1. Fusion

Howard and Raj intertwined their bodies in the satin sheets, one melting into the other until the two became indistinguishable.

2. Independent

"I can do this on my own, you know," Sheldon stated in his casual, know-it-all tone as Leonard worked his hand up and down. "Do you want to do it yourself?" A moment's pause. "No. Keep going."

3. Interracial

"Do you think they're whispering because we're gay or because we're interracial?" Raj whispered in his lover's ear. "Who cares?" Howard drawled before stealing a quick kiss.

4. Protein

"Did you know I've had to cut down on my meat intake?" Sheldon asked out of the blue. "What? Why?" Leonard answered. "Because of my recent increase of protein consumption," Sheldon replied with a coy smile.

5. Reptile

"I feel very much like a warm rock," Sheldon stated. "And why is that?" asked Raj. "Because you seem to be treating me as such."

6. Penis (no effing joke. The random word generator actually gave me this)

"You can call it a penis; that's what it is, after all, not a piece of food," Raj insisted. "But that gets rid of all the meat jokes!" Howard complained. "Exactly."

7. Term

"I believe the term for that is narratophilia," Sheldon pointed out to a very annoyed Howard. "Yeah, I know. Now can we just get on with it, please?"

8. Data

After every sexual encounter, Sheldon made sure to record how long each part of intercourse took and the amount of pleasure from each orgasm without fail.

9. Observations

Anyone could have told you that Raj was falling hard for Howard. Anyone except for Howard, that is.

10. Patiently

Even as oblivious as Howard was, Raj was willing to wait as long as needed for his best friend to finally see.

11. Escape

Getting away from his mother for a night was quite an ordeal but Howard would resort to begging and pleading if necessary in order to visit Raj at his apartment.

12. Qualified

"I'm happy to inform you that I am a fully qualified proctologist," Sheldon said as he expertly moved his fingers. "J-just wonderful," Leonard replied between pants. "Sarcasm," Sheldon warned sternly, jerking his fingers in an upward motion.

13. Compute

Once Raj put some distance between them after their short-lived kiss, Sheldon's face clearly read "does not compute".

14. Honest

"Howard, I l-" Raj started before Penny appeared in the doorway. Every time he gathered up enough courage to tell his best friend the truth, the universe was there to stop him.

15. University

When it came time for a staff meeting at Caltech, everyone was accounted for except one short engineer and a dark-skinned astrophysicist. No one cared to check the stairwell though.

16. Hear

Penny pretended to not hear the strange, yet unmistakable, noises coming from the apartment across the hall until a sentence was distinctly voiced. "Now, Leonard, what would Penny have to say about this?"

17. Advanced

If there was one thing he knew better than Sheldon, it was sex, and Howard was going to prove it in any and every way he could.

18. Silent

Howard knew he did something right when Sheldon Cooper went quiet, not a single word to leave his overly-intelligent mouth.

19. Jungle

To Howard, Raj's body was as exotic and exciting as a trip to the jungle but he knew he'd find far more pleasurable and wanton things about Raj than the jungles of the world.

20. Laboratory

Sheldon found it extremely arduous to finish his experiment with Raj doing things highly inappropriate for a laboratory to him under the counter.