Author's Note: I've had this idea wracking my brain for nearly two weeks, and finally gave in and wrote it down. I really hope you guys enjoy it!:

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush, I only wish i did. Bella Diamond though, i do own.

Shot in the Dark

Chapter 1:

Bella Diamond was sitting in her room back in Minnesota. It had been nearly a year since her brother and best friends had went to Hollywood to live out their dreams. She had been the fifth to the group, though the one time that she hadnt been there, they had left her.

She remembered the week before the boys had went to the audition, before everything had changed for her and them:

"Come on Bella, please!" Carlos whinned. All five of them were sitting outside Kendall's house, across the street where a big hill was. All of them dressed in large coats to keep from freezing in the shivering cold.

Bella quickly brushed the few strands of hair out of her face, frowning a bit. "Carlos, don't you think it's a bit dangerous to go sledding on ice into the street?" She questioned, looking at the Latino boy, who merely shrugged.

James put a shoulder on his twin sister, giving a smile, "Now you sound like Logan." Logan gave him a look, and Bella laughed.

"Says the boy who wouldn't mess up his hair if his life depended on it." Bella replied, and James closed his mouth. Carlos laughed, and then they all followed him.

Kendall gave her a look, "Race you!" He yelled, grabbing one of the sleds, and running for a second before pushing off and jumping inside, speeding down the hill.

She rolled her eyes, following his lead down the hill, "Gosh Kendall, how're you able to do that?" She whispered, feeling the wind brush her face as she went down the hill, getting a feel excitementing feeling as she sped. Carlos, Logan, and James finally followed, all of them laughing.

Logan yelled, "Hah, I'm in the lead!" He steered out of the way from a tree, and continued down the hill.

From behind her, James huffed, "Ow!" Then yelled, "My hair." She turned her head around to see that he had fallen from his sled, and his precious hair was covered in snow, along with his clothes. And everyone laughed.

Bella forgot to steer as she watched her brother complain. Suddenly, she heard Kendall's distant voice yelled, "Bella, watch out!"

But it was too late for her to control the sled. She was able to whip around fast enough to see the white streak of snow as she turned her head, and then a brown shape in front of her. A hard surface hit her head, and she felt her body crumple against what must have been a tree. She felt the warm pooling of blood in her hair before her eyesight blurred, and she lost consiousness.

All four boys jumped out of their sleds, not caring what happened to them. Kendall was the first to reach the tree that Bella had hit, and a wave of nausea started in his stomach, and his throat knotted at the worry.

Lying against the snow, Bella was crumpled. Her hair having fallen out of her hat, and was spewn across the white snow like brown lace. Her skin pale white, her brown eyes closed, like she was sleeping. Near her head, the snow was starting to taint red with blood.

The others were quick to follow, as they looked down at the broken girl in horror. James screamed to Logan, "What do we do?"

He panicked, like always under pressure. Kendall took out his phone and thrust it at Carlos, "Call an ambulance." He said, helping James try and lean Bella's head up.

Carlos was quick to dial 911, and as the person came on, he frantically said, "We need an ambulance at 159 Maple Street." When they asked what had happened, he quickly replied, "Our friend hit a tree while sledding, she's unconsious." Once being reasurred that they would be there soon, he leaned down to help the others.

"Alright, we have to get her out of the snow and try to stop the bleeding." Logan commanded, "If she gets too cold her blood could freeze and the risk of…" He trailed off, and that earned a look of horror from everyone, mostly James though.

Kendall unwrapped his scarf from his neck, and placed it on where the bleeding was to try and slow it down, and James started to lift her up.

Carlos grabbed the sled that had been tipped over, putting it back right side. They laid her in it, and Logan instructed, "Kendall, keep the pressure on the wound –Carlos, I think her leg's broken, you might want to move it a little so it doesn't get worse." Carlos did as he was asked.

James took off the outer coat from his body, wrapping it around his little sister's body. All the other boys did the same, not even shivvering in the cold because of the worry.

Soon, sirens were being heard down the street, and Logan and Carlos look up, seeing an ambulance rushing down the street. Kendall's and James eyes never left Bella's pale white body. "Come on, hang in there Bella." James whispered, so low that no one could really hear what he said.

Bella lay in the sled, still oblivious to the world. It wasn't pain; it was like seeing a white light, not feeling anything. She didn't hear what the boys said to her, or feel their attempts to help her before the EMT's got there. She was in her own little world, where there was no Kendall, no James, no Logan, no Carlos. Just the blinding white light.

Logan waved his arms to the direction of the sirens, "Over here!" He yelled frantically, the others quickly screaming with him, hoping that they heard them.

To their luck, soon a few EMT's were making their way through the snow, bringing a gurney with them. James and Kendall helped them place Bella's lifeless body on the gurney, and breathed in relief when they told them that she still had a pulse.

