Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing or Endless Waltz. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post

Gundam Wing

Endless Waltz


Chapter 1:

The Second Dance

"Like I said," Johan smiled, "It's only beginning."

The year is after colony 197; it has been two years since the threat of Battleship Libra was falling to Earth. Now near the latter half of the year, the Gundam pilots were enjoying a small party on Colony L-1 at the Sanq Kingdom Embassy. This party was to celebrate Christmas, plus this would be the Christmas that would be spent in peace. Because in the year AC 195 Libra was about to drop on Earth on Christmas Eve, then a year later there was another threat from a girl named Mariemea Kushrinada, who claimed to be the daughter of Treize. Thankfully since Treize was still alive he was there to raise Mariemea properly.

The Gundam on the other hand after this incident had their mobile suits dismantled, basically to be made useless. Once that would be done they would be put on display in a museum on Colony L-1. For one it is the largest Colony, it was also the first colony to be built, and most of all it's the closest to Earth.

On this eve of December 25 all six of the Gundams were "cutting loose", thy were even thinking back to that time when they fought The Alliance, then Oz, then the Romafeller Foundation, then the Colony Federalists, and last of all Mariemea Kushrinada.

Johan was being slight drunk and nostalgic with a hopelessly drunk Heero, in actuality Heero didn't intend to get drunk but somehow one thing led to another and now his cheeks were blushing. He was definitely drunk.

"Heero." Johan said, "you remember when we fought Mariemea? We we're about to fire onto her protected fortress and she said to go ahead?"

Heero smiled showing more of his blushed cheeks from being drunk.

"Yeah," he answered and he made his impression of the tyrannical eight-year-old, "she said 'try and see how powerless you are."

"Then we said, 'roger that' and we fired. BOOM!"

"Yeah, that was awesome." Heero finished and went to Relena who was talking to a few delegates and Heero was making a little bit of an ass of himself while he tried to dance with Relena in his drunken state.

Johan's blood alcohol count was high enough for him to be a little more nostalgic then normal. He walked along through the Great Hall of the embassy to Duo and Hilde who were talking at the base of the large Christmas tree.

The great hall was like something out of some elaborate prince and princess fair tale, except in this fairy tale Johan walked slowly around the enormous Christmas tree. The tree stood probably as high as a Gundam mobile suit. It stretched up to the soft yellow light ceiling, while it stretched up it was decorated up and down it's sides with shining spheres of different colors while the tree was wrapped with streams of lights of red and green.

Johan stopped to look up at the top of the tree to see the angel who held a small light with it's wings stretched out like the Wing Zero or his Dragon. He continued to look up at the Angel on the tree as he raised his glass of eggnog to the angel.

"Here's to peace." He whispered and taking a sip of the eggnog.

He brought his eyes over to Duo and Hilde, he walked over to the pair and he over head the conversation. From Johan's perspective he could see the blush in Duo's cheeks as he swayed a little while standing up.

Johan walked over to Duo,

"Duo, I think you are drunk."

Duo protested Johan's remarks, "No, I'm not Johan. I can pilot DeathScythe drunk."

"You're drunk Duo." Johan restated

"No, I'm not"

The argument continued with Johan contradicting Duo

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

Then Johan figured he could make the turn around on Duo,

"No, you're not." Johan turned the tables

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am." Duo finished, "and I think I should head back to my room here."

"He's ready Hilde." Johan said, "You can take him up now."

"Thanks Johan." Hilde smiled as she took Duo away from the Great Hall

"Wait a minute." Duo said, "He tricked the God of Death. No one tricks the God of Death!"

"Save it for bed Duo." Hilde advised.

Johan smiled while shaking his head, "When Duo's drunk he's pretty stubborn." Johan thought, but right now I can't take very much right now I think I should hold off now. There might be a call from Preventer."

Johan now worked for a government organization known as Preventer, in short they prevent anything dangerous happening to the people of the world nation. Johan thought that hopefully there wouldn't be anything wrong, however he wasn't sure if the other Gundam Pilots would be up to taking calls.

Duo's drunk, Wufei's probably out on patrol so he won't be a problem, Heero's drunk as well. Quatre on the other hand doesn't touch liquor but he could be wrong since this is a special event. Finally Trowa who's not that sociable so there wouldn't be the chance that he could be drunk.

Then he thought, "Relax, it's Christmas for God's sake. Enjoy life for once! I think I'll do just that." Johan thought


The phone at Johan's side began to ring, in a monotone blip, Mozart's 40th, Johan reached down to pick up the cellular telephone that was clipped to his belt. He brought it close to his face to find the "send" button in the dim yellow light. Thankfully the green glow behind the buttons light it up enough for Johan to see them. He pressed the send button and brought it to his ear and spoke.

