Hey. ;)

This is a random idea I came up with, and wanted to see if anyone would want me to continue. :)

Chapter 1.

"Gate of the lion, I open you!" Lucy yelled and raised the key in a circle over her head, "Loki!" the key shone in her outstretched hand and smoke exploded around her.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled and tried to come and help her, but his own opponent blocked his way and he bared his teeth in anger. Gray didn't even have time to look at Lucy, when two identical clones raised their swords, and swung them deadly toward him. The team had runned into a gang of dark mages. Erza was dancing around with leader and her eyes were hard in concentration. The sound of singing swords and magic echoed in the air.

Two of the dark mages was attacking Lucy, and she had hurried to call her spirit.

The dark mages had stopped when the smoke had surrounded the ground, but when they saw who appeared from the smoke their lips cracked in grins. Lucy's mouth opened in surprise. She had expected to see the flaming red hair, serious eyes and straight posture of her strongest spirit, but instead a much smaller figure appeared.

"What?" Lucy exclaimed, "Aries? What are you doing here?"

The small girl with curly horns looked at Lucy with apologizing eyes and wrapped her hand together.

"I – I'm sorry," she mumbled innocently, "L-Loki can't come right now."

"What do you mean he can't come?" Lucy said and made panicking hand movements, "I need him now. Tell him to come." Lucy didn't believe her ears. He couldn't come?

"B-but he told me to substitute, b-because …"

"Tell him to come - UGH! –" Lucy didn't get to finish before a deadly blow hit her shoulder and brought her to her knees. The Dark mages looked at her with an smug smile on his face.

"No more talk," he said and ran forward. Lucy looked at them in horror.

"I'll protect you!" Aries said and hurried in front of Lucy.

"Aries, look out!" Lucy yelled. A third mage appeared behind the small sheep-looking girl, and got ready to hit. Aries turned around with incredible speed and stopped the attack, but the two other dark mages didn't miss the change and their fists hit her roughly from behind.

"ARIES!" Lucy yelled in horror. The little spirit fell to the ground.

"I – I'm sorry," she whispered and hit the ground.

"Aries, tell Loki to come!" Lucy yelled and lifted her key, "Gate of the Ram, I close you!" she cried out and saw the hurt girl disappear in white smoke, "damn it."

"That was too easy," the third mage said and gave the others a high-five before he turned to Lucy. A triumphing smile was plastered on his face. Lucy hurried to her feet and with shaking hands she found her keys. It took a lot of her magical power to summon a golden key, but she found another one.

"Gate of the bull, AARGH!" she cried out when the dark mage sent a ball of energy toward her and forced her to the ground. Her fingers opened and her keys landed a few meters away. The mage laughed amused and got ready to hit again, but suddenly a wall of ice appeared in front of him.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled and grabbed around her wrist and pulled her away before the dark mage crushed the ice, with another ball of dark magic. Gray jumped forward and blocked the mage the way.

Natsu yanked Lucy with him and hurried to get her out of the danger zone.

"I could have taken them down if Loki had …" Lucy began, but Natsu cut her off, and put her down when they were out of the fighting area.

"Don't worry about it, you did great," Natsu said and gave her a grin, "let us take it from here."

Lucy sighed; she was so tired of this. She always ended up getting hurt and had to let the boys do the hard work. Today she had finally managed to be of little help, and then Loki had decided not to come. That was just great. She was going to give him kill him.

"We couldn't have done it without you," Natsu disagreed and gave Lucy a grin, "cheer up Lu-chan, and I'll see you tomorrow." Natsu said and ran toward the guild. Lucy sighed and lifted a hand in goodbye. Natsu had tried to cheer her up but it didn't really help.

A while later she let herself into her apartment. She was really relieved, to find it empty. No annoying mages today – sweet. She let herself fall down on her bed and moaned exhausted. Her eyelids closed slowly and she let her body relax.

"You look beautiful when you're tired," a sugar-sweet voice whispered seducing. Lucy's eyes opened instinctively. She looked right into a pair of gray-blue eyes. He smiled friendly, but Lucy's eyes twisted in anger.

"Where were you?" she said harsh and pushed him away so she could sit up. Loki looked at her with innocent eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Because you didn't show up, I lost focus, Aries got hurt and I had to let Gray, Natsu and Erza do all the hard work, again!" Lucy said and gave him a blaming stare. Loki put his hands in the pockets and pulled his shoulder a little up.

