The day stretched on seeming to never end. Last days are always the longest and one of the saddest days. Everyone is saying goodbye and making plans for the summer to hang out together. Lots of flirting and picture taking goes on, and people try their hardest to make sure others won't forget them for that few 8 weeks.

It's been almost three whole months since Nick and I reconnected in that coffee shop at our special table. We sat together and things seemed they could only go up from there. But now, it's the last day of school and the news I've been waiting for for months is coming today.

If I get into camp to play soccer at this one place in Florida then I'll be gone from this town for a good five weeks. That means no Nick, no Dylan, and absolutely no contact with anyone from this area. I was only allowed internet access once a week, and the only phone calls I could make were to family. I wasn't even allowed to have my cell phone turned on, that's how serious this place was. Basically, good bye to the relationship that I just fixed for the summer.

Lord knows how much time apart can change things between two people. I feel like for Nick and I, it will really take its toll. The thing I worry about most is that I'll change and betray him, or I'll hurt him.

Nick suddenly comes up behind me, his yearbook in hand and his sleeves rolled up around his elbows. "Hey baby," he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey," I say, sighing. "I can't believe school is over. This year went by so fast." He nods his head in agreement and I continue. "Do you remember what today is?"

He thinks for a moment before smiling slightly and nodding. "Yeah, you're supposed to hear back from that camp that you applied to right?"

I smiled at the fact that he remembered. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling my body close to his. "Mhm."

His eyes lingered on my lips for a second and I leaned in slowly, my eyes closed.

Suddenly I heard a cough and I jumped away from Nick coming face to face with someone else.

"Hey there Miley! I'm going to miss you this summer!" Ryan pulled me in for a hug, his arms tight around my waist.

"Yeah Ry, I'm going to miss you too." I smiled at him. His hands were full with bags that contained things from his locker and his yearbook dangling from the tips of his fingertips.

"Sign my year book?" he almost dropped it as he held it out to me. I took it out of his hands and pulled out the purple sharpie from my pocket and began writing on a blank page.

"Hey Nick," Ryan said, turning to look shake his hand. Nick took it and smiled slightly.

"Here," Nick extended his hand his own yearbook out to Ryan and took the pen from his pocket, handing them both to him. "Sign it?"

Ryan smiled and nodded, adding in a "Sure," for good measure. I smiled watching the encounter, hoping that maybe for once my boyfriend wouldn't be so annoyed with me having all these guy friends. I hoped that Nick was finally getting the idea that I would never do something to hurt him like that with my friend, and of course that Ryan was just a good friend.

"Now, sign mine while you're at it okay?" I handed mine to Ryan and watched as he filled up half a page with his cute messy writing – which reminded me of Dylan's. I handed Ryan's yearbook to Nick and nodded at him. Nick gave me a grin and wrote something in Ryan's.

"Now that we're all settled with that, who wants to go get ice cream after the goodbye party for Olivia tomorrow? My treat?" I asked, turning to both boys.

"Sure," Nick said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I kissed him on the cheek before turning to look at Ryan.

"Sorry, no can do. I have a date actually." I gasped.

"You do not!" I said, smiling.

He grinned at me nodding. "Yeah, I think you know her. Sydney? I think that's her name."

I laughed at his attempt to annoy me by forgetting one my close sports buddies names. "Don't do something stupid, she's worse than I am with dealing with people like you."

"I don't know what that means, but I don't really want to know," he chuckled before saluting us and walking away. "Bye Miles, bye Nick."

"You better call me and tell me how it goes!" I yelled after him. I shook my head and turned to Nick.

"All set?"

He kissed the side of my lips and whispered, "Yeah."

I felt a giggle escape from my mouth. "Let's go loser."

We walked hand in hand out to his car, the stares of people still obnoxious and unnecessary. At our school, it was almost sinful to date someone who wasn't your age, and when it did happen it was usually a messy hookup – not a relationship that lasted as long as ours.

He opened the passenger door for me, his eyes never leaving mine. He leaned down to kiss me quickly and then closed the door, running around to the drivers seat. "Your house or mine?"

"Mine," I said, taking his free hand as he backed out of the parking lot. "The mail might be there, and if not we can just drink some coke and sit out of the deck."

"Sounds like a plan," he said. I smiled at him as he drove towards my house. We were of course past the point where I needed to give him directions. And man was I loving that he remembered things like that.