"Preventer," He said, "Johan Rodriguez speaking."

He heard through the little speaker of the cell phone the voice of Miss Noin.

"Johan," she said, "I think I've found something."


"I've found a mobile doll."

"Yeah?" Johan asked almost irritated

"I checked the circuits because this mobile doll was acting strange."

"What did you find?"

"I think you should come to Colony L-4, I'll bring it there. All I can say is that this may be contagious."


Johan left the party of the Sanq Kingdom Embassy to the airport, he apologized to his friends and co-workers as to why he left. Most of them understood but Quatre wanted Johan to stay saying, "It's Christmas Johan. Why do you have to work now?" Johan smirked thinking that Quatre can be like a little kid at times when it came to parties like these. But Johan had to leave just the same, because it was the tone in Noin's voice that concerned him. That sentence of It might be contagious made Johan think about what Noin could have found in this mobile doll that could be so unnerving. It was because of Noin's concerning tone that made him respond to his call of duty as a Preventer.

Even in the passenger shuttle Johan still the nostalgia hit him like a dull punch, he was thinking back to his uncle, Miliardo Peacecraft, or rather Zechs Marquise. Johan was remembering that after the battle with the Mariemea army he and Miliardo spoke to each other. Johan had a twinge of a grudge in him but he was glad to see Miliardo still alive, well and in one piece.

Johan remembered that Miliardo explained that after Libra exploded he drifted for days in the immobile Epyon. At least until he came to a relatively small abandoned resource satellite. There he spent what must have been weeks before he rebuilt the Epyon and the abandoned Talgeese II. Miliardo discovered that Treize destroyed the Tallgeese II and let it parts drift into space shortly after the battle was over. Miliardo used its parts with the Epyon's and made what he called the Talgeese III.

"Now," Johan thought, "After the fight with Mariemea Kushrinada the Talgeese III is going to be on display with the Gundams in a history museum. I wonder how you're taking this, Miliardo."

Johan was in a daze again while watching Colony L-1 go by while slightly hearing the pilot over the PA say that they would arrive at Colony L-4 in 45 minutes. But Johan lost track of everything; he lost track of it so much that he nearly forgot that it was Christmas Eve.

Thinking about this he thought about Haruka Tenou again. She does work at Preventer but she works as a mechanic, even though Johan wanted her to work beside her and Haruka did want to work beside him. So they decided to work separately that way more can be done along with this Haruka loved to work with machinery. Every since her Gundam Nemesis was dismantled for display she felt empty because she had nothing else to work on. That was when Sally Po and Miss Noin offered her the work and it did pay a good deal for her.

"Perhaps," Johan thought looking out into space, "I'll see Haruka."


Johan arrived at Colony L-4; he stood outside of the office of the Preventer. He looked up at the tall ceiling scraper that stretched up to the artificial clouds within the colony with the windows stretching to their normal height. In front of Johan was the symbol of Preventer, which was a blue star with a gold rim within a circle of blue with another gold rim. Under the symbol was the word Preventer in gold-print in two languages English and in Kanji.

"Here I am." Johan thought and took his steps into the office of Preventer, "I hope this is isn't as bad as I think."

Johan eventually found his way into Miss Noin's office, which was an edge office that looked out over the street and the entrance that Johan just took. She had been sitting there waiting for his arrival, however she didn't have that same calm demeanor that which Johan hoped rubbed off from his uncle onto her. When Johan entered the office she immediately stood up right out of her chair as if the chair had a shock wire and it got her in the ass.

"I'm glad you're here Johan." Noin greeted

"Thank you Miss Noin," Johan answered, "But if I might ask you this one simple question of why I was called out here."

"Follow me and I'll show you."

Johan followed even though he had the small annoyance because he couldn't figure very many things out. One of them was these mind games, that was one thing that drove him up the wall with Dorothy Catalonia, thankfully though he himself was as good of a mind player as she was. This time he had to figure out what was so urgent that Noin was rushing through the halls to the elevator. He stood behind her as she pressed the button labeled "B3".

"Why are we going down into the basement?" Johan asked

Noin didn't answer
"Man this is really starting to give me the red ass." Johan thought, "But Noin said that this could be contagious. What could it be?"

The steel reflective doors of the elevator opened and Johan saw what looked almost like a mobile suit hangar. But this hangar was a empty one, only empty slots where proud mobile suits would be placed and the technician teams would be around them working on them making sure that their unknown parts would work just right. Except the hangar was empty, but there was one suit still remaining just a few slots away from the elevator.