"I was busy," he said and looked away, "I promise to make it up to you, I would never let you get seriously hurt, you know that!"

"Then why didn't you come?" Lucy said annoyed and crossed her arms. Loki sighed and took a seat beside her on the bed.

"Listen, I may be a spirit, but I have a life too," Loki said, "I can sense your condition, if you were in real danger, I would have come, but it didn't seem serious enough so …"

"You decided not to come," Lucy said and looked at him with hard eyes, "then tell me Loki, what was so important that you just stayed away."

Loki looked uncomfortable for a second, but then he sighed and decided just to say it like it was, "I was on a date."

"A date?" Lucy said and waited for him to add ´it's a joke´ or ´just kidding´, but he seemed to be done talking and just waited for her reaction.

"You stayed away, because of a … a date?" Lucy said stunned.

"Don't make it sound like a crime, dearest," he said and tried to give her one of his smiles, but Lucy just cut him off with a hand movement and exhaled irritated.

"You have no idea …" she began, but this time Loki cut her off.

"No, you have no idea," Loki said, "I watch you 24/7 – and I don't mind – but sometimes I would just like to … live a little myself, even if I am a spirit."

"Of course you can, you're not my prisoner," Lucy hurried to say, "but you could have helped me, and then gone back to your date, I really needed you."

"Do you think it's that easy?" Loki asked, "I don't use much magical power to cross the gate, because I have had training in it, but it does take my strength to fight. Can't you see it's not that simple to just take a trip to your world, and come home, fresh and ready? You have it easy."

"What!" Lucy exclaimed angrily, "I do not have it easy!"

"You can decide when you want to go on missions. You can rest the time you need. I have to be ready every time you call, and I don't say that you use me too much or exhaust me too much, but it would be nice if you understood."

Loki's eyes had become hard, but Lucy was too furious to notice. He sighed and took a seat next to her on the bed.

"To be human is harder then you think," she said harsh and jumped to her feet, so she was taller then him, "We have a lot to do everyday, that a spirit don't have too worry about."

"Well, a spirits daily life isn't as easy either," Loki said and got to his feet too, so he towered over her.

"You have no idea how hard my life can be," Lucy continued, "I have my problems too."

"So you're saying, that your life is harder then mine?" he asked and didn't believe his ears. Lucy looked at him with judging eyes, and then she nodded.

"Definitely!" she agreed.

"Lucy, I watch you everyday," he said and suddenly became serious, he laid both his hands on each of her shoulders, "but you have never even asked about my life, not once. How could you possibly kno-" suddenly a smile crawled up on his lips. He let go of her and rubbed his chin in deep thoughts.

"What?" Lucy said suspicious.

"Maybe you're right," he said and focused his eyes on hers, "maybe your life is harder, but you can't really say for sure, can you?"

"What are you up to, Loki?" she asked and rose an eyebrow.

"Let's make a test," he said and his eyes shone with suppressed excitement, "in the spirit world, there is something called ´Switch´."


"Yes," Loki pulled his sunglasses up in the hair and gave Lucy an amused look, "it allows spirits and their owners to switch roles for 48 hours."

"Huh?" Lucy said stunned, "Me? A spirit?"

"It helps owners and spirits understand each other," Loki explained, "it been used for generations. It can really help a relationship," he winked. Lucy looked down.

"I don't know," Lucy mumbled and thought about it.

"Why not? I promise to pay your rent and explain to everyone," Loki explained, "it's just signing a contract and then you're my spirit for 2 days."

"But you won't learn anything, you have already been a human," Lucy informed him. Loki sighed.

"If you're scared …"

"Am not!" Lucy argued.

"Perfect!" Loki said and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Lucy jumped back in surprise.

"Loki?" she asked, but the spirit was gone, "gezz…" she was about to sit at the bed again, when a loud ´puff´ echoed in the room and made her jump back on her feet. Loki held a piece of golden paper toward Lucy. The letters was cursive and shone like silver on the golden paper.

"What's that?" Lucy said stunned. A smirk showed on the spirit face while he read the title with a confident voice.

"The official Switch document."

So tell me what you think? Should I continue? :)