Ok, so guys I was halfway writing this fic when I realized it was the last one. So I just want to tell you guys that this is the last chapter of this story. *tries not to cry* ;)

DonStella: Yep and don't worry all loose ends come together in this chapter.

gleeeeeeeeeek: Aww thank you :)

Vismaya: Aww thank you so much and I'm glad that you liked it so much to review on it, it means a lot seen as you said you don't really do it that much.

I just want to say that I love you guys who reads this fic (and any of my others) and review too. You're all awesome and I love you all so much :)

Finn's POV

"So Finn, I was thinking about this weekend." Quinn started as she came up from behind me.

"Oh yeah? What about this weekend?"

"Well I thought that we should do something. Something together."

"Ermm sorry I can't do this weekend." I lied, turning my head towards Quinn instead of the girl she seemed to loath. "I-I have something that day."

"Oh what day? We can do something on the other."


"The weekend. It has two days." Quinn raised one eyebrow at me before smiling it off. "So what day?"

"Oh ermm sorry. I meant I'm busy all weekend."

"Oh." Quinn faced the front as we both strolled down the corridor. "It's just that I thought we should do something together. I mean we haven't done anything since we've started dating. We should be doing couple thi-"

"Whoa, what?" I stopped in the middle of the corridor looking at the girl who thought we were dating. "Hold up. Since when have we started dating? 'Cause I don't remember talking about putting labels on us. Hell I don't even remember having a conversation about us. If there is one."

"Well I just assumed that we wou-"

"Look, I'm sorry. I mean this in the nicest way possible but I don't want to date you. I guess you just assumed wrong. Quinn I like you, but as a friend, a distance friend, nothing more. I'm sorry if I led you on but I don't want anything more than a friendship from you. I hope you can understand."


"It's not that I don't like you, I do, just not in that way. You're just not my type. I mean yeah, if I had seen you a month ago, I would have thought you were hot. Even when I first met you, and I'm trying not to sound perverted in any way but I was practically drooling over you. But since I've been here. In McKinley, I've seen things so much more differently. Plus, I think I might like someone els-"

"Urghh. Are you talking about dwarf?" Quinn asked, squinting her eyes at me in disgust.

Rachel was in total listening distance of us, because as soon as Quinn said 'dwarf', she looked at us and frowned slightly. Her frown was kinda cut- Wait no. No Finn. Calm down, don't start wondering off when you have a pissed girl in front of you. Remember what happened last time? I do not want a repeat of that.

"Can you please keep your voice down and no?" I told her, looking from Quinn to Rachel.

"Oh my god. It is. I can't believe this! You're choosing manhands over me!"


"Why it's not like she's any good for you. It's for the best if you are with me."

"You-wait what? For the best? Oh my God. Y-you told Rachel to stay away from me. To-to-"

"Finn when will you understand that you need to be with someone who is good for your image. I mean this is high school where memories start and last for a life time. Do you really want to be remembered as the guy who dated Ru Paul?"

"Stop talking about her like that. Quinn I don't want to date you. I just want to be frie-"

"No!" Quinn took one step away from me as if she discovered I had some contagious disease. "You're going to regret this. Trust me. Watch out Finn Hudson." she warned me as she did that I'm-watching-you signs with her hand.

"Quinn-" I started but she had already stormed off down the corridor, towards Rachel. "Quinn wait!"

Rachel's POV

So we have to raise our head like this?" Mike asked me as he held his chin high.

"Ermm…" my focus suddenly changed from the dancer in front of me, towards Quinn and Finn, who were further down the corridor. I heard 'dwarf' being used and straight away, I knew they were talking about me. When I saw Finn's eyes move away from looking at Quinn, to me. I quickly turned my attention back to Mike, who was waiting for my answer, averting any embarrassment that could have happened. "Err yes that is correct."

"Oh cool, well I have to go and meet up with Brittany. Have to go tell her the new choreography you've set us. See you later."

"Yep at Glee."

"Alright. Bye." Mike smiled as he began to walk away.


"Don't think for one second, you are going to get away with this." Quinn told me as she crooked her finger in my direction. "You think your life is shit, well believe me, it's going to seem like paradise once im through with you. You're nothing but a dirty little ske-"

"Quinn! What the hell are you doing? Leave her alone. Go annoy someone else."

"Oh shut up Finn."

"Quinn go and run away towards your friends and make up some vicious rumors to spread around, about people you hate or don't even know."

"Finn you are an idiot who will get his comeuppance for what you have done."

"For what? Saying no to you? Oh I'm so sorry." Finn replied with sarcasm in his voice. "Quinn when will you realize you can't treat people like crap? Stop trying to get revenge on anyone who does as much as look at you. You gotta stop being so vicious and then maybe guys like me would actually want to date you then."

"I don't need guys like you Finn. I can get whoever I want."

