Author's Note: So, last chapter... {sobs} I really loved this story, and I wish I could continue. Alot of you don't want it to end, and neither do I. And, no, I don't hate Kendall. First I punched him, now Bella leaves him. But I promise, I love him to death. He's probably my favorite of the boys, but only by a little. It's really hard to choose when it comes to BTR.

You guys gave me the best present before the last chapter; over 100 reviews. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I read every single one and I want to thank you all. Whether you started reading from chatper 1 when I first posted, or if you just started reading. Because it feels great that you could review, whether good or bad, to tell me that you at least read the story. So, thank you again.

I am really surprised at how people are reviewing and saying that it was powerfull, and they were crying/on the verge of tears from it. I am not experianced, and I just write in my spare time. So being able to make someone feel emotion in my story is amazing, and having people cry at my story... that's good and bad, depending on the situation...

I want to warn you, that this is long, even though I wanted it to be short, it kept expanding. But it hopefully won't make you sit here for hours reading. But, it is the last chapter, it was bound to be long...

Here we are, the final instalment of Shot In The Dark.

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush, nor do I own the song 'Shot In The Dark.' However, I do own Bella Diamond.

Shot In The Dark

Chapter 15:

Carlos and James walked up to 2J a few minutes later, and saw that it was completly empty. Carlos smiled, "Looks like Bella got Kendall to go out of the appartment!" He exclaimed happily.

James turned to the shorter boy, "Bella was here?" The Latino nodded his head slowly, "You let her talk to Kendall?" He asked a little angerly.

"Yes, she wouldn't get out her room, and neither would he. So I told her to come over here and talk to him." He huffed.

The taller boy hit him upside the head, "Dude, he broke Bella's heart, why in the world would you let her come up here?"

"Because they needed to talk."

James folded his arms, "Needed to talk? Carlos, he is a jerk!"

Carlos tried to stare James down, but seeing as he was a good six inches or more taller than him, it didnt work well. "James, Kendall didn't do anything. It was Jo's fault, and if Bella doesn't blame him enouth to come over, then you shouldn't blame him for everything. So just stop with this." He ordered, for once sounding serious.

James frowned, and dug his hand into his jacket pocket, grabbing his phone, and clicking onto Bella's contact, before hitting the call button. It went straight to voicemail, and Bella's voice said, "Sorry I missed your call. If it's Gustavo, you should go and yell at someone else, if it's one of the guys, just look beside you and I'll probably be there, if it's anyone else, just leave a message and I'll call you back." There was the beep.

"Hey Bella, call me back... soon." James ground out, not even mentioning Kendall.

Just then Logan walked into the door. Carlos looked around at him, "Hey, have you seen Kendall or Bella?" He asked curisously, not looking worried like James.

Logan stuttered, "No-I-I was-um..."

James gave him a look that said, 'Tell me, or else.'

The small raven haired boy bit his lip, "Um... asked... I... airport." He stumbled, not able to really get out a full sentance.

James grinned, "Kendall's leaving!" He nearly yelled, so happy about the fact.

Carlos' smile dropped, "Wait, Kendall's leaving? How are we doing Big Time Rush without him?" He asked.

"Guys-" Logan started to explain.

But the pretty boy interrupted, "I've got to have a party!" He looked around, "Where's Bella, she'll probably be happy."

Logan kept trying to cut the boy off, but everytime that he started to say something, James would just start talking again. Finally, he ended up yelling, "Kendall's not the one that left!"

Both boys looked at him, and Carlos looked relieved, "Good... what about an airport then?" He asked, and James was scowling like crazy.

"Er... well." Logan started, looking at his feet, scratching the back of his neck.

Both James and Carlos hit one of his shoulders at the same time, and he nearly fell back. Both chorused, "Who left?" They both demanded.

"Er, well," He repeated, and both raised their hands to hit him again. "Bella, she had me drive her to the airport, just don't hit me. Camille does that enough." He begged.

James went again, and hit him again, "You let Bella leave?" The boy nodded meakly, "Why would you do that?" He yelled.

Logan looked up, crossing his arms, "James, Bella can make her own decisions. She wanted to leave, this isn't her home. Let her go if she wants to, as her brother you should respect her choices, not tell her what is right and what's wrong." He said boldly, rendering the tallest boy speachless.

Carlos grabbed both of their arms, and they asked, "What are you doing?"

He smilled, "We're going to get her. If she is going back to Minessota, then we're following her." He replied, dragging them through the door.

Kendall tried to call her phone over and over, leaving over twenty voicemails in the past five minutes. He had pracitcally assaulted the call button trying to get a hold of her. But everytime, it would go straight to voicemail, and he guessed she had turned it off for this single reason.