And soon, all four of them were crowding into the ambulance, Bella having been hooked up to an oxygen machine to help her breath, an IV tube in her wrist, and a worker trying to stop the bleeding in her head, the other placing her leg straight, saying that it had been broken in the fall.

All four boys gulped as they started down the road, all eyes on the pale girl. To all of them, she was a sister, and a friend. Not only was she part of their 'group', but she played hockey with them, she hung out with them, she was practically another one of the boys where they were concerned.

But never had they ever thought of her as fragile. Not until now, when they staired at her cold body, fighting for what could have been her life.

The four boys waited outside the opperating room a few hours later. When they had gotten there, the EMT's had rushed Bella into the emergancy room, where they had put her in surgery. James, though his worry wasn't as evident, was probably the most worried of all. She was his sister, his twin sister. She may have only been ten minutes younger than him –but that didn't stop him from being the big brother roll.

Even Carlos, who was usally all happy, wore a frown on his face, which was stricken with worry. Logan's eyebrow was scrunched, as he tried to think of the possible things that could she could have, though he hoped it was only a what he had read online, for his doctor training, the possibilities were endless, each more severe than the next.

Kendall bit his lip. He understood this a little better than Logan and Carlos might. He had a little sister, and, even though Katie could somethings trick him out of everything, he still would have been worried to death if something had happened to her. And Bella was a sister to him, just like the others, he had developed those botherly instincts over her.

A small immage of her lying on the snow flashed into each of their minds, all of them cringing a bit at the thought.

Finally, after what seemed like days, the doctor came out of the opperating room, and looked at the boys, "Are you boys Isabella Diamonds family?" He asked.

Standing up, they looked at each other. In the sense that the doctor meant, they werent, but to them, they were all a family of hockey playing hueligens. "Yes." Logan was the only one to let the words escape his lips. The others were a little shocked that Logan would lie to a doctor… then again, this was Bella.

James looked the man in the eyes, "What happened, is Bella going to be alright?" He asked frantically.

Frowning slightly, the doctor responded, "I think you boys should sit down." None of them listened. "When Isabella hit that tree, she caused an Intracranial Hemorrhage." All of them gave looks of confusion, "It's a serious medical condition where blood builds up within the skull, and can lead to increases in intercranial pressure –which could crush bain tissue or limit blood supply."

Mouths hanging slightly agape, the doctor continued, "We only have one way to have an accurate diagnosis –a CT. It came up possitive." He said gravely, looking at the boy's solemly.

Kendall bursted out, "What's going to happen, is she going to be alright?"

"You boys are very lucky that you called when you did. Miss Diamond was able to under go surgery, and should make a full recovery." He paused, "In the incedent, she also was unfortunate enough to break her leg, along with her arm."

"But she'll be alright?" Carlos asked again, not really understanding a word that the doctor had told them.

Sighing, the doctor nodded, "Yes, she'll have to stay in Intensive Care for a few days, and if she feels up to it, she will be able to go home by the end of the week."

James gave a deep breath of relief, "When can we see her?"

The doctor looked over his shoulder, "Isabella should be waking up within the hour. You boys can sit in her room to wait for her to wake if you wish to." He lead them to a door that was down the hall, "But make sure that she doesn't strain herself when she wakes, at risk of raising the intercrational pressure even more."

Nodding, they stepped into the room. Like all hospital rooms, it was white, but this one smelled a bit like bleech, being a clean room. In the bed, Bella laid, her eyes still closed. A breathing tube under her nose, an IV in her wrist still. On her left side, her leg and arm in white plaster, propped up with pillows. Her wavy brown hair pulled behind her face in a messy bun. On her forehead a white bandage was there, covering the place where she had hit her head.

The only sound in the room was her shallow breaths. James walked over to her side, sitting in the chair beside her, looking at his little sisters face, worry across his own handsome features. Kendall took the seat on the other side of her bed, and Carlos and Logan sat on the small couch in the corner of the room, all looking at the now frail girl.

Bella started to feel things around her. She no longer had the blinding white light in front of her eyes as she had before. What she didn't know was what had happened. She felt a pain in her leg, her arm, but mostly her head. It felt like it was building up with air, before it would explode.

She started to feel the tips of her fingers, and she felt one of the fingers on her right hand twitch, and felt something warm against it. Trying to do the same to her other hand, she felt a pang of pain in her arm.

Her eyes fluttered open; the first thing she saw was white. Blinking a few times, she started to be able to distinguish the things around her. A moniter was beeping, and a couch was in front of her, with someone sleeping on it. She saw from the corner of her eyes a nurse walk past her room.

"You're awake!" A familiar voice cried. She tried to turn her head to the side, but failed miserably. She saw Kendall get out from the seat beside her bed, sitting on the bottom, staying clear from her broken leg.