"So then why were you so pissed when you found out I liked Rachel?"

"Because it is insulting to me. You prefer her over me. But whatever, I'm too hot to care anymore unlike that troll in front of me." Quinn snarled as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Quinn stop talking about her like that. Why don't you go and run back towards your little minions that is right?" Finn asked me as he quickly spun around.

I have to say his bravery does not falter at all when he confronts someone. First Azimio and Dave, now Quinn. But like before, he must be incredibly courageous because no one would talk to Quinn like that when she has pure venom in her eyes. I hesitated, thinking whether I should become more involved than I already was but everyone was already staring at us three so there wasn't really any point of keeping quiet, before reluctantly agreeing with his question as he continued.

"Minions." He repeated after turning back to Quinn. "And stop tormenting everyone."

"Whatever Finn." Quinn rolled her eyes before placing both hands on her hips.

"Ok bye Quinn." Finn waved at her as she dropped her hands in a strop like way and stalked off.

"Urghh I'm so sorry about her." Finn apologized to me as the rest of the students in the corridor continued with what they were doing before the confrontation.

"It's fine, I've had worse from her." I shrugged.

Finn shifted on the spot as silence took hold of us both, in it's bone chilling grip.

"So…ermm." I started as Finn's head lifted from the floor towards me. "W-what did you mean when you said I like Rachel to Quinn?"


The corners of Finn's mouth began to flicker upwards which I thought was strange because I didn't see my question as an amusing one, unless the threatening of a smile was due to embarrassment. No. Surely it had to be because he found it amusing. Right?

"Well…" he hesitated again before looking behind him at his surroundings. "Not here"


"Not here." he repeated, emphasizing on the last word.

"Where then?"

"I'll tell you."

"Ok. So where is it?"

"No I-look you'll know where it is."

"Finn you do realize you aren't making any sense at all?"

"I gotta go Rachel. I have gym next and coach will kill me if I'm late again but Rach I swear you will know."

"Well I don't know right now."

"Rach I promise." Finn assured me before spinning on his heels and running down the empty corridor.

"Class remember that this isn't some work you can blow off." Miss reminded the class who were too busy on their phones to even acknowledge her very existence. "Not that any other work you receive isn't as important because it is, but I can't stress how important this work is you…" miss continued as her voice drowned into the back ground. I had already completed the work, three days ago and so I had nothing to do at that moment in time because she ignores the intellectual pupils, such as me, and dedicates her time to jocks and less intelligent students in the class. Such a shame I have to push myself to excel in the class, but I've grown to accept it as the normal.

"And let's not forget Tara's pi…"

This lesson could possibly go any slower than it already is. I don't understand why I am still in this class. I'm the only one in there who is actually on schedule of what we are supposed to be learning. Everyone else is weeks behind. It isn't the teachers fault really, well party, but she is trying her best with a class full of delinquents and it's not like I change classes because it would disrupt my timetable and others according to Principle Figgins. In other words, I can't be bothered with all that paperwork when I could be making money by renting rooms for the public. This is a school not a hostel.

I don't really need to listen to what she has to say. I learn everything at home. As miss handed the homework sheets, missing me of course, I turned my attention away towards the window. Peering out onto the field where the boys are doing football. I wonder what would happen if I suddenly vanished from my seat and went to the field? Miss wouldn't even notice I bet. She neglects to teach me anything.

I sat upright when a certain quarterback came across my eyes. He seemed so happy when playing football. I noticed how he's been smiling a lot more ever since he joined, except when he sees me. His smile always seems to falter when I'm near him. I feel awful that he does that. Maybe being a jock isn't so bad. Finn seems to be happy and he isn't dating Quinn, the head cheerleader. I guess he wouldn't turn into every other quarterback that ever walked McKinley's halls. I mean he had a fight with Quinn Fabray. Quinn. The head cheerleader. The girl who, according to tradition, he should be dating. He had a fight with her. About…me?

What did he mean by he likes me? As a friend? Ok Rachel lets not be naive about this. There is a slight possibility that he meant he liked me as in more than friends. He did kiss me after all. I still don't get why he did that though. He kissed me then doesn't even mention it again. He doesn't even explain himself. Maybe he's just confused. That must be it. He probably thinks he likes me but in reality he doesn't. He doesn't have any feelings towards me. It's just him being confused. Being a teenage boy. A high school student who is confused. It's perfectly normal.

"So when did you two break up?" Mercedes asked Finn as I entered the choir room.

"W-what err…" Finn stuttered, his eyes flickering towards my direction. It didn't mean anything though; I look at people when they enter any room too.

"We never really dated." Quinn replied after leaning forward to join the conversation. "Finn and I were never dating. So I guess he doesn't have to feel bad about kissing dwarf, then again it is that. Anyone would want to die after kissing it." Quinn smirked at me before continuing her discussion on Sue with Brittany and Santana.