Looking at the note that was still held tight in his hand, if only he had been quicker, then he might of been able to stop her before she left. Maybe James was right, all of this was his fault. If he never had started to date her, if he had never spoken to Jo, if he had never let Jo talk to him, if he had stopped her from kissing him, if he had told Bella himself. Maybe then he would still have a girlfriend, maybe he would have three best friends still. But he had screwed it all up, it was really his fault.

"Bella, I love you." He whispered, knowing that she was probably far away from here by now, and would never hear those words be spoken. What was he to do?

The next flight to Minessota wasn't even till tomorrow, and by then, she'd probably never want to come back, because of him. Why does it seem that his luck changes like a switch, it was great, and then it changes within a second.

Pounding his head, he groaned, fighting back the tears that threatened to come out. He dialed her phone again, and it went to voicemail, "Bella, please call me back. Come back, please... I need you." He begged, his voice cracking with every word and hung it up. Then he texted the same thing, a single tear falling onto the screen of his phone.

He wanted to say that it was just rain. Kendall Knight rarely cried, the last time that he had truely cried was when his dad left them, but that was years ago. Never after then did he really cry. But now, even the hard headed Kendall couldn't hold back the sad tears that pushed past.

For what seemed like hours, he sat there, though it was only a few minutes. He was openly crying, just looking at the ground not to show his tears to anyone else. But there was the hole that didn't seemed to be filled when Bella wasn't there. Now, he was just half there, because Bella was a part of him, of all of them.

What do you do what part of you leaves?

Bella sat there, frowning. She opened her bag, and turned her phone on. Looking, she saw that there was nearly twenty five messages; Two from Carlos, two from James, one from Logan, and... twenty from Kendall. She clicked on them, listening.

"Bella, please don't get on that plane. Who's going to do crazy stunts with me, and get me out of trouble?"

"Don't leave just because of Kendall, he should be the one leaving. Please Bella, as my little sister, don't leave me. I did that to you, and I was wrong to do it, but please don't do it."

"Hey, I know I said that I was alright with you leaving, but I lied. Bella, come back, Carlos is going crazy, James is pulling his hair out, and I haven't even seen Kendall. Please..."

"Bella, I know that I was a jerk. I blame everything on me. Just please come back, all I have is a note, that's all I've got of you. Please Bella, you mean the world to me, I tried to stop you, but you already were gone. Please, come back, you don't have to do it for me, do it for Carlos, for Logan, for James. We all would never want you to leave, just come back."

Kendall, of course he would blame it on himself. She wished she was with him, that she could hug him and say that it was alright, that she was right beside him. The way that his voice cracked, he sounded like he had been crying, he sounded broken.

She should be next to him, she should be forgiving him. That's what she should do, that's what her heart wanted. Why do you always try and follow your heart, when it's so hard to figure out what it wants. She thought that she wanted to leave, not having to deal with the pain, and now all she wanted was to be there, to be with Kendall.

True love was something from a fairly tale, that was for Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, so many other characters that existed in books and movies. This wasn't a movie, this wasn't where the prince swoops in to save you from leaving. He might have tried, but in a fairy tales, things have their happy endings. But why couldnt she? Why does everything go wrong, until it pushes you off the edge, and then you make drastic decisions.

"I love you Kendall." She mumbled, knowing that he wouldn't hear her say the words. He may have read them in her note, but she'd never said them to his face. Bella wasn't a princess, the isn't a fairy tale. She isn't the one that you sweep off her feet. This was reality.

People tell you that reality is the worst thing. You can dream of a perfect life, of a perfect boyfriend, he could give you gifts and kiss you. Bella may not have had a perfect life, but she never realised until now she had one that was very close. She had great friends, Kendall as a boyfriend, and the best brother in the world. Yet she left it.

Young people make stupid mistakes.

And doing it for love makes them seem even more stupid.

Sometimes you have to fix them before they get worse.

The full BTR gang was in the airport now, James, Carlos and Logan having just gotten to the gate. Upon finding that the plane had already left, they sunk into a chair. James looked to the side, to keep everyone else from seeing his tears, only to see the person he hated most at this moment.

"What are you doing here?" He spat at Kendall, his eyes like daggers.

Kendall looked up, and the rest of the boys saw that his eyes were red, and tear marks painted his cheeks. "I tried to get here before she left. She was already gone when I got here."

James seemed surprised, "You tried to get Bella to come back?" He quickly switched back to being mad at him, "So you can break her heart again?"