It was always the small things about Nick that impressed me. The way he remembered little details of things I said, or even when I talked like something was irrelevant, he knew it mattered to me because I was so upset when I talked about it. I loved that he could tell when I was mad, or when I really just needed someone to talk to, not make out with.

We pulled into my driveway, my hand never leaving his own, our fingers perfectly interlaced. He stopped at the mailbox, opening his window and pulling out my mail, placing it on the dashboard of his car. We drove farther down my steep driveway until it was flat and he parked the car.

He gave me the mail and I searched through it looking for the one letter that I knew would change my life. Or at least, my summer plans. When I found it, I placed all the other mail back onto the dash and handed him the letter.

"I can't open it." He gave me a questioning look.

"So you want me to open it? Thanks Mile, I get to deliver the bad news." He said jokingly, stroking my hand with the pad of his thumb.

He sighed and took his hand away from mine, beginning to open the letter. It had the official seal on it and I could see where the person had signed it with a sharpie as it bled through the paper. He read it slowly, his expression blank.

"Nick?" I whispered.

He looked at me with a sympathetic look, and that almost broke me down in itself.

"What does it say?" I asked, whispering again.

"I'm sorry to say," he paused and my heart dropped, my head sunk low. "You've been accepted!"

My eyes went wide and I slapped his shoulder. "You asshole! You scared me!" I smiled at him too excited to contain it.

He chuckled at me and pulled me in for a hug, handing me the letter as he pulled away. He was right; the letter said that I was accepted.

I sighed, reading the letter over another few times. Nick was still smiling, probably not realizing what it meant now that it was official that I was leaving.

"Nick," I said softly, taking his hand in mine again. I put the letter down on my lap and scooted as far over in the truck as I could to him. "You know what this means right?"

He face dropped, his expression now sad. "Please don't Miles."

"I don't know what else to do, and I don't want to hold you back. It's summer, you should be having fun; I won't be here with you."

"Miley," he gave an exasperated sigh and squeezed my hand tighter. "I don't want to break up just because its summer. That's not an excuse. I'm not going to do anything, and I trust you to do the same. Baby, you're all I want. Please."

I nodded, knowing that I had to agree. I've seen enough movies to know that this wasn't really going to end as planned. Sure, I could hope that he would stay the same, or that distance and time apart wouldn't change anything. But I knew, it would

"Alright, we won't break up. I just, I don't want us to be fighting and unhappy while we're not physically together. We just take a break, and try this again after summer. I don't want either of us to feel guilty if something happens."

He shook his head, saying without actually talking that nothing would happen, but I knew better.

"I don't care, I want to stay with you. That's not going to change Miley, even if we don't see each other."

I took a deep breath. "Okay, we'll make this work. Promise let's stay friends if anything happens though. I can't just completely lose contact with you if something goes down."

He shook his head at me, about to open his mouth to argue with me about what would happen.

"Promise me," I said again, more like a command.

"I promise," he whispered, taking me in his arms completely and smothering me with a hug. His muscles flexed as he held me, and I didn't want to let go. But all good things must come to an end, so I let go and got out of the car. I grabbed my backpack and the mail before shutting the car door. Nick walked around the car to help me carry my backpack as I looked through my pockets for my house key.

I opened the door slowly, listening to hear if anyone was home. It was silent and no one was here, so I walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch, placing the mail on the table.

Nick walked over next to me with two cokes in his hand, lifting my head up and taking a seat on the couch, placing my head on his lap.

"I don't want you to go," he said, handing me a coke.

"I don't want to leave you," I said, taking a sip from the ice cold coca-cola.

"Well, just think that it's only going to be a couple months before we see each other again. That's not that long, and it's not like you're really going to be able to hook up with people at camp. And there's absolutely nobody here that I even think about other than you."

I think it was meant to be taken as a joke. This didn't make me feel any better, probably because at the camp I'd be going to, people hooked up all the time. Like, all the time.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. "I'm going to miss you," I kissed him lightly on the lips, tasting the coke and spearmint toothpaste.

"I'm going to miss you more," he traced circles on my arm, his lips lingering on my lips a little bit longer.

I didn't want him to leave, but I knew that I needed to start packing. I would be getting on a plane in just a few days, and I hoped that I could see him at least one more time after today before I left.

Saying goodbye isn't one of my strong points, but when it came to Nick, every thing came much easier. Except I had feeling that goodbye's with Nick would be even harder.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, his fingers tracing my cheeks as he pushed a stray piece of hair out of my face. I closed my eyes, sighing happily.