Bella noticed her hand was under his, and had the situation been different she would have blushed. She looked around. Logan was sleeping on the couch, his head against the wall. James was in a seat on the other side of the bed, his head lolled back and napping peacefully. And Carlos was no where in sight.

Her eyebrows knitted together, and she felt the pain in her head increase. "Ow!" She tried to reach for it, but Kendall stopped her, giving her that look. She looked down at the plaster that surrounded her left leg and arm. "What happened? I remember sledding, and then you called my name. Then there was this white light in front of my eyes, and I couldn't feel anything." She paused, "Now I'm in a hospital?"

"You don't remember?" He asked, and she tried to shake her head, but winced in pain, "You hit a tree. The doctor said that you had internal bleeding in your head. You also broke your leg and arm." He added, giving her a small frown.

She started to try and swing her legs over the side of the bed, but Kendall put his hands out, stopping her, "What are you doing?" He asked, confused, making her lay back down onto the unconfortable bed.

Bella frowned, "Trying to get up and leave. This is really uncmnfortable." She started to try and pick at the breathing tube under her nose, but again, he caught her, putting her hand under his and stopping her.

Carlos walked in the room, carrying a tray of natchos. "Look! The cafeteria has natchos!" He exclaimed, popping one into his mouth, cheese and all.

"Can I have one?" Bella asked, making her bed sit up. Carlos jump up a bit, spilling some of the chips onto the floor.

He nearly dropped the tray before walking over to her, "You're awake!"

She rolled her eyes, laughing, "Yeah, unless I started to sleep talk again. I remember the time James told me I started talking gibberish in my sleep." She pondered.

James stirred from his slumber, along with Logan. "Keep it down, me and Bella are still sleeping." James complained, fixing his hair.

Kendall looked at him, "Bella woke up five minutes ago, and she's been trying to pull nearly everything off of her." Bella frowned a bit at him, relaxing against the pillows.

Both Logan and James snapped up, suddenly both awake. Logan looked at Bella, "How're you doing?" He asked, standing at the side of her bed beside Carlos.

She huffed, "Fine, but I'm starving." She tried to grab one of the chips from Carlos, but Kendall pushed her back onto the pillows, and he placed them on the tray on the other side of the room. "I'm really hungry." She complained.

"The doctor said you can't eat for at least another few hours." Her jaw dropped. James continued, grabbing a plastic cup from the bedside table. "Here." He picked out a spoonful of ice chips, holding them up to her mouth like you did with a todler.

Bella laughed a bit, "Ice chips?" she asked, looking at them, "Can I at least have water?" They all shook their heads, and she frowned. "I can feed myself at least." She said, grabbing the spoon from her brother and taking it into her mouth, swallowing the ice chips.

Logan got that look on his face, "After having anestisia your suppost to wait at least an hour before drinking anything, and at least two or three before you eat." He explained, and they all looked at him, "Hey, it's called a book." He defended.

Kendall whispered something to Carlos, who whispered it to Logan, and then to James. Bella gave them a confused glance, "Why are you whispering?" She asked in a whisper, giving them a tiny smile.

James looked at her, "You don't remember what happened, at all?"

"No, just Kendall yelling my name, and then I saw this white light in front of my eyes and I couldn't feel anything." She explained again, taking another spoonfull of ice.

"Weird." They all agreed, before relaxing back. All happy that Bella was alright, and going to make a recovery soon.

But that had been nearly a year ago. She had gotten out of the hospital three days later. She remembered Kendall dropping by everyday before, bringing his mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Carlos would bring a different board game everytime –once bringing Twister, and having the nurse scold him. Logan would bring different books, which she would read everytime when none of the boys werent there. James practically lived there, and when she told him that he should go home, he just scoffed, saying he'd rather stay with his sister.

And then the day of the auditions came. Bella had just been released from the hospital, having to have been wheeled out by James in a wheelchair because of her broken bones. She had missed school, and wasn't with them for any of it.

The next thing she knew, all of her boys were leaving to L.A to live out James dream. Guestavo Rocque had picked them –well, Kendall, who convinced him to take all of them togther.

She hadnt even got a propper goodbye from any of the boys –not even her own brother! They all had just dissapeared. And as much as Bella wanted to hate them, she couldn't. She knew they were out there, living every kids dream. How could she be mad at that? She just wished they would have told her before they were gone.

The first time that she heard about it, all four boys were on a plane to L.A. She had been sitting in her room, getting more annoyed at the second at the itchy casts that covered the left side of her body:

Her blackberry rang from the bedside table. She quickly picked it up with her good arm, looking at the caller i.d. 'Kendall.' The screen read, flashing as it rang. Bella hadnt heard from the boys in nearly a day. Usually they would have come over and talked with her. Even James hadnt returned home.

She clicked the answer button, holding it up to her ear. "Hey Kendall." She said, lying down onto the pillows again.