Noin stepped out and Johan followed her to this mobile suit and he looked at it with its towering height. It was beige with components that looked like they came from the Mercurius and Vayeate. It had the shield plates stored in open view on its right shoulder with the cannon on its right arm.

"Do you know what this is?" Noin asked

Johan looked and saw that it is a rhetorical question, "Yeah, it's a modified Virgo Mobile doll that the Colony Federalists used. What's so special about it?"

Noin turned around and walked across the hangar to a table that had a transparent tray out with a circuit board in it. Above the tray was a small fluorescent lamp that gave it a bright white effect to see the details of the circuitry more clearly in the dim light of the hangar. Johan followed Noin and looked more closely at the circuit board. As he looked closer he saw a strange liquid almost solid substance on the board. He reached out to touch it then he pulled back.

"What is this Noin?" Johan asked

"That is what we found in the mobile dolls computer banks. We don't exactly know what it is but we know what it isn't. We ran a comparison on it through our database and we found a very disturbing find. We found that it has a 90% similarity to human DNA."

"90% huh?" Johan shrugged looking down closer at the substance, "If this is contagious as you said, then what do you need me to do?"

"I'm glad you asked that Johan." Noin smiled, "You see since the mobile dolls were the brainchild of Chief Engineer Tuberoff we have a feeling that his notes might be at the Lunar Base. We want you to go there and try to find them."

"Do you have a map that I can use to get in there and find my way around?"


"Did you figure out any places that might be Tuberoff's library or areas where he might put his notes?"

"Then I'll take the map and we'll mark the possible areas and I'll go there."


"Just one question, I don't mean to be insubordinate Miss Noin, but why didn't you go?"
"You're the best of what's sober."

"Good point." Johan shrugged and followed Noin to the briefing room.


Johan followed the briefing that Noin gave, which was basically a more detailed plan of what she described to him in the mobile suit hangar. Johan was to go to the Lunar Base or at least the former Lunar base since most of it is under the surface of the Lunar surface. That meant that Johan might have to dig his way through some of it. Thankfully Miss Noin had an "Armadillo" mobile suit that could dig its way through any kind of rock. That is what Johan is supposed to do for this mission.

"Some Christmas gift." He thought as he was piloting his way to the lunar surface. He ws thinking back to when he had asked about Haruka Tenou and what she was doing. Noin told him that she was helping the Research and Development people on equipment for the terra-forming project that would begin in a year or so. It did dishearten Johan a little bit that he wouldn't be able to see Haruka at all.

He came down on the Lunar surface with a soft thump and a puff of the dust coming up around the landing gear. It was like the beginning of operation meteor. Except now Johan's shuttle was on the moon. Sitting in the cockpit in his space suit he shoved his was out of the chair and over to the cargo bay to where the Armadillo mobile suit awaited him. If anyone asked about this mobile suit the best description would be a metallic version of a cross between a mole and a tank.

Several minutes later Johan was on the lunar surface inside the armadillo. Through the cockpit camera's he could see what a mess the lunar bas had become. He switched on the guidance system and the place to start digging was right in front of him marks by a red X and circle.

"Let's get busy." He said as he started up the Armadillo's engines and began to dig to where the red circle indicated. The dust and the rock flew past the cameras embedded in the armadillos "eyes" but Johan could see the dirt sift past the cameras on the screen until the Armadillo's drills stopped and he came into a vast open room.

Through the eyes of the Armadillo he could see the remains of books and papers. He looked at the computer and saw that he had arrived at the place that Miss Noin had told him about.

"This must be Tuberoff's library." Johan thought as he reached up for the controls to the cockpit and opened the hatch above him. The steel and control-covered hatch opened and he climbed out. With the remains of books he could see the dirt of the moon seeping into the room and still some more leaking in like grains of sand in an hourglass. He rummaged through the dirt, dust and books to find some clue to the goo-covered computer board that Noin showed him. Then peering from the sand was the corner of what looked like a safe. Johan went to it and brushed the dirt away and saw that it was a safe with a computer lock on it. Johan looked up at the ceiling in thought of what the number combination could be. Then he made his "shot in the dark" and pressed in the numbers 666 and as he did the green light on the number pad began to glow and the safe unlocked.

In the safe Johan found a black book that had a faded title of gold letters on it. Johan picked it up and brushed off any dust on it and he read the title.

"AI: The New Mobile Dolls."

"This is it." Johan thought.