The blond shook his head, "I tried to come and get her because she makes us all happy. I don't ever want to hurt her, but that doesn't mean that I didn't. I hurt her, I hurt you, and you should be mad at me... You're right, this is my fault." He mumbled.

"Wait, I was right?... I mean, of course I was right."

Carlos threw his hands up, "This is the part where you forgive him."

James glared at the small boy, "I'm not going to forgive him, he doesn't deserve it."

"James." Logan started, "Do you think that's what Bella would want? She would want all of us to be friends again." He pointed out.

"I'm not being friends with a guy who broke my sister's heart by cheating on her and-" He started to rant.

Kendall cut him off, "Look James, if you hate me, that's fine. But Bella really wants us to be friends again." He held out the note that had been held in his hand.

The three boys crowded around it, and read it over quickly, in the middle, Carlos nearly yelled, "Woah! Bella loves you!" And the people in the next gate even turned to them, and James seemed surprised at it.

"You should forgive him." Logan suggested, though Kendall was right there. James got a look on his face, like he was considering it.

Carlos urged, seeing the doubt on his friends face, "Come on James, we're all best friends, you can't stay mad at him." He prompted.

James started to break down, "Er..."

Both Logan and Carlos smiled, and Kendall just sat there, sad about Bella. The two continued to prompt the tall boy, "James, you've been friends with Kendall since we were like four. Come on."

After a few more minutes of this, James yelled, "Fine, just shut up!"

Even Kendall smiled, he had gotten James back as a friend, that was worth a smile. James turned to him, "I forgive you, but you have to help us get Bella back."

"The next plane there isn't till tomorrow." Kendall said bleakly.

Carlos and Logan clapped them on the shoulders, "But we'll be able to get her, because we're all in this together."

They held their hands out, and Kendall promptly put his on top, and after a few seconds, James put his on top of the blond boys. "BTR." He reminded, and they all smiled.

"I can't believed that worked."

All four of them turned around. Bella was standing there, a smile worth a million dollars to them plastered to her face. She was there, really there.

At once, there was a fight over who would get to her first. They all reached her, engulfing her in the biggest group hug she had ever had. Bella raised her eyebrows, "Did you think I died or something?"

"But... you... home... airplane." Logan stumbled.

Kendall added, "They said the plane left."

She nodded, "The plane did leave, that doesn't mean the I was on it."

Carlos and James looked at her, and both said at once, "Explain."

Bella sighed, "Well, James and Kendall were both fighting. So, I made up a plan to make you two become friends again. With a little help, I wrote a note to Kendall to say I was leaving, and then I had Logan drive me here." They all gave Logan accusing looks, "He didn't know anything. And I pretended to leave, so you would forgive each other, and now you're really mad at me..." She guessed.

They all shrugged, "Not really?" She gave them a look, "Well, a little." They all agreed.

Kendall pointed out, "Wait, you said that you had help?"

"Camille, Stephanie!" She called over the airport noise. The two girls walked out from the seat at the next gate, and smilled at them. "Stephanie helped with most of the planning, and Camille made sure that Carlos and James were busy."

Carlos, who still seemed confused by the plan, asked, "Wait, so you aren't leaving?" All of them hit him on the head.

Logan offered, "How about we go to the Palm Woods?"

"We won't all fit in the Big Time Rush mobile." James pointed out.

Bella smiled, "I'll go in a taxi with Kendall." James gave her a look, but it was quickly changed when he remembered he wasn't mad at Kendall anymore.

James nodded, a little forced, "Alright."

She smiled, and hugged him, whispering, "Thanks for forgiving him."

He mumbled back, "He's my best friend." Bella smiled even more at her brother.

Once Bella and Kendall hopped in the taxi, she turned to him, "You're mad at me aren't you?"

Kendall bit his lip, "Er... a little." Her face fell, "Just because I thought that you were gone and I wouldn't see you again." He explained.

She smiled a little, and sighed, "I don't think that I could ever go that long without you again."

"Good." He said, relieved.

Bella laughed, "You sound so relieved when you say that. That makes me think that you were pretty convinced that I was going to leave you behind."

Kendall mumbled, "I left you."

She got a pained expression on her face for a second, but it straightened out, "You had a reason though. I was pretending to leave for selfish reasons, you were leaving to help James live his dreams."

"Yeah..." He murmered, and there was a long silence, and he pulled her note from his pocket, "I guessed that this note made me think you really left."

"I cried writing it." Bella confessed, "I thought it felt too real, even if I knew that it wasn't real, I still felt like I was leaving you."

Kendall couldn't help but blurt out, "You wrote that you loved me... Was that just part of you trying to get James and me to be friends?" He asked, sounding hurt.