There was a lot of noise in the backround, and she heard what sounded like Carlos screaming something. She faintly heard Kendall say, "Hey Bella, how're you doing?" He asked, and she heard a few other, "Heys," from the backround.

Bella felt her eyebrow furrow, "Are you on speaker phone?" She questioned as the phone cracked and buzzed a bit.

Logan's voice came on, "Yeah, we're not getting good reception and we all wanted to talk to you." He explained, "How's your arm and leg?"

"Fine, itchy actually." She paused, "Hey, you havent seen James have you?" She paused, "He wasn't home last night, and I kinda just assumed that he slept over at your place."

Now she heard the crackling of the phone, and then James' voice, "Hey Bella. Sorry I didn't call, I was over at Kendall's last night with the others, and by the time that we thought about calling it was nearly eleven and we thought you'd be sleeping."

She sighed, knowing that her brother and their friends were always so occupied, "What are you guys doing?" she asked, rolling over so she was no longer leaning on her bad arm.

There was an unconfortable chuckle, and Carlos muttered something that sounded like, "Funny you should ask." There was the sound of someone hitting him, "OW! Kendall!"

Bella started to get a little worried, "I know I'm going to regret asking, but where are you?"

The silence that followed was unconfortable for both them and her. Finally Kendall came over the phone, "Listen, Bella, this is really hard to say." She felt like her body had been drenched in ice cold water. Like she had jumped in a lake in the middle of the winter. "We're on our way to Hollywood." He answered quietly.

Her eyes bulged a bit, and she laughed nervously, "Haha, very funny Kendall. Really, what are you guys doing?"

Kendall sighed, "Did you see that comercial for Guestavo Rocque?" She answered yes, "Well, James wanted to try out for it, so we got my neibor to get in the car while Logan drove. When we got there, they gave all of us numbers. And since James chickened out," James made a sound in the backround, "Logan went first –Guestavo started screaming."

Carlos came over the phone laughing, "Then I went up and farted in the microphone! You should have seen his face; he looked like he wanted to kill me!" She giggled a bit, amused.

"So then James went on, and Guestavo said he had no talent." Logan started, but Bella cut him off.

"James having no talent? He's one of the best singers I know!" She exclaimed.

James chuckled, "Yeah, so Kendall comes storming up and sings the giant turd song." She laughed, "And there was a fight."

The line was silent for a second, and Kendall continued the story, "So, the police brought us to my house. And a few minutes later, Guestavo comes and says he wants to take me to Hollywood as his new project."

Bella was confused, "If he's only making you famous, why are the rest of them there? From what James' magazines say, Guestavo Rocque is really mean." She determined.

"Well, next morning I ask the rest of them if they would have gone –and they say yes." Kendall paused, "And then he comes, and I told him I'll go if he makes us a singing group." He finished, waiting for her response.

Thought the boys couldn't see or hear it, a tear feel from Bella's eye. The boys were her family, and now they were gone. She swallowed back the rest of the tears, and then hoarsly responded, "Good for you guys, you should go for it."

Logan asked, "You're not mad?"

She gave a weak laugh, "I wish you guys would have told me sooner, but, no, I'm not mad. You guys should go for this, it's a once in a lifetime thing." She said, bitting back the tears that were close to coming.

James came over the line, "We'll still stay in touch though, and maybe we could visit in a few months." He offered, and the others mumbled agrees.

Bella felt another tear slip, "Okay, I gotta go." They all said goodbye, and she couldn't help but feel that it wasn't a good bye, I'll see you tomorrow. But a goodbye forever. She tossed her phone on the ground, not caring what happened to it.

Hidding her face in the pillow, she let the tears escape. She was alone, all alone now.

The boys tried to keep her promise, she knew they did. At first, they talked every single day, by phone. Soon that changed to an email a day. Then twice a week. Every week. Once a month. Till finally there were no emails in her inbox. She checked everyday, no messages.

But that was only the case for three of them. One of the four kept that promise, even when she thought he would do the same. Everyday Bella would get a call or a request for a video message from one of the boys. But it wasn't her brother. It was Kendall.

Smilling after getting off the phone with Kendall, knowing that all of them were fine, Bella turned to the TV. "Do you wanna be famous?" She quirked an eyebrow, "Well now's your chance… if you live in Minnesota."

She sat on the edge of her bed, interested, "Guestavo Rocque, producer of the new sensation, Big Time Rush, is looking for his next superstar." They paused, "Sign ups end at 6:00, so you better hurry."

Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was 5:45. It hadnt been her dream to be a popstar, not ever. But for some reason, she couldn't help put grab her coat, and run out the door.

Author's Note: Okay, so that was like the Prolouge/First Chapter. I really hope you guys enjoyed it, and please take the... thiry five seconds to write a review, because that's what fuels my muse.