Briefing by Preventer Officer Johan Peacecraft Rodriguez:

Johan stood at the end of the briefing room with the slide projector piercing through the dimly light room. Through the dim lights he could see the faces of the members of Preventer, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang, Sally Po, Miliardo Peacecraft, and Miss Noin.

"Ladies and Gentleman." He started, "Yesterday it has come to the attention of Preventer that Chief Engineer Tuberoff has created a race of Artificially Intelligent Mobile Dolls."

There was a slight mummer among the members of Preventer, the slides changed to a projection of a Taurus Mobile Doll.

"Tuberoff used the first mobile doll types, which were the Taurus space suits. But with the advancement of the Virgo's the project was left along. But we have reason to believe that these mobile dolls are functioning on their own."

The slides changed to a projection of a resource satellite.

"On MO6 Tuberoff, as quoted from his journal, he set up his base here to work on these AI mobile dolls. However the Romafeller Foundation pulled him away from this project to work on the Space Battleship Libra. But with the aid of self programmed computers on this resource satellite it is our belief that these mobile dolls are being manufactured and an expeditious rate. This is due to the reports of mobile dolls that are gone astray."

The slide was now showing that same computer board with that gelatinous goop on it.

"This substance on this board that was found in a Virgo mobile doll was examined and was found to have a 90% similarity to Human DNA."

"Mr. Rodriguez." Sally Po asked, "How dangerous are these mobile dolls?"

"We aren't sure as of yet, but we can expect that they have the same capabilities as regular mobile dolls but I speculate that they can learn beyond the capacity of mobile dolls."


36 hours later: The office of Preventer agreed that the Gundam's mobile suits should be called back into action. With the plans that Johan had in his possession, new mobile suits were made for each of them. This was done because of the fact that it would take too long to put the parts back into the dismantled mobile suits. Plus the office of Preventer felt that it would be more practical to use these new Gundams and keep them under lock and key just in case if they are needed again. So the Gundams along with the Tallgeese III were dispatched to the resource satellite MO6. But in case of an emergency a rebuilt Peace Million would be waiting for them, and this one is called Peace Million the second, but the pilots preferred to call it Peace Million, especially Miliardo.

As they neared the resource satellite they began to see lights streak outward from it like shooting stars. Each of them knew that they were engines, Johan looked through the computer of his newly constructed Gundam Dragon and his computer identified the lights as Virgo Mobile Dolls. Along with that the new sensors that Johan had made for the Gundams could identify the AI's in an instant. The computer identified the lights as the AI's.

"Look out everyone!" He called, "Those are AI's, be careful."

Wufei in his Altron went ahead, "They're still dolls, Johan!" He shouted

"Alright," Duo shouted, "Let's kick some ass!"

"Yeah." Johan smiled as he pressed the play button on the CD player and he heard the song "Wake Up" once more.

The Dragon Zero sped through space along side of the DeathScythe Hell. While the song "Wake Up" was playing Johan could hear Duo's voice shout out like a wrestler.

"The God of Death is back from hell!"

"That's right Duo." Johan thought, "Look out Mobile dolls I'm here to send you all to hell!"

Just as the Gundams headed towards the mobile dolls, they began to move in inhuman patterns towards them. Almost like rulers and circle templates guided them.

"What the hell?" Duo asked

"Oh, no." Johan said

The destruction began for the Gundams, the Virgo mobile dolls blasted them in every part. The arms were partially gone only limbs and sparking wires remained, and the legs were left there. All of them suffered at the hands of the AI's, even the Wing Zero and Dragon Zero. All of them were severely damaged, but by the time that the damage was done the mobile dolls had turned and headed back to MO6.

Johan sat in the severely damaged cockpit but thankfully he had on his space suit, but so did the others.

He assessed the damage of his Dragon Zero through the computer that was flickering on and off between clarity and static. He found out that at least 70% of his Gundam was destroyed, but he found out that his long-range communication was still working.

"Peace Million," Johan called, "This is Johan calling from Dragon Zero, the mission has failed and suffered massive damage. We're not sure how long we'll survive out here."

To be continued…

Author's Notes: This story takes place right after the actual Endless Waltz series where the Gundams had to face the Mariemea army. However the end saddened me when they destroyed their Gundams. So in light of that I figured that instead of destroying them, they should be just dismantled of their lethal weapons and displayed in a museum to show the people the past and what had happened. However, peace never comes cheap. This new enemy, the AI mobile dolls I had thought of and I made them into a reality, however this is only a means to an even bigger adventure still to come.

Come back for more chapters of the Endless Waltz