn't bear being rejected again.

"I didn't move on, I couldn't move on…. I don't want to move on." He grabbed her hands and she gasped, feeling her head spinning. "I tried, Bones, I swear I tried, but I failed. And… I'm tired. I don't want to keep trying when I know I'll never find someone else because I already know who I want to be with forever and who is the one I love. Insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome?"

"But what about Hannah?" She asked him, now a bit less anxious.

"We broke up a couple of days ago." He told her finally. "I guess Hannah and I were way too much nomulous."

"That word doesn't exist, Booth."She squinted. "You mean ordinary? Normal?"

He smiled.

"Yeah… what's the fun in being ordinary, uh?" He brushed her face tenderly with his knuckles. "I don't want to be in a normal relationship, Bones, I want an extraordinary one. You were right, we are anomalous, but that's what makes us so good together, because being so different, we complement each other. We challenge each other. We make each other better."

She stared at him and he knew she was processing everything he had said.

Brennan recalled the sleepless nights and how she hated waking up alone after dreaming about him and their family. She remembered how much it hurt to see him with someone else. For once, she had to gamble on something.

Closing her eyes, she leaned down to kiss him sweetly in the mouth.

"You're right." She said, their faces so close to each other that their noses were almost touching.

"I'm right?" He smiled, his eyes sparkling so much that she knew it was worth agreeing with him just to see him looking at her like that.

"Yes." She didn't take her eyes off him. "I find I don't enjoy seeing you with any other woman and that given how great our kisses are, we will most likely be very good in bed. That, plus the fact we used to have a surrogate relationship and, in Angela's words had been a couple only without having sex, I see no reasons for this not working out. Besides…"

"Besides?" Booth asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

"This time away made me realize that love is more than just chemical reactions." She admitted with a warm smile.

This time he wrapped his arms around her and brought her close to his chest in a hug, resting his head on the crook of her shoulders, knowing he would never let her go anymore. "Oh, Bones… my Bones."

"Your Bones?" She asked a bit surprised, but not wanting to leave his embrace.

"Yeah, Bones, my Bones." He looked up at her. "Because after long seven years, you're finally mine."

She smiled and cupped his face gently before kissing him again. Because if she was his, that meant he was hers, and she really liked the idea of that. "Yours."






Oh, the cheesy… hahaha

I hope you enjoyed reading this story! =)

I'll probably won't started another multi-chapter anytime soon – I need some vacation and I'm running out of ideas and I can't really bear writing more Hannah.

Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!