"You kissed Rachel?" Mercedes asked, raising her voice in shock, which meant everyone else could hear too.


I couldn't watch this. They were all either staring at me or Finn and with him only being able to let single letters pass his lips meant they were all waiting for my side of the story. To explain it all. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of explaining something that has nothing to do with them at all. So I left. I spun on my heels and walked straight out of the practice room. I heard my name being called as I made my way towards my locker. It was a male voice and certainly familiar meaning it was Finn's.

I knew I was right when I felt a hand on my shoulder because he stopped me in the middle of the corridor and spun me around with just one hand.


"Yes?" I asked him, crossing my arms across my chest. "What do you want to say Finn?"


"Yeah I already heard that it the choir room. Was there anything other than that?"

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"You're pissed at me. D-did I do something?"

"Other than confusing the hell out of me by kissing me, no. No you didn't Finn."

"Confuse you?"

"Look Finn." I sighed as he gave me his confused face. "What do you want to say because I really don't want to be here anymore?"


"I just want to get to my locker."

"Rachel, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I confused you."

"No, forget what I said about that. I know you're sorry. I mean I understand you're confused yourself. I don't really expect any apology from you."

"I'm not confused." Finn boldly stated. "I never said I was."

"No, I know you didn't. I just thought that because you kissed me and that you're new here. Starting a new school can be tricky, adjusting to new rules and new people. You can become confused and add the fact that around this age, teenagers are confused about their sexuality or who they like. So I just thought that this was just one of those-"

"Rachel, I'm not confused. Ok?"

"O…k? So then why-"

"You know what? I think this is it."

"What is it?" I asked him as I my facial expression became blank. "Oh…" I began after understanding what he meant when he widened his eyes slightly, trying to tell me without words flowing out of his mouth. "That is now. Ooh I see now. Ok so talk. I would actually like to know what this is."

"Rachel, do you ever stop talking?" Finn asked as his signature smile creeped onto his face. I was wondering when it was going to make its appearance.


"Ok." Finn sighed as he closed his eyes, looking like he was preparing himself for something. "I understand that I confused you, but I didn't mean to. I'm not confused about that kiss because it made sense. I didn't feel puzzled by it. It didn't feel wrong. Do you know what I mean?"

"I think so…you just think that kissing girls isn't wrong."

"What? No. No that isn't it at all. I wasn't confused about our kiss because I like you Rachel. Like, like like you."

"Ok you lost me."

"Ermm…I don't really know what to say because I've never had to do this before."

"Oh that makes me feel so special and warm inside."

"Rachel when I said to Quinn that she was mad because she knew I liked you, I meant she was mad because she knew that I like you…err…as in more than a friend. I…Urghh this isn't going the way I planned it. I jus-look Rachel. I'll say it straight. I like you. Really like you."

"Ok, I think I understand you like me more than I friend."


"So then why didn't you say that?"

"Because I thought that making some big speech where I tell you that it's you, where it's always been you, would be better. I mean they do it all the time in films and tv shows and I thought you were a big speech kind of person seen as you talk so much."

"Finn I don't need you to build it up. Just tell me."

"Ok. Well…Rachel I really like you. More than an friend, hell it's way beyond the boundaries of friendship. But nonetheless, I like you. In that way."

"Finn you-"

"Rachel." he began as he took a step closer to me. "I just need to know. Do you…"

"Yep. Yeah I do."

Finn's smile broadened as his left arm went behind his back. "I've been carrying this for a while now, I was just looking for the perfect time and…" he pulled his hand back but he was holding something in his hand. Something green and…oh my gosh.

"Finn what are you doing?"

"Well…I actually have no idea."

I looked up at the plant that Finn was holding over both of us. The white berries glistened as light that burst through the windows, bounced off it. I recognized it as soon as my eyes first came across it in his hand. Mistletoe.

"Finn you do realize that it's four moths late right? You don't use that now plus everyone is looking."

"So let them look." Finn shrugged before facing the rest of the students that walked by. "Attention all students." he called, raising his voice. "You see this girl here? Rachel Berry? Well I just want you all to know that I like her. It might even be more than that. Might even be lov-"

"Don't say it." I interrupted as Finn brought his attention back to me. "Finn maybe you should just put that away. Seriously why are you even bringing that out? No one uses it now."


Finn leaned in towards my ear, as my heart began to flutter, and whispered five words that I knew, no matter what would happen, no matter what would happen between us two, they would always be the truth. That those five words were a beacon of truth that emitted it far and wide. Words that I should have believed in at the beginning.

"I like to be different."

R-r-review:) Last chapter! Finchel finally. I just want to say again that I love you all, seriously. Ok…I'm gonna just go now…but don't forget to review and remember questions (though I'll only be able to answer them if you are a member) and constructive criticism (for future fics). :)