Hi I'm Sasshamaru! I was named after my brothers Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. I look a lot like my brothers too. I'm shorter than them with long straight silver hair like my oldest brother Sesshomaru, but I have dog ears like Inuyasha's. I've lived with my brother's since I was born never knowing my father. My mother was only with me until I was about two so I didn't really know her either. I have the same mother as Inuyasha which makes me a half-demon also. Unfortunately my oldest brother Sesshy doesn't see that as a good thing. I try every day to train and be as strong as him but I'm not the best fighter yet. I just wish he'd see me as less of a disgrace to him.
I tend to get into trouble a lot around here even if I try not to. I live in the feudal era with my brothers. I get passed back and forth between the two of them a lot. They both train me and try to teach me new things. They can be really strict especially when it comes to their lessons. When I'm with Inuyasha we are accompanied by Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo.
When I'm with Sesshomaru we are also accompanied by rin now. Jaken has been with us too. Inuyasha's friends help me train and punish me a lot too. Also like my brother and thanks to the wonderful priestess Kaede, I wear a necklace made out of the beads of subjugation. All Kagome has to do is say sit boy to my brother, or down girl to me, and we immediately go plummeting into the ground. It's rather annoying to say the least.
I remember this first time I met Miroku. I was coming back from my time with my eldest brother Sesshomaru but he didn't bring me back this time and instead I went alone. I happened to run into Miroku. The lecherous monk started flirting with me right away.
"Hi miss what is your name?" He asked reaching out for one of my hands.
I slipped mine into his gently,"Sasshamaru." I answered blushing. I kept my hood up so he couldn't see my ears or hair. " Miroku pulled me closer as I blushed more. This human has no idea what he's himself into, I thought.
"SASSHAMARU WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Inuyasha asked rushing towards us.
"Oh no run!" I whispered frantically. "InuYasha I was just... He... nothing I'm sorry." I stammered. He glared at the human.
"Miroku, this is my little sister Sasshamaru." He said after a minute and pulled off my hood.
Miroku gasped, "I'm so sorry Inuyasha I didn't know." He said.
"Just forget about this," Inuyasha said.
"You know him?" I asked confused.
"Yes we met earlier this week." Miroku answered.
"Miroku didn't know better but you did Sasshamaru!" InuYasha yelled dragging me by my wrist. He was so pissed.
"Inuyasha please I'm sorry!" I whined. He threw me down on the ground beside Kagome.
"Just stay there and shut up your lucky I don't spank you right now!" He yelled. I shuttered and looked down.
"Answer me when I tell you something!" He yelled turning around towards me.
"Yes Inuyasha-Sir!" I replied quickly.
"Go get every one lunch now." He said slowly. I nodded getting up quickly taking any chance I could to get out of there. I really didn't want to spend so much time catching fish though so I crept quietly into the town. I casually walked past Lady Kaede's house stealing a basket of fish that was sitting outside.
Then I ran swiftly back through the trees. "Here you go sir." I said setting it down.
"Where'd you get this?" He asked angrily.
"From the river duh where else can you get fish from, they need to breathe under water." I said sarcastically.
"Oh really?" He asked dumping the fish on the ground and holding up the basket,"Then I suppose this was in the river too." He chided.
"Um I... Someone must have left-" He threw the basket down and grabbed me by my kimono. It is red like Inuyasha's and it was made from the fire rat and reaches just down to the tops of my knees. I yelped.
"Don't you dare... lie to me." He said slowly. "I'm sorry I stole it! I stole it!" I yelled frantically.
"From who?" He growled.
"Lady Kaede it was outside her door!" I yelled. His hand collided forcefully with my face. Smack! I fell to the ground hard with tears in my eyes. He picked me up and carried me to a stump nearby grabbing a switch from the tree.
"No InuYasha-sama! Please I'm sorry Please!" I tried.
"Shut up Sasshamaru!" InuYasha said, pulling up my kimono.
"Please at least not bare please, and with your hand, please!" I begged.
"You stole from the village and lied to me!" Swat! Swat! "You never ever lie to me!" Swat! Swat!
"I'm sorry I won't- Oww!" I whined again as he let the switch fall once more, "Let it happen again! Oww Please!"
"You deserve this for what happened earlier too," He said continuing. swat! swat! swat! He finally stopped and threw the switch aside helping me up. He placed me on his lap and I buried my head in his shoulder.
"I'm so sooo sorry," I cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back soothingly.
This is only one example of the many times I've been punished by Inuyasha. In the future chapters you will read many more of these situations. So hope you liked it. (I just revised this, I promise the future chapters are a lot better written as they go!)