Bella laughed a bit, "I would never lie about loving someone." She deadpanned, looking down.

He smiled a bit, Bella loved him. He reached under her chin, and pulled her head up. "Bella, I love you."

She turned her head to the side to avoid eye contact, "No you don't, you just don't want me to fell stupid for saying it to you."

Kendall made her head look back at him, "Isabella Diamond, I love you. I promise, I love you more than anything." He promised.

She felt wetness start down her face, and he reached up, grabbing the falling tear. "Why are you crying?"

Bella sighed, "Because I'm so happy. I've waited for you to say that for so long."

"Yeah, well I never was very good at getting things in on time." He joked.

She laughed into his chest, "Kendall..." She mumbled between laughs."I love you too." She promised solemly.

Kendall leaned down and titled her head back, so he could kiss her. The kiss was filled so much unspoken things; passion, love. Both of them smiled into it, there eyes closing.

"Hey, get out of my cab to do that!" They both pulled apart, and looked at the taxi cab driver, who grumpled, "We're here."

Kendall gave him a few dollars, and they climbed out of the cab. He grabbed her hand, and she smiled contently, leaning into his chest.

This time, she leaned up and kissed it. It was sweet, and soft, but it meant alot to both of them that they were both still here and were kissing each other.

A throat cleared, and Kendall pulled away, "Who's it this time!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

The rest of the guys were there, and Camille, and Stephanie. James was the one who cleared his throat, and he said, "Listen, I just started to like you again. Kissing my sister in front of me isn't a way to stay on my good side -just warning you."

Everyone laughed, and Bella rolled her eyes, "Get used to it Jamie." She teased, and messed up his hair.

That, of course, ended up with James chasing her, and then the rest following them trying to get him from killing her. Knowing James, he probably would.

Bella ran up to the pool, and right before she jumped in, she stopped. James zoomed straight past her, into the cool water. The others came up behind her, laughing. As soon as he popped up, she said, "You need to stop being so obsessed with your hair. I'm starting to think you have OCD."

Kendall grabbed her hand, and they started over to the lounge chair closest to them. Carlos and Stephanie jumped in the pool, fully clothed, and Camille and Logan started a debate about something.

The couple watched as James started to get out of the pool, and he glared at them.

A girl walked over, and said, "Hey James."

He looked at her, "Oh hey Sun-Block Girl." He greeted.

Bella called, "Her name is Rachell."

James rolled his eyes, "Hey, Rachell." He corrected.

Rachell smilled like the Cheshire Cat when he said her name. She said, "James, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe... go out sometime?"

He looked surpirsed, "Me? -I mean, yeah." He held out his dripping arm, and Rachell gladly took it.

Kendall looked back at Bella. "Huh, go figure. James got a girlfriend finally. Now we all are happy."

She mumbled, "Maybe this is a fairy tale." He gave her a confused look, and she just shrugged.

"So, how about we go out tonight?"

"I'd love that... Let me guess -hockey"

"Now that you mention it, Hockey sounds good."

I promise I would be there
I swear I'm on my way
I know you may not hear me
But that's the price I'll pay

And I don't know
how I would ever go
all alone walking on my own

Like angels, you were floating to me
and that's how it should be

'Cause I don't wanna waste another moment
I don't wanna pay for things unspoken
I just wanna race with arms wide open
Take a shot in the dark, to be where you are

I don't wanna watch the world keep changing
When I'm not with you my heart keeps shaking
Cover up my eyes and just stop pacing
Take a shot in the dark, to be where you are

I promise you I'm gonna be there
I wanna be there
No matter what happens
No matter how tragic

'Cause the clock is ticking
The world is spinning
Our lives are passing us byyyyy

'Cause I don't wanna watch the world keep changing
When I'm not with you my heart keeps shaking
Cover up my eyes and just stop pacing
Take a shot in the dark, to be where you are

Take a shot in the dark...

For love, we all are taking a chance. But sometimes, it is for the better.

And for Kendall and Bella, all they needed to do was take a Shot In The Dark.

Author's Note: That's it, very fluffy ending if I say so myself. A bunch of people thought that it was going to be a Plot Twist (Sad Ending) for the winner. But, it was the Plot Twist (happy ending). I hope it turned out that way, I was smiling, so I thought it was happy. Well, this chapter, not the last one, that one had me wanting to cry, thought the begginging of this was sad too.

-I was asked about a sequel, I don't really think I'll have time to write out a big sequel... BUT, I do have an idea. I was think to do a collection of One-Shots about Kella. If you like that idea, then review.

Review: You know what they say, save the best for last!