I knew he was smiling even with my eyes closed, and I leaned in slowly connecting our lips. It was soft but passionate. We rarely used tongue in these encounters, but his mouth was so warm and his lips knew exactly how to move to mine.

"Don't forget about me while you're away," he said softly in between kisses. I took the coke from his hands and my own and placed them on a nearby table, moving my hands to his hair as my body flipped over on top of his.

"Don't forget about me while you're stuck here," I said. He flipped us over so he was on top, his arms on either side of my head and he slowly lowered himself onto me careful not to place all his weight on me.

I pulled him down so I could feel his toned body close to mine, just one more time before I had to leave. We kissed and kissed for what felt like hours, but in fact it had only been about ten minutes when we pulled away. I grabbed his hand in mine, kissing his lips once more and beginning to catch my breath.

"Miles," he said, his breathing still hitched. "I don't want you to go." He said this again.

"I don't want to leave you," I repeated. I already missed him, and he wasn't even away from me yet. I was just thinking how soon he would be.

"Want to watch a movie? Snuggle a little bit before we make out again? Possibly something to eat too?" he asked, getting off of me and sitting beside me, his hands finding my own instantly. I was grateful for this new need of contact he had with me.

I laughed. "What movie should we watch? A romantic comedy? Or possibly a scary movie, I mean those are the best for cuddling."

"Let's go with a funny movie. How about we watch 'The Other Guys'? Will Ferrell is the best!" I suggested as the idea formed in my mind. I really wasn't in the mood for crying from watching a romantic movie, and I didn't really like scary movies at all. Even if it meant I could sit even closer to Nick.

"Okay," he grinned and stood up making his way to my dvd's. "You get the food, I'll get the movie started."

"Alright, well, go to the basement. We can watch it down there."

I got up and walked over to him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. I turned to head towards the kitchen when he said,

"That's all?"

I giggled and stood with my eyes closed and lips puckered, waiting for another kiss.

I heard him come closer, breathing hot hair onto my face. His lips connected with mine for what seemed like the hundredth time today, but there was something I could see in his eyes when he pulled away. He was worried.

"See you in a few Miles, and don't forget the-"

I interrupted him before he could make a perverted joke about what I needed to remember. "Yeah I know, Nicholas. I won't!"

He chuckled, taking the movie and picking up our cokes, preceding to walk down stairs to the basement.

After I found what I was looking for and got all the food ready I took out my phone, checking to see if I had any text messages from Damian. Damian and I have gone to the same soccer camp for the past three years, and every year we got closer and closer to getting together. We both said that this year we would apply to this new, highly famous soccer camp together. If either of us got in, we were supposed to text the other one saying so. I didn't want to text him first, but for all I knew he was feeling the same way, scared to text me for fear that I didn't get in and he did.

I almost hoped that he didn't get it because then I would have problems making sure he and I stayed friends, because I was with Nick now. I couldn't let slip a sexual comment or a hot joke like I normally would with him. If he got in, and we went, I'd have to contain and control myself.

"Miley!" Nick yelled from downstairs. I heard the opening credits start and grabbed all of the food, half running half walking towards the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. He met me halfway, taking some of the food out of my hands.

"Come on, I took some blankets from the closest. Is that okay?" I nodded and took a seat next to him on the love seat, placing the food on the ground next to us.

Nick hadn't seen this movie, but I knew that he had wanted to see it when it came out in theatres and just never got a chance. He put his left arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest, throwing my legs in between his and wrapping my arms around his waist. I inhaled him and I could feel that I would definitely miss this; the way his body felt pressed to mine, the way he smelled, and how safe I felt in his arms.

"I'm going to miss this," I mumbled into his chest.

"Me too," sighed and pulled me even closer. I kissed his neck before burying my face into his chest even more. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen this summer.

I felt my pocket vibrate and I took out my phone quickly to see who it was. Of course, it was Damian.

I got in miley. What about you? Will I see you there? ;)

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Please don't change Nick," I said softly, practically inaudible.

"I'll always be here for you when you need it, that won't change Miles. Ever."

This would be one long, hard summer.

Its over! I hope you all liked it and this totally didn't suck. I will be making the sequel to this of course if it is requested enough! :) i hope everyones summer is going well and i apologize for this taking so long to be posted! Please tell me what you thought, and if you would like to find out what happens when Miley and Nick see each other again in the fall. And what happened during their summer vacation!

Emily. Whisper hello, i miss you quite terribly.